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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are You Enjoying SWTOR?


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I'm having a great time.


I would like to see a few changes:



  • More flexible UI
  • A GTN interface that is much more intuitive, such as being able to search for slots, and being able to enter simply the name of an item, rather than having to tell the intellectually impaired thing what category and subcategory my desired item belongs to
  • A Flashpoint Finder & Operations Finder, rather than "LFG"
  • Elimination of the incapacity to modulate emotional intensity, breath-taking entitlement, and mindless hostility-is-the-only-response-I-am-capable-of of a few posters on these boards (I can dream, can't I)



But none of these, even in the aggregate, is remotely a deal breaker for me. As one poster said, nothing's perfect. We just got started with this. Can we not wait a bit for debugging and expanded content?


I'm in.

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Nope. They keep quiet about the issue the engine has.

Advertising with highres textures, that dont work ingame, except only in cinematic mode even on modern hardware, because the engine is bugged or not optimized at all.


Strangely enough it worked in beta, but they choose options for you on pc. *shakeshead*


Like kotor, like sw, liked bioware up to a point...


Otherwise it is probably quite nice minue the pvp ability delay bugs and stuff.


But enough is enough.

Edited by Ommm
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I'm having fun. I don't know if it's the greatest game ever, but it's good right now, they'll be adding and fixing things over the next few months, and in the end, I'm enjoying myself playing it which is really all that matters.


Remember...people who think the world is ending will carry a big sign that says "The End Is Near" and shout at everyone passing by that the world is ending soon.


People who think the world is not ending don't carry signs that say "Everything Is Fine" and yell at everyone to keep going about their business...they just go about their daily lives doing what they normally do.

Edited by racsofp
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Having a blast here, way better than the traditional MMO experience.


It's like City of Heroes / Champions Online for me, but with more immersive storytelling.


It does NOT feel like WoW for me, where it's a constant pressure to be "this level of gearscore!" before you're admitted. The journey IS the attraction.


Have a 50 smuggler which I enjoyed leveling up.

33 Juggernaut -finished act 1

32 Sorcerer -finished act 1

14 Shadow -just getting into the storyline


Maybe I'm not a traditional MMO player, where you must log on to complete dailies / must log on to run dungeons in order to get shinier gear. That was like a 2nd job which I don't really need or want.


I'm playing a novel, and I can at any time group up with people for harder parts. Works for me.

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Not really.


Expected quite a different game to what I got:


-Lack of basic features(day/night cycles, chat bubbles, combat logs, a vibrant world(all the mobs just stand there and do nothing) is a downer. Makes the world feel dead and unimpressive.


-Questing is more linear then WoW; at least there, you could choose between 2-3 zones to level in per level bracket, here, you MUST level the same path every time you want to make an alt, with the only difference being your class story. It's just a tad boring and makes re-playability a 0 out of 10 for me.


-Class balance; clearly, based on the JK/SW, it's not there.


-Bugs, bugs, bugs; I know every MMO that launches has bugs, and I accept that; but the amount of bugs left in from the beta test that are still, as of this post, in the game is a bit astonishing.


I think a lot of people were really excited about this game. Now? It just feels like a rushed single player game with a multi-player option.


The game needed at least 3-6 more months in development to iron out the various issues.

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It's great to see a positive thread. It's also nice to see that most of the people posting in this thread who are not enjoying themselves have valid reasons and thoughts on why. Not just THIS GAME SUCKS!!!!!


I personally am having a great time.

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This pretty much explains how I feel about the game at this point.



Really? That "review" in my opinion is completely inaccurate and also extremely offensive. If that's the type of reviews you buy in to. You really don't belong on this game. I'm asking you politely to leave.


And to be on subject I am really enjoying the game. I'm not worried about there not being much end game right now as I have plenty of characters to play through. There are a few issues like the lower textures but that may be sorted in the future. If not, the majority of the game is still there and I'll probably keep playing the game if I feel I want to.

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I'm enjoying the game (most of the time) but I'm worried about it's future.


I'm shocked at it's appalling customer service. The droid responses are a joke and never answer your issue. Speaking to a real human being seems a rare occurance.


The whole daytime Maintenance is an inconvenience and loss of game time I am not enjoying.


Planets seem to be empty for whatever reason whether it is sharding/phasing or not enough people on the server I'm on. I'm empire so it's not like I'm on the struggling for players side.


I knew there would be bugs but you'd have thought the class quests would have been checked more thoroughly.


Crafting has been a dissappointment and frankly worthless end game.


I could go on and on but it's pointless. It boils down to there being a lot they still need to fix.


I'm sticking with it but will be going for a month by month subscription. That way I can bail and not have to fork out while not playing if necessary. It may even be a case of levelling all my alts and then leave the game and come back in a few months to see if things have improved.

Edited by Xerda
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I find it awesome that there is actually a "we like this game thread" on these forums. I was actually going to create one as I feel we need to balance out the complainers with some of the things we actually like about the game. If you only see negative comments you begin to think this game isn't fun or something.


I love playing this game! After being through so many MMO launches I can say, outside of maybe LOTRO, this is the best launch I have ever seen. They actually have Warzones, Raids, and content all the way to max level at launch! Age of Conan only had content up to level 30 when it launched, the rest was grind and talk about fps issues! I love how I can jump into the game for an hour and still feel like I am in the Star Wars Universe, interacting with fully voiced npcs and doing flashpoints when I feel like playing with other people. Does the game need improvement? Yes, but it's an MMO... they will be improving it for a long long time. The most important things about an MMO at launch are:


Is it playable? Yes (minus a small vocal population, try playing the game windowed it fixed my fps issues for some reason)


Is it fun? Hell ya!


Does it have content till max level? Yep.


Is the dev team actively trying to fix the problems that do exist? From the amount of patches since launch I would have to say yes.


Thank you Bioware for creating an amazing game!

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I only play a few hours per week (level 14 now) but I enjoy the combat and the decision system. The professions are neat too, though I wish there were more opportunities for harvesting resources in the 'wild'.. that has always been a favorite of mine in games.


Also loving the companion system, though I hate Corso who I am stuck with. Game has a great infrastructure on which to build!

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It was the best 1-50 MMO experience so far.

But at @50 it is WAY below WoW or Rift.


I expected as much seing as how the game's only been out for 3 weeks, which is why i'm soaking in the leveling content on 3 toons, the highest of which is 32


1-32 has been awesome.

  • This is the first mmo i've played where I actually pay attention to the stories and the quest text.
  • The feeling of character progression has been fantastic, and far exceeds anything else i've played.
  • Encounters feel epic nearly right from lvl 1. The horrible noob-zone experience (hack 20 boars with your 1 skill) is non-existent in this game.
  • Flashpoints feel exciting, dramatic, and capture my attention.
  • Love the class story lines - they are soooo well done, and do what no other mmo has: get me into my characters. I feel like it's almost forced role-play - not like a gun to my head, but just because I can't help myself (ps - i've always hated RP in other games)

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The game is great till about level 35-40. It then becomes a bug fest. By the time you hit 50 its virtually unplayable.


I have tons of quests in my logs i can't get rid of.. there fore making it near impossible to pick up other quests.


Most of the Heroic Instance are over tuned or just flat out bugged.


Most of the Heroic Instance are so Melee unfriendly in their abilities that if you play a melee you are not getting invited.


Eternity Vault is a joke.


Dailies on Ilum are bugged or a joke (protecting the shipment) or (PVP daily where you win trade due to terrible game design).


I have gone to 50 on 2 character due to the lack of end game in this game.


So essentially all you have at 50 to do that isn't hosed is the knockback cc fest they call pvp.


So no I am not really having fun.

Edited by JonnyFreedom
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