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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Make the LFG SAME SERVER ONLY. This would stop 99% of the issues that WOW's LFG created. Yes, it would take longer to get into a group, but with questing being so fun in this game, most people won't care.


People at max level might disagree with that.

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Well, Taris is a planet that a lot of people like to skip for some reason. I liked it, but a lot of my friends hated it. Granted, I've never seen it with only one other person in it. I did see high level planets with only a few people, but that's because I outlevelled most people. I could drop into Coruscant right now and there's probably going to be 150 people or so. I have a few low 20s alts and don't have any issues getting groups with them.


Maybe you're playing on the wrong server..?


Appreciate the feedback, I always picked STANDARD population. Maybe that is too low, who knows? I guess on high pop its better, but then you got que times.... How are we supposed to pick "the right" server??? Keep making alts over and over and checking Fleet peek hour populations?


so is it a matter of having having enough people to group with coming with a login que wait time price?


I thought STANDARD would be a nice medium, but its empty. Sure Corrusant is packed but Fleet has 30 (The Razor Server)

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I literally couldnt disagree with this post anymore, This game is in such a desperate need of a dungeon finder that its ridiculous. 3 days in a row I spammed gen chat for FP and got 0 responses waited 2 hrs each night and each time just gave up. I am here to play end game its what I like to do and if I cant play it because there isnt a "Flash Point" Finder their is literally no reason for me to play. I know a LOT of people would agree with me.
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Appreciate the feedback, I always picked STANDARD population. Maybe that is too low, who knows? I guess on high pop its better, but then you got que times.... How are we supposed to pick "the right" server??? Keep making alts over and over and checking Fleet peek hour populations?


so is it a matter of having having enough people to group with coming with a login que wait time price?


I thought STANDARD would be a nice medium, but its empty. Sure Corrusant is packed but Fleet has 30 (The Razor Server)


Im on a Full population server durring peek and struggle to find a group to do anything, even pug for pvp.

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I don't laugh, I get depressed.


It pains me how badly people insist on turning a game into another game.


While I do want refinements to TOR in so many places, I can only hope bioware can make this a better game while not caving to the incessant demand to just make everything work like WoW.


Mechanics of Accessibility =\= Content


If what WoW does works well, then what is the issue? New games do not need to reinvent the wheel when there are tried, tested and proven ideas already out there.

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LFG is not needed. LFG is something you add to a game to try and put a little life back when a game has become dead. SWTOR is 3 weeks old, it far to early to be thinking about LFG


It shouldn't take 20-30 minutes to find a group or give up in a 3 week old game.

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I completely disagree and heres why.

In every game Ive ever played there was at the very least a LFG global channel. In SWTOR nothing. I found exactly 2 groups for heroics specific to planets and exactly ZERO pugs for flashpoints while leveling to 50. Why? Because there isnt the very least a LFG global channel. Im not going to stop leveling and go sit on the fleet spamming for groups while I could be out questing and leveling. Just not gonna happen. Its boring and non efficient. If there was a LFG global channel that might have changed my experience 1-50. My 1-50 experience sucked except for the guild flashpoint runs I got to do. I like to pug as well and that didnt happen because it was very inaccessbile. and I am a healer no less. I also flagged myself with LFG comment and got nothing 1 to 50. At the very least a global channel would do wonders.


There is global channel - Type "lfg" in your /who window.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.


This mostly started happening after the cross-realm grouping was added into the LFG system.

Edited by Boldfury
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I disagree in a way, I'm all for some sort of LFG function when it comes to finding a group. After all the LFG was designed to make that very thing easier.


however I don't think this is what a large majority of people clamoring for this function care about. I'm all for finding a group so I can DO the content but I don't want to be teleported halfway accross the galaxy just because a tank decided to log on.


the LFG forced previous MMO's (c'mon you know what I'm talking about) to shrink or at least seem so. We're at war here we don't need 300 people sitting in our space station waiting 10 minutes so they can be teleported to their dungeon.


but we also don't need 250 people in our space station all trying to start a group for a HM BT run.

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I think all the people against any sort of LFG tool for us casuals or people on lowpop servers, always come off with an aire of "hollier than thou", standing up there like "I am cool cause I got a guild, if you were as cool as me, you wouldnt need LFG tool!".


endstate: Guilds are cool for OPS, but needed for gimpy FP and heroic world quests? haha... no thank you. Keep your Guild tag and let me be on my way please.


Well, it's not just that... My main objection to dungeon finders is that it turns it into a lobby game where you get randomly placed into a group and dropped into an instace to race to the end and get the free loots. Then, God forbid that the content be any sort of a challenge. People will whine about how they waited 30 mins for their queue to pop only to fail and have to wait again. Now it all becomes easy mode crap and boring as hell because people can't be fussed to put any sort of effort into completing the content.


Then, for people like me who like a good tight group of people we've played with on a regular or semi-regular basis, those groups become harder to create. Who wants to bother getting a real group together when you can just hit button 1 and your group is magically there? That's if anyone even moderately skilled bothers with them anyway, since they'll be nerfed from hell and back by people crying about how they're too hard.


Seriously, is it really group content when you don't have any idea who you're playing with, and there's no expectation of really working together? You might as well be dropped in with 3 companions and do your own thing.


Then you can mindlessly grind through easy-mode content for your free epix.


Yay you. >.<




EDIT -- By saying "you" I am not pointing at you personally, but using it in the more general sense. Not trying to make insults here.

Edited by Taroen
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So I thought i'd chime in on my position on a same server/Cross Server LFD tool.


Well im pretty much straddling the middle ground of this debate. When i was playing those "other" games that do have cross server LFD tools, i actually loved it, and here's why its all about spending my time wisely. I could queue up for a dungeon, go do some quests, my queue pops i get a group. Yes sometimes you would get *******/ninja's.


This happened regardless though pre-LFD, and when you had to build a group manually those *******/ninjas actually stayed in your group LONGER because it was such a pain in the butt to replace that person ESSPECIALLY if that person was a Tank/Healer....if they were DPS well...DPS are a dime a dozen in every mmo i've ever played.


So right now im sounding pretty PRO-LFD...BUT...


In SW:Tor i play a tank (as ive learned from previous mmo's that it's never a wise decision to make a DPS toon)


Now in this game as im a Tank and im pretty decent I can find a group no problem usually it takes about 5 to 10 minutes for me to build a group, as I like to lead. I have so far found groups a little bit more willing to help people out in this game, and if you get a bad/new player I do everything in my power as the Leader to Help/Train people in the Do's/Don'ts of grouping. A few times there have been obviously new players to MMO's that needed on everything, BUT only because they did not really understand the system of Need/Greed. After explaining it a few times to them and allowing them time to really understand the system they fell into line...so far. I find people are a little more willing to wipe also as everyone knows it could be a really long time to replace that pesky healer...lol


BUT and this is a big but, some people like some friends of mine play DPS or simply just don't have the time to go actively looking for a group like me...so why should they never get to experiance the content that they are paying for? I mean they're money is just as green as mine? Maybe they are new to MMO's and just don't understand how to be a leader and build a group like i do? Does this mean they should not get to do FP's?


I think not. This is a flaw in the current LFG tool...also the current LFG tool is kinda rubbish, even if you know how it works and know that it is galactic wide, and you only have to type LFG into the tool's search area to pull up a list of available people...but that's another topic entirely.


Some people will say get a Guild! be Social...well I gotta tell ya I have not found a Guild it has not affected my being able to form groups one bit. Guild's are not the end all and be all of grouping. In fact this leads to a story about A-hole's in Guilds. Recently I was in a heroic group i was the only member of the group that wasnt in the guild. I was having a bad day and I accidently pulled a group on accident ... oops... i though no biggy we can deal with it i figured....NOPE, WRONG no comment was made i was just ejected from the group within SECONDS...so much for the current LFG tool promoting social play right?


(Yet another reason to take the Leader position esspecially if your like me and play for fun and not to be a L33t snob)


Douche Bag's are EVERYWHERE in MMO's and the sooner the "mature" people realize this the better everybody will be. This kind of thing happen's with or without a LFD tool. First 3 people ive ever put on my /ignore list as of yet, but i am sure many will follow. So guilds CAN be GOOD! for grouping...but also conversly they CAN be BAD D-Bag's just as bad as any you will find in a random group finder...as unless I know the person in Real Life, isnt building a group of people you don't know just as Random?..I think it is.


So what I would say is give people what they are paying for. Let them have a same server option (check box) for those that want to retain they're (Blacklist of baddies) those people can "Punish" the Douche Bag's to they're hearts content (also kinda ironic but to my line of thought they are actually Douche Bag's themselves and are perpetuating the cycle of hate...the dark side is strong with these people) AND also have a option for Cross Server for those that don't have the time or the inclination to wait on a Same-Sever list.


This should please everyone, and also nothing is stopping people from spamming /1 or even using the current LFG tool (if they're Old School and like the current system) Never remove options just add them.


my 2 cents, i am aware that this is just my opinion to which i am entitled to, and that not everyone will agree with me, but that's perfectly fine, not everyone has to.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


I played WoW from late Vanilla to the end of WotLK and I can say that what you just typed is utter bull.


I made countless groups and constantly had people quit after 1 wipe. Hell I had more groups die before we even got to the instance then I can remember.

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Some people feel the need for a tool, some don’t. If you don’t need it because you are the MMO social butterfly, don’t use the tool. Just use your epic guild and charm to group through the content and remain part of the social elite.


Let us lesser socially adept and herpy type people use our “tool of the peasants” to find some sort of group.



Everytime I abandon a group quest because it has turned gray on me, a part of me dies.

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I played WoW from late Vanilla to the end of WotLK and I can say that what you just typed is utter bull.


I made countless groups and constantly had people quit after 1 wipe. Hell I had more groups die before we even got to the instance then I can remember.


I played WoW from launch until about 6 months ago, and the guy was spot on.


Everyone wants a faceroll to their free epix. If it fails even slightly for any reason they will drop. People also act like total jackhats because they know they'll never have to deal with the other people in their group again.


No thanks.

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I played WoW from launch until about 6 months ago, and the guy was spot on.


Everyone wants a faceroll to their free epix. If it fails even slightly for any reason they will drop. People also act like total jackhats because they know they'll never have to deal with the other people in their group again.


No thanks.


While I ran into that situation a few times myself, it certainly was not the norm for me. Server-only LFG would avoid the problem of people being jackhats because they would have to deal with the other people in the group again.


If you do not want to use the tool and would rather form a group yourself, you would still have the freedom to do that, but do not begrudge others the usefulness of such a tool.

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Some people feel the need for a tool, some don’t. If you don’t need it because you are the MMO social butterfly, don’t use the tool. Just use your epic guild and charm to group through the content and remain part of the social elite.


Let us lesser socially adept and herpy type people use our “tool of the peasants” to find some sort of group.



Everytime I abandon a group quest because it has turned gray on me, a part of me dies.


Awesome, and I totally agree.

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While I ran into that situation a few times myself, it certainly was not the norm for me. Server-only LFG would avoid the problem of people being jackhats because they would have to deal with the other people in the group again.


If you do not want to use the tool and would rather form a group yourself, you would still have the freedom to do that, but do not begrudge others the usefulness of such a tool.


If you read my post above the one you quoted, you'll see why I believe that such a tool would effect me just by being in the game, and would turn the game into something I wouldn't like nearly as much... although I do admit that I'm much less opposed to a same-server tool.

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I just keep looking at your sig and then wondering why you want that game copied here so badly.


Absolutely ridiculous, how does a game having a lfg tool make it wow??? Is that what defines wow, a LFG tool? what other games besides wow are also wow since they have a lfg tool? wow has instanced dungeons/flashpoints, so does swtor I guess that means they are the same.

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Absolutely ridiculous, how does a game having a lfg tool make it wow??? Is that what defines wow, a LFG tool? what other games besides wow are also wow since they have a lfg tool? wow has instanced dungeons/flashpoints, so does swtor I guess that means they are the same.


Quit stretching things to extremes. We have WoW's example of an LFD tool and what it does to the game. Why would we want that aspect copied here, so we can have faceroll content with random people we never see again..?


Again, you might as well be dropped into a flashpoint with 3 companions. At least you'll have more of a connection to them and a better idea of what they bring to the table.

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