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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I have come across a possible work-around which is very annoying but abilities do work.


In a PVP match i was fed up with a defensive cooldown not working, so what i did was stand motionless in 1 position and pressed my defensive cooldown numerous times just testing when it would actually work. My teammates were killing my target and as soon as my target died (so i was not targeting him anymore), the ability worked on the next press.


My next fight there were about 3-4 empire players near me, guess what my taunt and defensive abilities weren't working, force sweap made me bounce up and down etc etc... tapping on these buttons i hit TAB and switch target, as soon as i switched target on the next press my defensive cooldown worked 1st press... also tested with every other ability i hate using and they all seem to work on the first press after i change my target.


I hope the fix comes soon.

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Play a Jedi Sentinel and you will experience this problem to the extreme


I'm not saying you dont have this problem with a sentinel but a friend of mine who plays a sentinel doesn't experience this problem and didn't have a clue what i was talking about on this issue. He then rolled a jedi shadow as an alt then msg'd me in-game telling me how he now knows what i was talking about and that his invis wouldn't work and other abilities after spamming them till they would go off. Unless he was just in denial while playing his sentinel which i think he was doing.

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Just cancelled my sub also.


I wouldn't have if the new patch gave me a glimmer of hope but the item modification tables in the imperial fleet update just didn't *********** do it for me.


wahhhwahhhhhh I am not going back to WoW because I hate that for various reasons also. I guess I'll have a social life for a while which isn't a bad thing :')


P.s. Anyone who thinks this game is good and is defending it to the people who are having issues... **** YOU. You don't know anything about how a competitive, precise and efficient MMO should play. Continue to play and be ignorant.


P.s.s See you on GW2?!


Had mine canclled for awhile now. Was really hoping to try the patch and the fixes they hinted at before it ran out, but oh well guess not.


And nope, wont see me in GW2, guess I will go back to RL :)

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P.s.s See you on GW2?!


Will look forward to reading your whine posts about that game when it is released.


I really only get the ability delay in PVP when I'm surrounded by players, it can be annoying as hell to heal at times.


I've only noticed it very rarely in FPs and I've only cleared EV once and didn't have any issues. Levelling it is non existent.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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My Sentinel suffered heavily from this ability delay. PvP was almost impossible and even questing was a pain.


Now I must admit that character responsiveness improved continually over the last couple of days. It's still not on a par with World of Warcraft but it improved noticeably.

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The delay is game breaking for me, if I am perfectly honest it kills the game for me.

That said it's all the 'minor' irritations .


Here is a list.


- Character responsiveness


- UI being one big mess


- Tabbing not being responsive enough


- Auto camera


- Bugs


- Server being a pile of junk (this is for Eu players they put them in Ireland , you get massive spikes because of this).



I don't see them fixing this any time soon.

Maybe in 6 months it will be fixed, though I am not going to pay them for that time.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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I am getting the ability delay "bug" described here.


I have seen plenty of gameplay video that don't show it. I think it is as foolish to claim everyone has it, as it is to deny it exists.


I am waiting on ATI to get their act together and optimise their drivers for the game.


After that it would be nice if Bioware hunted down any other problems.


I also think my cpu is bottlenecking things a bit and have finally bitten the bullet and ordered a new one after avoiding it for a while.

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I don't feel it so much on my Jedi Sage but thats due to long cast times and channelling abilities


So I can why their is a split camp between people experiencing it and others not. It has alot to do with the class you are playing.


It definitely kills PvP enjoyment, as I find myself slamming my keyboard for abilities to actually fire off.


Its especially annoying when trying to interrupt a healer, when you can see the cast bar of heal and you are hammering your interrupt and all the keeps happening is the global cooldown continually firing and not the ability


Its bizarre tbh

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Playing as a melee is harder, without talking about ranged having an easy time on us (hello Huttball), as a melee you have to spam the **** out of the interrupt or any skill to use, hope for the best, and use the next one.


Oh, too bad you can't plan on advance in pvp or even in leveling which skill to use, as it depends solely on how much bashing you take.


Ex: As a Marauder, sometimes I activate Undying, and if I wanna vanish using Force Camo, TOO BAD, the skill doesn't want to ACTIVITE FFS for 3-4 sec, then DEAD (with of course 2 sec freeze/slowdown before the "return to center" message appear), THEN the red message "The ability is not ready yet" ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?

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I had posted in here back a few weeks, but now with some more experience in different classes I have really noticed this problem, and also have for myself been able to tone it down some. First, my characters;


Jedi Sentinel - lvl 43

Scoundrel - lvl 17

Marauder - lvl 14

Merc BH - lvl 32


The scoundrel and the merc are the characters I have been playing the most. Yesterday I started working on my Marauder and got him up to lvl 14. I can say this; the Marauder was almost UNPLAYABLE after spending so much time on my Merc. The ability delay, false animations and resetting of the GCD was horrendous. I fought through it, the worst example being when I ran Black Talon FP. I have not really seen this issue at all on my Merc or Scoundrel, just the lightsaber wielding classes.


I did this on my laptop, which is a fairly stout gaming laptop, but does not compare to my desktop. I still had this issue, though not as pronounced as on the laptop. I then went to adjust the ability que timer down from 0.5 seconds to 0.0 seconds. I had seen this mentioned before, but this completely eliminated my problem from what I could tell. I am going to play the Marauder a little more this evening on the desktop and laptop to see if this is the real fix or if graphics and network latency have a larger part to play in this problem.

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I think this is probably the main reason I don't really want to continue playing.

I love the game, want it to succeed, but really until this is fixed, I'l probably be playing WoW.



I think the main problem with it, is if they make the animations clip, they'll be forced to ruin how smooth the combat looks.


My solution, (by my best guess) would be to increase the GCD by a few more miliseconds, so every animation has time to finish, or to speed up some animations.


Then take thinks like interrupts and taunts, and have their animations get clipped by other, more important ones.


Just a thought.


I'll be checking back to see if they do fix it. Maybe I'll be lucky, and there will be addons by that time to. :3

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I was seriously holding out my cancellation until now....just waiting like an idiot to see what they would do. but I just did it...like xcore, im done waiting....going back to WoW for now.


I need to get the venom out though..............


BW and EA....Go F@@@ yourselves...I wish I hadn't spent the 60 bucks on this poorly designed piece of hack garbage. I want my money back. you paid enough to get the licensing for SW but cant get the F*******g thing to work when I hit the key!!! I phone apps work better than this. G** D*** angry birds has better combat!!!! and my EX-girlfriend had more repeat playability than this game. I can't hold aggro on the F*****G jugg to save my life....Quit worrying about your beards and F*****G emo sweeps, and make sure all your ones and zeros are in the right place! I could have done better coding this SH** with semaphore!!


Good day sir.....I SAID GOOD DAY!!!





Tell us how you REALLY feel...

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This game rocks, no issues here. No idea what everyone here is talking about. Maybe I got a different version of the game? Maybe I don't spam the keys enough? Dunno.


I think the reason most people keep threatening to go back to WoW is because they have too much time and money involved to quit. It's really easy, just don't play. If you don't like this game, then quit it also. I really don't think that complaining about a game that has been out for less than a month is that intelligent a move. These people don't realize what an undertaking this is. They had to build this game from the ground up, it wasn't some WoW clone they could use and just change the skins around.


Get real.


And threatening to go back to something like Skyrim? Please.

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I don't feel it so much on my Jedi Sage but thats due to long cast times and channelling abilities

What I notice a lot on my Sage is "Cannot do that while moving", when I have stopped moving, i have to pause after I have stopped moving before starting an ability that you can't use while moving.

Edited by Earthchild
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This game rocks, no issues here. No idea what everyone here is talking about. Maybe I got a different version of the game? Maybe I don't spam the keys enough? Dunno.


I think the reason most people keep threatening to go back to WoW is because they have too much time and money involved to quit. It's really easy, just don't play. If you don't like this game, then quit it also. I really don't think that complaining about a game that has been out for less than a month is that intelligent a move. These people don't realize what an undertaking this is. They had to build this game from the ground up, it wasn't some WoW clone they could use and just change the skins around.


Get real.


And threatening to go back to something like Skyrim? Please.


I think you are confused.


People are not threatening to do anything, at least not on this thread, and not on most threads i've personally read (way too many). They are simply stating a fact.


The idea is that a lot of us are looking for a new MMO not necessarely because we hate WoW, but simply because, as with everything in life, things eventually get stale and you will want to experience something different... something new.


That being said, we wont settle for anything. There was an industry standard for fluid combat way before WoW. Lineage, Lineage 2, EQ, Dransik, all the F2Ps like Rappelz and Flyff... Players expect a game to feel fluid. It has nothing to do with looking for another WoW, but rather simply because they want an experience that feels at least as enjoyable to play.


The problem seems to be that those new western MMOs run on a business model: they place the marketing department's need above the developpement's. Result? ******** of hype, massive budget games... and a gameplay that somehow does not manage to achieve what NCSoft did in the 1990s.


Yes, it is a huge undertaking. It is no reason to release unfinished products, and thats exactly what EA has been doing for years. They push for marketing reasons (in this case, to make the xmas lists) when things are not finished.


Now the good news is, some people, like me, simply do not wish to pay 15$ for a month of something we cannot enjoy, but since we like everything else about the game, we will gladly come back when this is fixed. The bad news is: a lot of people wont.

Edited by Stonedsoul
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I think you are confused.


People are not threatening to do anything, at least not on this thread, and not on most threads i've personally read (way too many). They are simply stating a fact.


The idea is that a lot of us are looking for a new MMO not necessarely because we hate WoW, but simply because, as with everything in life, things eventually get stale and you will want to experience something different... something new.


That being said, we wont settle for anything. There was an industry standard for fluid combat way before WoW. Lineage, Lineage 2, EQ, Dransik, all the F2Ps like Rappelz and Flyff... Players expect a game to feel fluid. It has nothing to do with looking for another WoW, but rather simply because they want an experience that feels at least as enjoyable to play.


The problem seems to be that those new western MMOs run on a business model: they place the marketing department's need above the developpement's. Result? ******** of hype, massive budget games... and a gameplay that somehow does not manage to achieve what NCSoft did in the 1990s.


Yes, it is a huge undertaking. It is no reason to release unfinished products, and thats exactly what EA has been doing for years. They push for marketing reasons (in this case, to make the xmas lists) when things are not finished.


Now the good news is, some people, like me, simply do not wish to pay 15$ for a month of something we cannot enjoy, but since we like everything else about the game, we will gladly come back when this is fixed. The bad news is: a lot of people wont.



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I don't feel it so much on my Jedi Sage but thats due to long cast times and channelling abilities


So I can why their is a split camp between people experiencing it and others not. It has alot to do with the class you are playing.


It definitely kills PvP enjoyment, as I find myself slamming my keyboard for abilities to actually fire off.


Its especially annoying when trying to interrupt a healer, when you can see the cast bar of heal and you are hammering your interrupt and all the keeps happening is the global cooldown continually firing and not the ability


Its bizarre tbh

Try cancelling one of your instant casts with another skill, with a lil practice you can do it, but you shouldn't be able to.

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They had to build this game from the ground up, it wasn't some WoW clone they could use and just change the skins around.


No one is asking for another WoW clone, we already have Rift to fill that void. The problem is the combat system is not fluid. I have played EQ, WoW, DAoC, Rift, Aion and now SWTOR and this is the first game I have experience this problem in. The game just seems unresponsive at times, I feel like I am fighting the game engine more than the opposing player.


There is nothing wrong with being innovative or trying to take game design into a new direction but when that direct results in a combat system less responsive than ones designed years ago, that is not the kind of innovation you want.

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My guess is I'm in the same boat as others, I can deal with the delay as long as there is pve story that interests me, as soon as I see the whole story/lose interest in it, my subscription will stop, and unfortunately, it may be pandas for me.
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I'm giving it till the end of the day after the patch tomorrow and if I don't see a marked improvement in PVP, specifically the ability delay issue, I'm canceling before the 19th renewal. Maybe I'll come back later on down the road if they ever fix the issues.
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Try cancelling one of your instant casts with another skill, with a lil practice you can do it, but you shouldn't be able to.

Ah yes, that happens as well, I don't practice it, it just happens unintentionally sometimes , and my instant cancels but goes on CD.

The same effect can happen on a dieing mob.

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