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Why oh why can I hurt other players if I am not PvP flagged?


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If you see flagged players you should be paying attention and acting appropriately. I see no issue with this. If you start casting AoE's with them around, you're making a bad decision. They're hanging around flagged because they want PvP. If you don't, then don't hit them. Simple. I'm sorry but it's PvP and he's free to flag if he wants to, just as you're free to pay attention to what the heck you're doing and smartly avoid him.


Unless they stand in the middle of mobs you are trying to aoe as you quest. Then its obvious they are trying to force pvp on you.


If you like pvp so much than why would you hide on a pve server?

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You did not read the previous post either, Right ?


@Yfelsung see what I mean ?


There's still no purpose to the acerbic tone.


Restate your point, inform them why they're wrong and allow the point to stand alone.


Emotion has no place in any discussion.

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It has already been discussed, it is not so much standard anymore. Rift, Aion, and WoW were some that were mentioned in this thread that do not auto flag you for using an aoe attack while unflagged and it will not do any damage to the person who is flagged.


well i stopped play wow last year and until then you could, i stopped play rift in September and until then you could.

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Wait until you decide to be a nice person and rez a friendly player in the wild, only to discover that you're now flagged for PvP.


Particularly enjoyable since there is no way to tell if a corpse is pvp flagged.


Yeah, I found this quite odd: I normally do play PvP flagged on my RP-PvP server, but on this occasion my Smuggler char was fairly new and I just hadn't gotten round to putting my PvP flag on myself. There I was testing out my new healing ability on someone in a questing zone who was pretty low on health, and then suddenly I became PvP-flagged!


That is quite strange - that a beneficial act can flag you as open to PvP combat. And I can imagine that (and the accidental AoE thing) is going to be upsetting some PvE players who have specifically chosen PvE servers because they don't want to fight other players, or be ganked by other players.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.


RIFT you can toggle it on and off.


next question LOL

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Sorry, but you logic is just plain ignorant. There are people that join PVE servers becaus they have absoloutly NO INTEREST in playing PVP...they rolled on a server that is supposed to cater to their desired playstyle. They aren't rolling on a PVP server and ************ about the ruleset, they rolled on a server where they should not be forced into scenarios, tricked into scenarios, accidently stumble into scenarios that go against their desired playstyle, they did after all join a server that is supposed to support what they were looking for when the joined. All these PvP junkies should just go join PVP servers if they want it so damn bad!


Maybe you are being punished by the MMORPG gods for being part of a greater movement that by castrating PvP, among other things, has very nearly succeeded in completely removing the "MM" from MMORPG. I'm all for it, personally.

Edited by Mannic
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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


WoW. And in Rift there is a toggle to turn off accidental PvP even if you directly target an enemy player.

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what you are experiencing is pretty standard in MMO's if you attack a player flagged pvp you become flagged.


Both WoW and Rift had a toggle such that aoes would not cause you to flag and Rift went so far as to add a second toggle that would not allow you to perform and hostile action on an enemy player or heal a friendly one if they were flagged.



It was the old standard to flag on aoe, not the current one.

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Why would you roll on a PVE server? If you want to fight other toons that is specifically why they make PvP servers. Then you can attack anyone you see and they can attack you!


Oh, I see why. You want a one-way pvp street. Big man on a PVE server but can't stand the heat of a PVP server?


Um. No. I didnt gravitate towards TOR because of the PvP. My intentions were to roll PvE and focus on end game/raids. I just found that I enjoyed the PvP more than I thought I would.


Also, you understand that I am not one of those people using the AoE PvP mechanic trick to get people to PvP dont you? Nor am I specifically advocating it. What appeals to me about it is the fact that it can be used on me. This element appeals to me now because I have found simple PvE to be just a touch bland.

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You did not read the previous post either, Right ?


@Yfelsung see what I mean ?


actually I did and i responded to the post that i responded too. who claimed that COH does not have theis feature and as i explained COH does not have pvp except in certian areas which was different than the case here I then listed the games that have a similar system to what we have here to show it is somewhat standard. That does not mean I do not understand the OP point nor that I do not agree with the OP about being on a PVE server and having this happen.

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well i stopped play wow last year and until then you could, i stopped play rift in September and until then you could.


No you could not. I played rift : there was this flag option stopping you to do that. And i remember it being there from the start. I remember even reporting as a bug that faction guard were not properly respecting the flag.

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beside the trolling, what i find funny is the built in assumption we are all male.


Now that is quite funny.


Imagine being a girl and getting told to grow a pair and that you are girly.


Am I supposed to be insulted by that... ?:D:D:D:D:p



Dude you are plastered all over the internet.


If this is an exploit, they will fix when they get to it.

But it still would be in your best interest to watch what you do in those zones in the interim.


Now come back with your close minded acidic rebuttal. ;)


I love it that you are free to say what you want, but anyone saying anything to the contrary is not and met with a venomous rebuke. :eek:

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Maybe you are being punished by the MMORPG gods for being part of a greater movement that by castrating PvP, among other things, has very nearly succeeded in completely removing the "MM" from MMORPG. I'm all for it, personally.


If I remember the server statistic , 60+% of the population is on PVE/RP-PVE server. Massively multilayer does not mean "to do PVP" , you can have Massively multilayer in a fully PVE non PVP environment. And actually many MUD i played a long time ago did not have *any* PVP.

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Um. No. I didnt gravitate towards TOR because of the PvP. My intentions were to roll PvE and focus on end game/raids. I just found that I enjoyed the PvP more than I thought I would.


And now your happy because you've found an exploit that lets you gank people on a PVE server.



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well i stopped play wow last year and until then you could, i stopped play rift in September and until then you could.


No rift had an option on launch day that one could enable to not auto flag when trying to heal, damage, or buff another player. If you turned on this option and tried do any of these things nothing would happen. This option was off by default.

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There's still no purpose to the acerbic tone.


Restate your point, inform them why they're wrong and allow the point to stand alone.


Emotion has no place in any discussion.


You're a Jedi, aren't you? There is no emotion, only peace. :p

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Since there are several folks on here who have said "quit crying and just pay attention to your AOE and know what you're doing", I hope that I can get the information I'm looking for from one of you.


Where in the game do you get the super power of being able to see invisible people? Is it a pair of magic x-ray glasses you can buy from a vendor? Is there a comic shop in the fleet where I can buy a comic book and order the x-ray glasses off the back cover? How long would it take for those to be delivered?


Is it a skill you can get? If so, at what level and who can get it. As a BH I don't know if I'll have to have a Sith escort with me everywhere I go to check for invisible people before I start fighting mobs.


I don't want to accidentally hit someone who's main goal is to kill me when I hit them with my AOE, so hopefully someone can give me the answers I'm looking for.


Hehe exactly. Quite a few griefers exploiting the PvE server's busted PvP flagging system, are stealth classes. Which you cannot see, until it's too late, and you are ********ed and dead.


When I WANT to PvP, I turn on my flag and go find others who do the same.

When I WANT to PvP, I join a warzone.

When I WANT to PvP, I ride into a forced-zone.


But hay, since Bioware is only concerned about PvP, don't ever expect them to fix this, and continue to allienate their casual/rp/social crowd more and more. Turning this game into a basic MP battlefield #5213 clone game.

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As linked above the rules says the PVP *must* be consensual on PVE server. Tricking somebody into a PVP they did not consent is therefor exploiting a bug.


Again, AFAIK devs have *not* said this is an exploit. They may define hitting an enemy player with an attack, or buffing/healing a friendly flagged player as consent.


I've been in the boat of questioning this dev team's coding skills for a while now, but I have to think even they could have changed this by now if it was unintended. I think it's stupid that they would allow this to happen on PvE servers, and I definitely pay attention to who I am doing a drive by buffing on once I hit shared planets, but until dev says running into unflagged players' (or their companions') AoEs to flag them is an exploit, it's not.

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Maybe you are being punished by the MMORPG gods for being part of a greater movement that by castrating PvP, among other things, has very nearly succeeded in completely removing the "MM" from MMORPG. I'm all for it, personally.


Maybe you should just roll on a PVP server if it means so much to you :rod_tongue_g: or is it that you can't compete with real PVPers? Why does it always seem to be the default setting of PVP player that everyone should be forced to endure their playstyle?


There is a reason to have PVP and PVE servers and people should not be ever forced to endure the other playstyle, unless it is their choice to do so.


Making someone PvP that doesn't want to is griefing...no matter how you slice the apple...and if you think the MM part of MMORPG is somehow synonymous with "PVP", then I have no soloution for this ignorance.

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Again, AFAIK devs have *not* said this is an exploit. They may define hitting an enemy player with an attack, or buffing/healing a friendly flagged player as consent.


I've been in the boat of questioning this dev team's coding skills for a while now, but I have to think even they could have changed this by now if it was unintended. I think it's stupid that they would allow this to happen on PvE servers, and I definitely pay attention to who I am doing a drive by buffing on once I hit shared planets, but until dev says running into unflagged players' (or their companions') AoEs to flag them is an exploit, it's not.


Its exploiting or griefing, take your pick.


Im playing on a PvP server, but I fully support OP.

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I remember back in vanilla wow, people used to swim up to where someone was fishing and sit in the water below their bobber, instantly flagging the would-be fisherman when they right clicked to collect.





Just like how you used to be able to flag players by mind controlling their target when they were already in combat with it.


As was suggested, submit a bug ticket.

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