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Everything posted by Qwertt

  1. “Founder” title = For ignorant bioware fanboys
  2. Clearly your an idiot. 1) Computer runs bf3/skyrim on ultra 2) Why do i need to upgrade my computer when all of the highend games that was just released recently have no problems running on my computer at Max settings? 3) I'm not gonna upgrade my computer JUST to play swtor with 100+fps on warzones 4) I made it a lot more easier for you incompetent brain of yours to process. Your welcome. P.S this game looks **** on high, and runs like an old dog during warzones / 200+ players around me
  3. Yes i can run BF3 /skyrim on ultra as i stated before, but why is swtor running so ****** on warzones/large populated areas? Oh i know, Hero engine isn't optimized. Do you want me to draw you a picture??
  4. - So all of a sudden the "recommended requirements" is to have an i7 processor? - 16gb ram = Overkill, who really needs to have a 16gb ram? Why would I wanna buy more ram just to deal with the games "memory leaks"?.
  5. Some of us don't wanna commit to a 1.5 - 2.0k computer just to play a game that might last a couple of months, and already have a decent enough. Nuff said
  6. Funny how some people are saying "Oh I don't have any problems on my end". Well first of all, are you solo questing? If so, go to the fleet / Warzones because a lot of us with high end rigs that can run BF3 / Skyrim on ultra are having issues with low performance on fleet / warzones. Just to further clarify the miss perception with some of those individuals that claim they have "no performance issues", I asked my classmate earlier today in one of my business class "hey do you have any fps issues at all with the game?" he replied with a "no" then I asked him what level he was, and he responded with "lvl 21, haven't done any warzones too". Overall, solo questing 1-50 is smooth, as it is expected, but once my area starts to get really populated then it becomes a significant problem to the games performance. BTW i'm running a 2.6Ghz AMD quad-core, 4gb Ram, gtx 560ti. P.S - As customer with specs that exceeds the "recommended requirements", I shouldn't have to tweak SWTOR to just play this game smoothly in questing / pvp (ilum) / warzones. - 50+fps solo questing - 10 fps world raids (16man world boss fights) - 15 fps huttball / voidstar - 10 fps alderaan warzone (when the guns start firing) /unsubscribe for poor customer service, poor optimization of the "Hero Engine", and Bioware for lying to our faces.
  7. enough to unsubscribe -10/10. HORRIBLE PVP
  8. Sith Deception Assassin = Need a teleport to target ability against range. Discuss
  9. Qwertt

    Alderaan Warzone

    These troll cookies are actually pretty delicious, can i have some more?
  10. Qwertt

    Alderaan Warzone

    One, you all prolly have an i5, i7 processors Two, im not gonna buy a new processor just to be able to play this game smoothly in warzones three, its the games engine and developers have admitted it four, i did not see a requirement to have an i5, i7 processor just to play this game smoothly five, i get 50+fps everywhere except warzones six, stop being bioware fanboys just because you spent money on a super computer that's well over the recommended specs seven, im using gtx 560ti, 8gb ram, amd quadcore 3.3ghz eight, come at me
  11. Qwertt

    Alderaan Warzone

    Remove, or fix Alderaan Warzone. Combat is such a slideshow once the guns start firing. /disappointed
  12. I suggest a vote for a rename of Warzone to LAGZONE
  13. get rid of all the unnecessary effects like alderaan turrent firing affects, OR just fix ur damn game
  14. TURN OFF the lazer pew pew affects, whos gonna look at emm while in combat? Makes the warzone a slideshow, i want a lag/stutter free PvP zone.
  15. Tooltip says that it''s supposed to hit the target "twice", but when u actually use it spins in mid-air 2 feet away from u like a freakin chainsaw. Overall it looks DUMB.
  16. Bumping This was a problem in the beta, still a problem today. FIX IT
  17. Voltaic Slash animation, do you guys like it? I for one hate it.
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