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datacrons, a bad idea?


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Tedious tasks are not healthy in any game. Datacrons are definitely tedious. As for people who say it's not "necessary" to get them as it is optional, what if there was an "optional" not necessary item that gave you +100 to every stat, or +3 new abilities? You bet you'd "have" to get it, even though it's not "necessary".


Not getting it causes you to have a stat penalty after adding it all up. You're only hurting your progression by not getting it, hence it is indeed a need if you're wanting to be competitive in the game (which is a major thing for many players).


Now, a challenge is good...but half hour "sit in one spot" waits is not.




So, it's a penalty for people who don't want to spend the time and effort to get them, rather than a reward for those who do? Kinda like how it's a penalty for someone to not be level fifty because they won't spend the time on it? Oh, and it's a penalty for people to not level as fast because they won't do the bonus quests?

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Tedious tasks are not healthy in any game. Datacrons are definitely tedious. As for people who say it's not "necessary" to get them as it is optional, what if there was an "optional" not necessary item that gave you +100 to every stat, or +3 new abilities? You bet you'd "have" to get it, even though it's not "necessary".


Not getting it causes you to have a stat penalty after adding it all up. You're only hurting your progression by not getting it, hence it is indeed a need if you're wanting to be competitive in the game (which is a major thing for many players).


Now, a challenge is good...but half hour "sit in one spot" waits is not.


And your point is clouded...


So let me get this straight... by YOUR PERSPECTIVE it is tedious to wait or try to get these?


Ok, so what do you think about getting a 8 man raid together to get the best of the best gear in the game? Do you think that is Tedious..???


I have raided over the last 10 years in MMOs... easy and let me tell you THAT is Tedious..


BUT... that is choice.. Now, if everything in the game was a lay down and easy thing to get there would be no point in playing.


I mean this concept of all things is OBTAINABLE BY ALL -- EVERYONE CAN DO IT... for the most part you can even do it solo or in a group and does not cost you credits other then a repair bill if you fall.



AND yet people complain...



I mean think about this for a while... look at all the angles because somehow I see a very narrow minded group with this, sorry I do based on the statements of one side with it.

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Wrong... why? What logic is this based on?


There is nothing wrong with a minor stat increase? Why are you taking SOMETHING OUT OR AWAY vs leaving it in?


YOU DO NOT have to look for them there is no rule that says you do?


I do NOT want to look for a funny colored crystal and you may? SO You want me to tell you that you SHOULD NOT be able to find that crystal or even gear?


Ok... fine then.. I do not feel you should be able to get the GEAR or ITEM you want because it was too hard for me to get in a instance myself.


I do not think that mech should be in a MMO where you have to actually apply effort to get something... easy or not.


>? Logical right?

A permanent stat boost means you are permanently more powerful than a player who has decided not to participate in that gameplay.


Finding shards means that you also have to find the Matrix Shard Assembler, which will construct relics for your relic slot. You can still get your stat boost, but IT IS NOT A PERMANENT boost, and it uses up one of your Relic slots.


So, players who want to explore for Datacrons gain flexibility. They have more relics, and can reconfigure their relics to support their builds, whereas a player who hasn't found the datacrons would have to make do with other found or purchased Relics.


The reward for "finding" a Datacron is way out of whack with the difficulty involved in actually finding one, and I think that's my major issue with the system

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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Here is the thing... I think the OP was trying to say that, instead of being rewarded for overcoming a true challenge, you are doing something that is just tedious, not "difficult".


"Difficult" infers that there is some degree of challenge, on your own part, to getting this item. Since this is an MMO, that "challenge" actor is thrown out the window by the almighty Wiki. All known Datacron locations are stored on the web, making it a simple Google search away. The "challenge" of finding these items is gone. It is now a chore to find the items. There are no bosses to face or trials to overcome, just balloons that you have to wait 45 minutes for (Tatooine datacron in the dessert...)


This post is spot on. Funny, all the thoughtless robo-replies bashing the OP.

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Datacrons are awesome. No one is "required" to do them. Yet they're a good

perk for people that are not "min/max/super-efficiency" leveling. Probably

my favorite aspect of them is helping someone else find one, pretty nice

feature to help out strangers. It really provides the opportunity to add

an unexpected bit of nicety into this game.


If your reason for playing is to min/max? Dont' waste your time until post 50.

You'll find it much easier and much more efficient to get them after gearing up

a bit at maximum level.

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you're obviously not FORCED to do it by definition, but some people (you might call them hardcore) definetly feel they have to if it increases your characters performance even slightly, it might not be the majority playerbase but the fact is this is a necessity for some people because of the nature of the bonus





I think a hardcore player will go through the trouble to get them, because they are hardcore.

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I'm sure it has been brought up before, but the implementation of datacrons was a bad idea. A lot of people don't like the game play to get them but their perks are substantial enough to compel players to go after them. It's not a good business decision to compel customers to do something they don't want to do. The solution would be to offer alternative ways to get datacrons, for example the completion of flashpoints or heroics. Players could then go for them based on their personal playing preferences. Another idea would be to lower the datacron perks to where players don't feel like they need them.




They're here to promote exploration. Don't know about you, but I love being on top of one of Taris's highest buildings looking at the massive drop around me and marveling at the level of detail there is to the game. Makes it all the better when the games depth of view is long enough for you to just barely see the distant outpost you just came from

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I think the datacrons are a cool concept.


I'm not crazy about their implementation, though. I dislike that many of them require more than one person, these should be something a person can pursue on their own.


Also, I loathe the platform jumping mechanics of most of them. Just ugh.


Example: There's one on Taris (IIRC) that requires two people. One to stand on a pipe and another to push a button that causes a geyser of air to shoot player one up. Player one then has to angle and time his jump just right, and then get another jump just right to a piece of platform on which the datacron rests.


After about 6 or 7 tries, he finally got it, and then offered to push the button so I could try. I was like "No chance, no how." To me, that just screams frustration, not fun.

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One of the datacrons on Coruscant is seriously annoying to reach, and makes me think that I am playing some kind of Nintendo platformer... but I am simply hopelessly incompetent at those kind of things anyway.

But at the same time, the satisfaction of finally jumping across those f***ing pipes to get the +2 Cunning that my Jedi Sage will never actually need? Priceless :p

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I'm sure it has been brought up before, but the implementation of datacrons was a bad idea. A lot of people don't like the game play to get them but their perks are substantial enough to compel players to go after them. It's not a good business decision to compel customers to do something they don't want to do. The solution would be to offer alternative ways to get datacrons, for example the completion of flashpoints or heroics. Players could then go for them based on their personal playing preferences. Another idea would be to lower the datacron perks to where players don't feel like they need them.


The op is an obvious troll and just looking for an other thing to ***** about.


he automatically assumes that his opinion is shared by others, and then go on tosaythat he is being forced to get them.


While I admit that getting a few have been a P.I.T.A. no more so that trying to defeat a high lvl MOB or get goals in PvP.

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Personally I feel datacrons is a very console game like feature. . .But what annoys me more than anything is the tatooine datacron on top of the jawa transport.


More than the poor game design of larger frame toons missing out (for now) on 2 datacrons even.


I think its pretty obnoxious to have players wait nearly an hour to pick up a datacron. I'f I'm gonna pay to play a game, I dont think its fair I have to stand around for this. I want to play the game, not stare at my screen waiting to get where I need to go. Completely obnoxious on so many levels bioware.

Edited by Drahh
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I'm sure it has been brought up before, but the implementation of datacrons was a bad idea. A lot of people don't like the game play to get them but their perks are substantial enough to compel players to go after them. It's not a good business decision to compel customers to do something they don't want to do. The solution would be to offer alternative ways to get datacrons, for example the completion of flashpoints or heroics. Players could then go for them based on their personal playing preferences. Another idea would be to lower the datacron perks to where players don't feel like they need them.

The basic flaw in your argument is that Datacrons are REQUIRED to play: they're not.




BTW, +2 to a stat is NOT substantial, it's bordering on worthless.

Edited by KerinKor
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Exploration should be it's own reward. You shouldn't be getting +2 to Willpower over any other player for it.



Quoted for the lulz. Yea with todays MMO script kiddies, exploration its own reward haha.

If some of these supposed hardcare gamers had their way the system would analize the gear/stats of the grp and award the xp and loot if u score high enough to beat the op/fp.

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So you just want to be given everything. Thats all you need to say.


why wouldnt he want to be given everything, since he is PAYING for all of those stuff.


i repeat - he is paying.


he is entitled to get everything a product offers, under u.s. and eu laws. and no, '15 buck a month awards you ACCESS to the game', does not cut it under eu consumer protection laws. its just that noone yet had challenged any such eula.


again i repeat - this is a product, he is paying for it. he does not have to WORK for what he is already PAYING for.


and no - there being a segment of people who see games as an 'accomplishment platform' to spend 'effort' and 'prove' themselves by 'earning' things and therefore 'accomplishing', does not change the fact that a customer is entitled to everything that a product is sold with.

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