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Forcing us to Play Empire


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(You can read the cliff notes at the bottom if you don't want to read the post).


I played this game because I wanted to play Republic. I usually roll the "evil side" in MMO's and was tired of it. Most of the time the evil side has all the bads and the "good side" has better players because they are outnumbered and stick together much better.


Now, after playing WZ's a lot for the past 2 weeks, it is apparent that what everyone says is true: Republic players are horrendous. I just can't take it anymore. I am now being forced to join the dark side and roll empire even though I really don't want to. I have my Republic consular up to lvl 50 with mostly Champion gear and I have to leave it all behind and start over. (Granted, leveling in this game is fun, so that's not really an issue. If it were any other game where leveling is a real monotonous grind, I would unsub).


Don't misunderstand me, I don't CLAIM to be some uber elite PvP'er, but I think I am better than most of the bads playing Republic right now.


Of course, it doesn't help that the classes are NOT mirrored contrary to what the empire players will say. Most empire classes are better (this can be shown to be true empirically as has been done countless times already, so I wont rehash it). Not to mention their animations just look better as does their gear. I think BW spent much more time on the empire than they did designing the Republic.


It probably doesn't help that I rolled the most underpowered class in the game -- Jedi Shadow. Out of all the "OP" threads I have seen on these forums, I have never once seen a "OP" post about Shadows. That says a lot. Sure, any class in the hands of a great player can look good, but you can't really say anything about a class because one rare guy can pwn face with it. You have to balance it by averages.




1) Republic players suck.


2) Empire is more attractive because the classes are better.


3) Empire is going to dominate PvP since the republic classes are less attractive and less effective.


4) The few good players the Republic has now will leave for Empire eventually, thus making the Republic even more of a joke than it is now.


5) Jedi Shadow is a weak class. It's melee focused but weaker than the other melee classes, which makes it probably the worst overall class in the game.


6) BW needs to address this issue of empire dominance some way, somehow. I don't care how, it's not my job to figure it out.

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cough cough.


except the operative have 1 min flash bangs versus scoundrel having 1.5 min one, classes are the same on imperial side and republic side with only different names.





Shadow and Assasin - Assassin damage hits target faster

I know there is also one between Merc and Commando, favoring ofc the Merc



So gg Bioware ... I mean Empire

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Shadow and Assasin - Assassin damage hits target faster

I know there is also one between Merc and Commando, favoring ofc the Merc



So gg Bioware ... I mean Empire


Death from above does its damage almost instantly while it takes half a second to a second for mortar volley to do its first tick of damage.

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cough cough.


except the operative have 1 min flash bangs versus scoundrel having 1.5 min one, classes are the same on imperial side and republic side with only different names.


Not true at all there are tons of minor differences that make empire classes superior and not mirrors, here are only a couple:


sage vs sorcerer: no travel time on sorc skills.

op vs scoundrel: op has lower cooldown on flash.

op vs scoundrel: there is a talent in the heal tree that gives 30% bonus to operatives and a 15% bonus to scoundrels.


There are a ton more, and I have not seen a single one that favors the republic version of the "mirror"

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Not true at all there are tons of minor differences that make empire classes superior and not mirrors, here are only a couple:


sage vs sorcerer: no travel time on sorc skills.

op vs scoundrel: op has lower cooldown on flash.

op vs scoundrel: there is a talent in the heal tree that gives 30% bonus to operatives and a 15% bonus to scoundrels.


There are a ton more, and I have not seen a single one that favors the republic version of the "mirror"


I mean its pretty obvious, almost every developer stated that the empire was their favorite faction. (or possessed their favorite class)

Edited by DarthDartheous
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I mean its pretty obvious, almost every developer stated that the empire was their favorite faction. (or possessed their favorite class)


Yeah this is true, 2 years before the game was out until today they showed of mostly the Empire.Even at events a few time you could not even play Republic only Empire.

And what did they do before launch, show a Raid video of Empire only.

Even the Revan mission they showed with Empire players etcetcetc

It is clear they favor the Empire faction, and that is the reason why we

have this faction imbalance.


But i am happy i left Empire at launch. Would rather lose alot of matches as the underdog then winn it all and belive we are good just because we out number them.


Btw it's true thetre is alot of carebears on Republic who just suck.

I just hope they start PvP alot more and becomes better.

But i have seen the last week alot of the Republic players have gotten better, so there is hope...

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Death from above does its damage almost instantly while it takes half a second to a second for mortar volley to do its first tick of damage.


dfa does not do damage instantly, it takes about .5s for you to jump into the air, then you shoot. it also makes it known to everyone what youre doing, and draws CC real fast which kills your timer.


also, trooper has literally no delay on firing their equivalent of rail shot, while bh has a solid half second delay while the toon aims its wrist launcer.


there are a few animation differences, but none of them are as game breaking as you all make them out to be

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I mean its pretty obvious, almost every developer stated that the empire was their favorite faction. (or possessed their favorite class)

Uh crap... seriously?


Are we seriously gonna bring this same "the devs favor X faction!!1!" bullsh~t into SWTOR?

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Surprising thing about republic is, most of the time they play like my grandma was teaching them to pvp, but once in a while you get this PUG on huttball that rolls 6-0 in 5-7 minutes. That moments really restore my hope in reps. Too bad about the rest of tards. Well, my sig didn't cam out of nowhere and it doesn't express even half of it. :(
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Uh crap... seriously?


Are we seriously gonna bring this same "the devs favor X faction!!1!" bullsh~t into SWTOR?


Yes, some of these devs worked on DAoC. If you knew anything about the history of that game you'd know favoritism is a fact among Mythic/former Mythic devs.

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So find two or three other Republic Scum to WZ as a group with.


Four organized player in a WZ will turn the tide against a random group on the other side pretty quickly.


I play Empire and we don't always win, so, personally I think it is not a matter of 'Republic Players Sucking' as much as that you've had a few bad groups and feel the grass is greener on the dark side of the fence.

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Uh crap... seriously?


Are we seriously gonna bring this same "the devs favor X faction!!1!" bullsh~t into SWTOR?


Well, looking on how things are, 90% of all cinematics and presentations of various MMOs always show "evils" roll over "goods" moreover "evils" usually get much better visual treatment and appeal while "goods" look sissy(consular vs inquisitor.. really? at least nothing beats smuggler). So ya, no one really have to bring that up when its already here. Was before and caused imbalance in AION, WHO, even the dreaded wow at launch.

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1) Republic players suck.


2) Empire is more attractive because the classes are better.


3) Empire is going to dominate PvP since the republic classes are less attractive and less effective.


4) The few good players the Republic has now will leave for Empire eventually, thus making the Republic even more of a joke than it is now.


5) Jedi Shadow is a weak class. It's melee focused but weaker than the other melee classes, which makes it probably the worst overall class in the game.


6) BW needs to address this issue of empire dominance some way, somehow. I don't care how, it's not my job to figure it out.


1. Both teams have garbage players.


2. Empire classes are not better, if there are slight differences at this time they WILL be corrected (read the dev tracker ;) )


3. Empire gets STOMPED on my server (Darth Malak)


4. Us few good republic players will stay republic because it allows us to farm all the bad empire players with fast queue times.


5. I have no input on this, I've not played one.


6. What issues? You're mad and bad and these are garbage reasons for switching to Empire, you're just adding to the 'problem' that you are hating on.

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My companion always talks about how all the "fashion designers" are on the dark side. :rolleyes:


As much as you want to trivialize it, that probably has quite a bit to do with why some people rolled Empire and not Republic.


It seems every game favors the "bad guy" when designing the way zones, classes, gear look. I'm sure that has something to do with it.

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As much as you want to trivialize it, that probably has quite a bit to do with why some people rolled Empire and not Republic.


It seems every game favors the "bad guy" when designing the way zones, classes, gear look. I'm sure that has something to do with it.


Actually I must say that the reason I rolled a char on republic was because of how trooper looks. Other than that though, there is no reason to roll republic.

Edited by DarthDartheous
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3. Empire gets STOMPED on my server (Darth Malak)


I am on that server and you're lying. Empire wins 80% easily. Of course, I PUG and don't run premades. Either you only run premades or you're lying.


4. Us few good republic players will stay republic because it allows us to farm all the bad empire players with fast queue times.


That's the reason I rolled Republic. It turns out that I was wrong -- the Empire farms us. The Republic has most of the bads.


6. What issues? You're mad and bad and these are garbage reasons for switching to Empire, you're just adding to the 'problem' that you are hating on.


Since I am bad, you should be happy to see me go, right?

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I just shelved my 50 Jedi Shadow today. It got to the point where it wasn't even fun being 50 on Republic side. You're lucky to find anyone doing hard modes at all. Maybe one group during peak times. PvP is atrocious. It took me 13 games to get my win yesterday, and it took me 8 to get it today. It seems like 1/3 games, we face almost a complete premade as a group of mostly 10-30. I'm usually one of two or three 50s in a warzone at once.


I really did like the Republic, but I'd rather play Huttball all day than deal with this boredom.

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These were all taken in the same day. They were just about all of the War Zones that I was in that day.










So, Just because your Republic sucks, doesn't mean all of the republic sucks.

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