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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I'm trying to understand their decision to release the game like this. Was it a conscious decision? They expected the backlash but couldn't postpone launch any more? Or maybe none of the devs figured it's a big deal? I'm not sure which of the two is worse actually.


Either case, dear BW, your game is unplayable because of this, really. The -quite literal- input retardation has got me to the point of actively trying to retard my brain activity to keep up with it. No wonder some people feel right at home.

Edited by Paralassa
FYI this is correct use of retard
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Really looking forward to your video Xcore. I just hope the developers watch it too. Might be better without background music but with the in-game sound effects, but can't say I mind either way.


Appreciate the work you've done so far on this and I think it's important to stress that people are only highlighting issues because we want this game to be a success and live up to its potential. It's worrying though to think that the first fix was supposed to be included in patch 1.1 and I've seen no difference what-so-ever! The sluggish responsiveness and delay are still there.


One issue I have noticed on my Bounty Hunter is that when I fire my first Tracer Missile (fire three in a row to get 5 stacks of heat signature on target) my character pauses after the first animation for about 1 second before actually firing the missile. The Subsequent ones fire more or less as they should. Very annoying indeed, particularly in Warzones where the delay is even longer than a second.

Edited by decampo
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I'm trying to understand their decision to release the game like this. Was it a conscious decision? They expected the backlash but couldn't postpone launch any more? Or maybe none of the devs figured it's a big deal? I'm not sure which of the two is worse actually.


Either case, dear BW, your game is unplayable because of this, really. The -quite literal- input retardation has got me to the point of actively trying to retard my brain activity to keep up with it. No wonder some people feel right at home.


Spotted myself on this post. :p

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Fix this or my brother, my best friend, and I will leave after the 30 day period ... I beta tested this and we told you this was an issue ...... and you ignored us..... hope your a** is getting bit pretty hard now .... and georgzoller was all like "you test stuff for us, not ask questions, its an honor to test" blah blah blah ...... i guess the honor was to realize how dense you were at not listening to us ... shows that upper management =/= right
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I made a short video of the problem I constantly face. Every time I pop a defensive cooldown and go to use an offensive ability after, it will fail over and over again. This happens nearly every time. Only took one take to make the video. I am not spamming the button in the video, just hitting it when the global cooldown ends.


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I'm really looking forward to hearing about BioWare's eventual solution to the ability delay issue, which has plagued me ever since I started my Jedi Knight.


Can only agree with this... PLZ BW respond, my whole guild is about to end thier sub. I wanna play this game alot but this thing is the most important fix atm.


Plz plz respond to this complaints asap, and plz tell us that ure close to solving this horrible issue.


Thx for everything else.

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I made a short video of the problem I constantly face. Every time I pop a defensive cooldown and go to use an offensive ability after, it will fail over and over again. This happens nearly every time. Only took one take to make the video. I am not spamming the button in the video, just hitting it when the global cooldown ends.



Would've been easier to see without the DOT effects but yeah...

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I made a short video of the problem I constantly face. Every time I pop a defensive cooldown and go to use an offensive ability after, it will fail over and over again. This happens nearly every time. Only took one take to make the video. I am not spamming the button in the video, just hitting it when the global cooldown ends.



Horrible... just... well ... dont know what to say but this is not ok....

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Would've been easier to see without the DOT effects but yeah...


Well the main point is the constant windup and failure of my Vicious Slash ability which is very clear in the vid. This doesn't only happen after a defensive cooldown, but that is when I almost always encounter it.

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I made a short video of the problem I constantly face. Every time I pop a defensive cooldown and go to use an offensive ability after, it will fail over and over again. This happens nearly every time. Only took one take to make the video. I am not spamming the button in the video, just hitting it when the global cooldown ends.



So much this. I stopped playing my Marauder because of this bull.

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Glad to see something like this, played WoW since early vanilla, done a healthy mix of PvE and PvP ever since then. Grown a very good understanding of what made WoW "wow", and love the fact a thread like this is up.


All issues in the OP are what sort of things have shot down every "WoW killer" on the market, ever since WoW started it has had the most fluid response system, and no company has actually replicated this well enough to stand up. I love SW:TOR at the moment, and it has the potential to grow like WoW did in vanilla and become massive, however, it needs these things solved as quickly as possible, time is very short to fix them because as soon as GW2 release date is say 1 month away, it will most likely be too late to tell people to just "wait a bit longer".


Issues I have come across that really bug me;


  • Queueing spells to cast on one target then cast on a new target. The game can't seem to handle that the first target had a spell cast on it but you are not targetting them anymore and it does some weird freak out for about 5 seconds, makes things such as PvP switches to pressure healers impossible.
  • Abilities going off on dead targets, wastes cooldowns/resources/time and isn't very fun
  • Certain spells aggro mobs BEFORE any damage is dealt to them (Consular Project spell for example), I can see this being a major issue as whilst it looks like initial aggro has been built, none has, and first attacker will be the only one with threat, although with the responsiveness of the other animations it will be okay until they are fixed.


I look forward to the changes BW apparently have solutions to and hope they give me reason to get a new game card in April, to re-state my earlier point this game has amazing potential once its fixed.


And again, thankyou for making these posts and people keeping them constructive :).

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Well the main point is the constant windup and failure of my Vicious Slash ability which is very clear in the vid. This doesn't only happen after a defensive cooldown, but that is when I almost always encounter it.


It's actually one of the best of these vids posted and I did like it on YouTube. The dot thing is neither here nor there.

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I made a short video of the problem I constantly face. Every time I pop a defensive cooldown and go to use an offensive ability after, it will fail over and over again. This happens nearly every time. Only took one take to make the video. I am not spamming the button in the video, just hitting it when the global cooldown ends.



Yeah i quit playing my sage healer, I got this kind of crap all the time trying to cast heals.

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HAHA just seen this video. Now to the people who deny there is not ability delay or abilities not firing, have a watch of this video. I dare you!


Also shows a great example of the ability animation starting and stopping several times before firing.


that has nothing to do with ability delay moron. those npcs got bugged and they are evading so he cant use skills.


are you all stupid or really can not tell how *********** bad the gameplay is ? its choppy and broken. well my subscription is out in 2days and i will NEVER log back into this **** game. you can all have my stuff im full champ gear sorc, rank 50

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Think my Transendance hit a new record today for an instant cast, 2 minutes of pressing a button for it to trigger.


At least if your not going to fix it can you adjust the tooltips to reflect how they work at present?



Transendance: may or may not trigger when used but at somepoint during your gameplay it will work have faith and just keep pressing it.


I know it's a long *** tooltip but it's far more accurate then "instant"

Edited by Gobrot
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Trooper healer here.




When I use my charged sells that allow me to spam my quick heal without cd, after the buff fades I am locked out of anything for over 3-10 seconds.


It is like the game flips out from me casting to much.

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