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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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To those who have problems....





It helped all the people in my guild who had a performance problem.


It's always worth a shot but I doubt it will increase my FPS. Windowed mode always requires more and actually makes your FPS less.

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"Most" people wouldn't recognise an issue even if it were obvious to the 5% who see it clearly.
I'm 43, Software Engineer. I've been working with computers for the last quarter of a century.


When I manage to run something smoothly, and others with similar computers pretend to have problems, I know where the real problem is: PEBCAK.

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Might be, people with Radeons and equal specs have no problems.


This is false.

In the customer service and pvp forum threads there are many people reporting both bad and good performance with the 5 and 6 series.

It seems independent of video card.

Strangely there seems to be more trouble with the 6s.


I know my frame rate is great everywhere but drops to <20 in warzones and acts like there is a memory leak or something instantly.

While others report good performance all around on the same card..a Radeon 5780.

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I'm 43, Software Engineer. I've been working with computers for the last quarter of a century.


When I manage to run something smoothly, and others with similar computers pretend to have problems, I know where the real problem is: PEBCAK.


Quoted for truth.

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I'm starting to wonder if it's not an nVidia problem =P


Not so much

Ran 40-60 on my GTS 250 till last night when I upgraded

Running 60+ on my GTS 450 now, with quite a few 80-100 spots

Fleet seems to suck more now, but that's alright.

Going through the forums, I've seen both ATI and nVidia consumers complaining, so I'm not sure it's an error with just one there.

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Well my CPU usage never goes past 40% and still I have less then 6 fps in warzones.


dont bother telling them they are the tech gods bow down and worship them. They are right and you are wrong...


Do you remember those IT sketches on SNL its just like that



MOVE lol

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I don't have the best computer out there, but I have checked preformance when I play. CPU is at 60% at most, Physical memory is fine, everything is fine and plays other games perfectly...so how does one explain that I only have 20-25 fps on fleet and in PvP.
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Well my CPU usage never goes past 40% and still I have less then 6 fps in warzones.


That's a feature.


Or maybe your processor is defective.



It's not the games fault that's all I know.




That seems to be common among people having lag only in warzones.

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I'm 43, Software Engineer. I've been working with computers for the last quarter of a century.


When I manage to run something smoothly, and others with similar computers pretend to have problems, I know where the real problem is: PEBCAK.


I'll make you an interesting challenge then.


Let us both download say...Unigine heaven or 3dmark Vantage and benchmark our systems, then compare them against typical system scores for our setups.


I 100% assure you that mine will perform closely to the average of those systems, thus proving that there is a serious flaw in certain parts of this game - a flaw that has absolutely nothing to do with my own system's fault.

Edited by LionRampant
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That's a feature.


Or maybe your processor is defective.



It's not the games fault that's all I know.




That seems to be common among people having lag only in warzones.


Wow. We all have defective cpu's.


How stupid of me to asume that the problem was in the game.


Thank you for enlightening me.

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I don't have the best computer out there, but I have checked preformance when I play. CPU is at 60% at most, Physical memory is fine, everything is fine and plays other games perfectly...so how does one explain that I only have 20-25 fps on fleet and in PvP.
I would say that this covers it..


I don't have the best computer out there
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i7 @ 3.8 Ghz with 12 GIGS RAM and a Radeon HD6970 on Win 7 x64.



If you're having graphic issues, its all you.


I play on a 2 year old Dell laptop with a 26" 1080P HDMI monitor and when I turn off shadows I run like a champ with no stutter or glitches at around 45fps.


Herp derping together parts and calling it a day is a you problem.

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All i say is: If you have an ancient computer, its time to upgrade. I know its costly but this game is really worth it.


I spent 500 euros upgrading my PC these last 2 months. Got a radeon HD6950 graphics card (way more than whats needed for this game), new power source for that beast, new motherboard for a new processor (i3 at 3,3Ghz) and new and faster RAM (4GB 1333Mhz) on windows 7 64bit.


Its not a super machine and the game runs beatifully on high settings now.


Before with my Dual core 1.8Ghz and my Nvidia Geforce 8800 GT the game was almost unplayable.


Guys, it really is time to improve the old PC or get a new one. Its not just for this game but for the rest coming out this year and beyond.


If you do have a computer that is equivalent or on par with mine and you're having performance issues then you must investigate what is going on, as it isnt Bioware's fault.


With that said, of course i think Bioware should continue to try and optimize the performance as much as possible.

Edited by Nemmar
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I have a 4 month old, relatively mid range (about $800-900) computer and have had a grand total of ZERO performance issues. I have all settings and view distances on the highest possible with AA forced. Nobody I know in my guild (with a wide range of computers, from new to old) has had any issues at all either.


It seems to me that the performance issues must be being blown out of proportion because the only complaints regarding performance I've heard are people on the forums who seem to be looking for a reason to hate the game anyway.


Like the game alot. I have areas that the game just get super slow for me. The planet Alderan had parts that just played super slow, and made me not like the planet Alderan. I run into the occasional lag elsewhere, and I have one or two of the space missions that play consistnatly way too slow.

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If you're having graphic issues, its all you.


I play on a 2 year old Dell laptop with a 26" 1080P HDMI monitor and when I turn off shadows I run like a champ with no stutter or glitches at around 45fps.


Herp derping together parts and calling it a day is a you problem.



Wow you are dense. Yes its not the engines fault, but rather his inability to put together a pc.


Just wow.

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Something with the processor, or in between. But I don't have these issues running other games.

Same thing happened to me a couple of years back on my old rig, every game worked fine apart from Fallen Earth. It was down to my duel core processor bottle necking.


I would get 60 - 80 FPS, then it would drop to 5 FPS in certain areas like towns etc... and not recover, Changing the settings did not help or fix the issue.

Edited by Kanharn
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Funny how some people are saying "Oh I don't have any problems on my end". Well first of all, are you solo questing? If so, go to the fleet / Warzones because a lot of us with high end rigs that can run BF3 / Skyrim on ultra are having issues with low performance on fleet / warzones. Just to further clarify the miss perception with some of those individuals that claim they have "no performance issues", I asked my classmate earlier today in one of my business class "hey do you have any fps issues at all with the game?" he replied with a "no" then I asked him what level he was, and he responded with "lvl 21, haven't done any warzones too". Overall, solo questing 1-50 is smooth, as it is expected, but once my area starts to get really populated then it becomes a significant problem to the games performance. BTW i'm running a 2.6Ghz AMD quad-core, 4gb Ram, gtx 560ti.


P.S - As customer with specs that exceeds the "recommended requirements", I shouldn't have to tweak SWTOR to just play this game smoothly in questing / pvp (ilum) / warzones.


- 50+fps solo questing

- 10 fps world raids (16man world boss fights)

- 15 fps huttball / voidstar

- 10 fps alderaan warzone (when the guns start firing)


/unsubscribe for poor customer service, poor optimization of the "Hero Engine", and Bioware for lying to our faces.

Edited by Qwertt
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There's no problem as long as you have at least a 4 core and good enough parts to go with it. Perfect example being my recent upgrade from 2 to 4 cores, as well as some other much needed upgrades.


You need the proper computer to play this without very noticable slowdowns and FPS loss, even on lowest possible settings for this game.


lol. This game engine isn't optimized for multi-threading quad-core processors, either. Your argument is false. Possibly completely made up....

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Wow you are dense. Yes its not the engines fault, but rather his inability to put together a pc.


Just wow.


So, it is more likely that a mulitibillion dollar corporation has made the mistake and not random whiner #9898769879?


I'll bet my money on the engine being fine, thank you.

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