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I think patch 1.1 is going to force me out :(


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cleverly disguised "we want cross server pvp"


honestly if all you do / care about is pvp, then why pick a game wich has mediocre pvp at best?


if the Qs are not popping up means there are no people on EITHER side in wich case i feel for ya but the servers do say the population wich means you specifically chose a lowpop ,


i have nothing against this mind you, other than segregating the population, but id be in favor of making it small server clusters (like 4 servers max per cluster) so people and guilds can actually get to know each other , some of the best pvp days in wow for me where the server only days, where you got to know the good players on both side , and you feared and respected them and they to you , that was awsome



roll an alt

level it to level 10


pvp all u want


sorry , but i dont think its gonna happen anytime soon , they have bigger gamebreaking stuff on their plate right now that they havent fixed yet and its what they seem to be focusing on patches right now

Edited by LaVolpex
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I also fall into this gap, but am not crying about it.


That's fine, clearly it's not as big an issue for you as it is for the OP. I don't mind the UI as much as some people do, but that doesn't invalidate their opinion.



How is he being punished? He is playing on a low pop server, would we see these same complaints about his not finding people LFGing for raids etc?


You're right, the low pop could cause issues finding a group for FPs/raids, but thats not what's being discussed. His issue is that if they hard-bracket the WZ's on his server, he may not ever see a WZ pop. Which completley eliminates an entire feature of the game for him. That in addition to the lack of population causing Ilum to be empty may lead to no pvp at all, which means no pvp gear/valor and an entire form of progression gone. I'd be worried too if I that was looming over my head.


His server will even out, but more importantly why should just this dude be catered to rather than anyone else? What makes his enjoying the game innately more important than those who will be able to enjoy not geting roflstomped by level 50s as they try to enjoy PvP while leveling?


You have a good point here, he doesn't deserve special consideration over lowbies, but they do at least deserve equal treatment. Like I suggested earlier, perhaps have queues use some magical algorithm that looks at gear/level/position in queue for WZs. That way if there aren't enough 50s to start a match, at least he could still pvp. Yes, possibly, at the expense of a few lowbies enjoyment that particular game, but his enjoyment matters as well (within reason),

Edited by Guaritorr
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Are you serious? This is your work around for players who are level 50 and want to PvP? Players who have spent hours/days on a toon that they grinded to max level? You're referring them to re-roll if the level 50 brackets don't pop in a timely fasion?


USE you're head man. It's starting to sound like a bunch of Mythic guys running things over there.


It is not his fault that the OP didn't use his head.


A person that solely PvPs rolling on a PvE server. It is good advice for him to reroll on a PvP server to find a more PvP centric crowd.

Edited by Bollah
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I really hope they do not add cross server anything. One of the fun things about pvp is building up alliances with other people on your server as well as having rivals you constantly go against. Cross server just leads to nameless faces and people start to care less about how they preform as a group and just focus on themselves.
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I really hope they do not add cross server anything. One of the fun things about pvp is building up alliances with other people on your server as well as having rivals you constantly go against. Cross server just leads to nameless faces and people start to care less about how they preform as a group and just focus on themselves.


this ^ there will be more people just afking through warzones

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You're right, the low pop could cause issues finding a group for FPs/raids, but thats not what's being discussed. His issue is that if they hard-bracket the WZ's on his server, he may not ever see a WZ pop. Which completley eliminates an entire feature of the game for him. That in addition to the lack of population causing Ilum to be empty may lead to no pvp at all, which means no pvp gear/valor and an entire form of progression gone. I'd be worried too if I that was looming over my head.

A short term-problem created by a long-term fix to a long-term problem. The system as is makes PVPing before 50 essentially not only worthless for people under 50 but detrimental to those 50s that have underleveled people on their team. I understand that his concern is potentially valid but I suspect (based on nothing as are your assertions) that his argument is rooted in hyperbole. If he comes here the day after the change and rants about getting 0 PvP pops all day then I'd take it more seriously, as is it just reads like someone who came late to the noob farming party and is frustrated that he won't be able to get to 65 Valor the same way the rest have.




You have a good point here, he doesn't deserve special consideration over lowbies, but they do at least deserve equal treatment. Like I suggested earlier, perhaps have queues use some magical algorithm that looks at gear/level/position in queue for WZs. That way if there aren't enough 50s to start a match, at least he could still pvp. Yes at the expense of a few lowbies enjoyment that particular game, but his enjoyment matters as well (within reason),

I actually appreciated that potential solution you presented, allowing 50s to queue into the 10-49 field with some sort of standardized attributes and/or no expertise gear. That would allow people to PvP with others on the off chance (based purely on my assumptions) that no PvP ever pops on his server for 50s.


Another possibility would be to allow those 10-49s to queue in fights against the top tier folks with the ability to raise their valor rank above their current level. I still can't really see people bothering, but you never know.


[edit] TLDR;

The OP's problem I suspect is a rare and temporary one created by BW's fixing of a huge, long-term and potentially game breaking issue for many people.

Edited by SWImara
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The east coast pvp servers were flagged "full" when I got the game (the Friday after launch), so I followed Bioware's advise and joined a light/standard pop server instead.


I've never once had a problem in any other MMO of finding people that love to pvp but roll on a pve server for a better leveling experience.


im sorry but thats not the case, usually pve servers has NO pvp action

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i think this is a case where your personal bias helps shape your perception of what you are presented with.


you see pvp, and you assume it's much more pvp-centric.


i'm on a pve server, but my guildies love to pvp, what we do not love, is being forced to pvp when we're not wanting to do it.


we're all adults (late 20s+) and we all have stuff that distracts from the game, so it's nice to be able to afk in the middle of the road to do what you need to, and come back to the game 5 minutes later and pick up where you left off, rather than being a corpse on the ground.


so, i would say what the PvE server offers is not a server focused on PvE, but rather, a server that lets you choose to pvp when you want to.



I see pvp and say assume but what I mean is I know (especially since there is no x server WZ) that the PVP community is bigger and more active.


I play on a PVE server too but you wont see me complaining about lower volumes of pvprs on that server.


I dont like getting ganked but I mean its not like you have to recover your body or get sent to the cloner so thats a tired excuse. Go afk, when you get back if you are a corpse click the button that sends the med droid and keep moving.


You are totally right about pve being pvp when you want to, but you must remember I would say majority have that same frame of mind. You will have to pvp when they want to as well.

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I like the game for the most part. I see its potential and also wish certain things were implemented at launch instead of some point down the road.


But all I really do is pvp. Sadly, I'm on a dead server (Nathema). Patch 1.1 is going to have all level 50's in their own pvp queue. There's only a couple level 50's on the server that actually pvp. That means without a cross-server pvp queue I and other level 50's will NOT be able to pvp anymore.




Seriously guys, I'm totally bummed out over this.


It's bad enough that I cannot do any of the Ilum war dailies because the Republic never goes there to cap the bases back. Now I won't even be able to pvp in warzones...



The low levels whom you are farming aren't very happy about that. So you want people to suffer in order for you to have fun? Talk about being a selfish person. Furthermore, in time as the level 50 population grows you won't have any problems here.

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I actually appreciated that potential solution you presented, allowing 50s to queue into the 10-49 field with some sort of standardized attributes and/or no expertise gear.


That particular idea wasn't mine, just don't wanna take credit for someone elses idea :p



That would allow people to PvP with others on the off chance (based purely on my assumptions) that no PvP ever pops on his server for 50s.


Another possibility would be to allow those 10-49s to queue in fights against the top tier folks with the ability to raise their valor rank above their current level. I still can't really see people bothering, but you never know.


But yeah, they're options I suppose, its always going to be hard to balance between long queue times for top tier PvPers and enjoyable games for lower tier players (either level wise or even gear-wise, fresh 50 vs battlemaster pretty imbalanced as well). GL to Bioware in finding an acceptable balance.


[edit] TLDR;

The OP's problem I suspect is a rare and temporary one created by BW's fixing of a huge, long-term and potentially game breaking issue for many people.


Though I suspect it may create another issue in the long term, if lowbie queues get too long once a majority of players are 50... but thats a long long way off.

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I'll admit, having a Bioware rep say reroll is a bit disheartening.

I gave an honest answer in response to his exact situation. That wasn't a blanket statement that applies to everyone on every server, but someone in a similar situation (finding themselves lacking opponents at the high level of a server) would get the same advice from me at this point. Don't take specific advice to one player as a directive from on-high which applies to all... that would be an exaggeration of my importance. ;)


The development team is committed to exploring all options to ensure that everyone has a good experience playing the game, but that doesn't mean every situation will be individually catered for. Given our current circumstances, I'd give the same advice if asked again.

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it's either bracket or everybody the same in PVP (no lvl no gear)



your pick

I don't see any other way to make it works


gear/advancing lvl/scaling abilities = PVE

world objective/guild bonus/honor system = PVP


making a pvp with ingredients of pve (gear/advancing lvl/scaling abilities) it's a recipe for failure

Edited by Pekish
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it's either bracket or everybody the same in PVP (no lvl no gear)



your pick

I don't see any other way to make it works


soon we will have naked pvp.


upon zone-in, you'll be thrown into a slave girl outfit, and dropped into a vat of mud.




everyone's going to love my fat model bounty hunter.. :)

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The development team is committed to exploring all options to ensure that everyone has a good experience playing the game, but that doesn't mean every situation will be individually catered for. Given our current circumstances, I'd give the same advice if asked again.



It's amazing how many words one can use to convey the message "we're looking into it." Give us some real communication from developers instead of this marketing speak.

Edited by chorkpop
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In my case im thanking god they finally will take the lvl 50 out ,up to lvl 49 people still keep +- the same HP and other stuff , but is not funny fighting a 20k HP + ... they take no dmg and kill you every freaking time ... heck even when i toss them into the fire they dont die 100% of the times.
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It's amazing how many words one can use to convey the message "we're looking into it." Give us some real communication from developers instead of this marketing speak.


hell, i would take "we're looking into it" as a response to server forums.

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Thats great that the op likes the pvp but some one low level trying PVP out and gets totally smashed by a 50 with his shirt off doing the dance clitch probaly is going to like pvp very much.


Remember if lowbies don't like PVP and give up on it you'll have even less people to fight.

Edited by Holocroncrystal
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Mr Reid, I understand you say that cross-server PvP Warzone Matches is something you want to happen, but won't happen anytime soon... but my question to you is this: If this is something the developers want to happen, how come such functionality wasn't taken into consideration when the game was being built?


There's lots in this game that could have taken cues from other long-time MMOs (and should have, to be quite honest) but didn't. Things like guild banks, cross server PvP, combat logs, etc... are all things that I have seen you guys post that you want to have in the game but won't be available for some time, however are all standard in certain other MMOs.


Shouldn't the point of making a new MMO be to compete with the other guys, not re-invent the wheel? These things need to be taken into account when building the game, not addingg ONTO the game.

Edited by MisterLaz
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If a servers population is so low that nothing works properly that is kind of a flag that says merge some servers that are that small of a population.

If a server isn't at heavy population at prime time that servers population is too small. So telling a player to reroll due to server population just seems bad..better solution would be merge server or let players freely transfer off servers for a few weeks to bulk up some servers and to see if some servers really do get too small to support a player community.

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I gave an honest answer in response to his exact situation. That wasn't a blanket statement that applies to everyone on every server, but someone in a similar situation (finding themselves lacking opponents at the high level of a server) would get the same advice from me at this point. Don't take specific advice to one player as a directive from on-high which applies to all... that would be an exaggeration of my importance. ;)


The development team is committed to exploring all options to ensure that everyone has a good experience playing the game, but that doesn't mean every situation will be individually catered for. Given our current circumstances, I'd give the same advice if asked again.

Hey Stephen can we get a response about the high resolution textures that you said you were "working on" clarification or some kind of response about this issue that was said would be answered today would be appreciated.


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If a servers population is so low that nothing works properly that is kind of a flag that says merge some servers that are that small of a population.

If a server isn't at heavy population at prime time that servers population is too small. So telling a player to reroll due to server population just seems bad..better solution would be merge server or let players freely transfer off servers for a few weeks to bulk up some servers and to see if some servers really do get too small to support a player community.


Server pops are not too low.

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