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Cut EXP gain 35% across the board


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Modern MMO's players won't accept time sinks, they want instant gratification. The problem with instant gratification is that it's nearly impossible for developers to keep up releasing enough content.


Then once all the instant gratification is consumed by the majority of the player base in one month, they all quit.


It's really a catch22 that developers have yet to solve. Make content easy, so it attracts more people, yet these same people will complain and quit a month later, or design tough and demanding content that scares away a lot of people, yet it keeps the active player base around for months-years. Unfortunately a middle ground has yet to be found.

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I am still of the opinion (as are numerous others) that the best way to allow people to control their progression if they think they are levelling too fast is to add an optional "turn off xp gain" toggle - i.e. a way to slow your own level progression without affecting those that are happy with the progression as it is.


There is an active discussion thread already underway about this if people want to add further opinions (and hopefully support!):




This is probably the best solution. Another game that shall not be mentioned also boasts such a feature (that actually works without bugs). Unfortunately however, I can't see this being very high on Bioware's list of priorities at the moment. Even without adding any new content (and the bug fixing it will require) they will be busy for years trying to fix what is broken in the current game.

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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.


NO ... EQ is that way ------->


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I've been playing this game quite a bit since the 24th... and I'm only 40 in about 4 days /played. I'm guessing it'll take a similiar amount of time to go from 40 to 50, so I'll finally hit it in about two weeks from now. That's a full month from release for just -one- storyline out of a possible eight. I'm not hardcore, I just want to play a game with a nice story. So far it's just right, no need to drag it out.
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I've been playing this game quite a bit since the 24th... and I'm only 40 in about 4 days /played. I'm guessing it'll take a similiar amount of time to go from 40 to 50, so I'll finally hit it in about two weeks from now. That's a full month from release for just -one- storyline out of a possible eight. I'm not hardcore, I just want to play a game with a nice story. So far it's just right, no need to drag it out.


That's close to my experience. I hit 50 at the end of Corellia and just before the finale of my class storyline after roughly 170 hours or ~7 days played, after going through all of the side missions and bonus missions on each planet.


I found the game to be very well paced, and a 170 hour experience for the $60 retail cost isn't bad...that's about 35 cents per hour of gameplay. Even before including the time spent post 50 on that character and with alts before the included-with-purchase month of gametime is up, I feel like I've more than gotten my money's worth and at a reasonable pace.

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I am still of the opinion (as are numerous others) that the best way to allow people to control their progression if they think they are levelling too fast is to add an optional "turn off xp gain" toggle - i.e. a way to slow your own level progression without affecting those that are happy with the progression as it is.


There is an active discussion thread already underway about this if people want to add further opinions (and hopefully support!):





The only problem with that is that people would turn off XP for some reason, then they'd forget to turn it back on later when they actually want XP. Then they'll have done a bunch of quests without XP and won't be able to go back and get all that. Which, of course, leads to them having to grind PvP, Space missions, or Flashpoints for hours and hours to make up for the xp they lost from quests.


The idea might work if people could later "claim" the XP they turned off for quests.



In either case, I think it's moot. There's a built-in "Turn off XP" feature... quests turn grey and only grant 5 XP.

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There's 8 stories to play each with over 100 hours of gameplay. If that's not enough game for you then you may need to think about how much free time you have to spend on games.


I rather play Skyrim 10 times over than playing 8characters, 4 are copies, 90% of all quests are same on each faction, main story is not that great considering the effort/grind needed to enjoy it.


No thanks, my eyes would bleed at that prospect.

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I don't think they need to cut it in standard play, it seems niceley balanced at the moment. I've done all the available quests and pretty much end up at the next areas at the required level.


Now, they really need to cut the XP gain/token amount in PVP by at least 50% imo, i've just started on the PVP (it's quite fun - if they fix they FPS) and was shocked at how quickly i was earning XP and tokens for the PVP gear.

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Rest XP is probably the only thing that's going to help me maintain a decent levelling rate...


Genuine question, but what do you do for your leveling? :) I run one daily space mission every other day or so, and do the proper level flashpoint once or twice. Rarely do I PvP. In fact, I've only done two WZs..... I spend 99.99% of my time questing. Maybe you aren't supposed to do all the quests available, but what I'm doing had me at level 29 starting Tatooine.


I completely skipped Nar Shaddaa's Bonus Series for now. I suspect that I'll just over level some content competely and run them only for the story or the orange drops/rewards in the heroic quests' case. I've stopped logging out in my ship and I'm really hoping that my leveling will slow down as I go through my 30s....

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Worst. Idea. Ever. Plus the fact that I could level faster on wow. If you absolutely, positively must have the grind, just stab yourself in the eye a few times in between quests, should be about as entertaining.
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God i hate you EQ vets.


Quoted for the truth, eq vets have got to be the most vile curse on modern day mmo's. It's like this uncle of mine who walked in the snow uphill, both ways, while barefoot, wearing a 100 lb. backpack, and his only form of navigation was a hand me down compass or at least that is what he tells everyone and how I got it so good.

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For me it isn't the thought of adding more time sinks to the game but the fact that since Balmorra my level progression has put me as much as 6 levels above the content I should be doing for my class story. I am forced to simply ignore most of the quests in such zones just to get myself in the right bracket and I couldn't even do that until I finished my class quests on Voss. now I'm on Corellia and I feel like I am in the right zone for my level for the first time since Drommund Kass, and I'm 49.


What this does is eliminate the content of the planets, all the zone quests and even the bonus series which would be a great way to spend your time. Instead it feels like it caters too much to power leveling, which is pretty sad in a "story based" mmo.

Edited by LordVaako
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On a totally different side note..


I see you mention EQ since 99.. nice to see other old school EQ'rs in here. I can understand your thoughts on the levelling speed,however this is how mmo's have evolved. Not like in old EQ where you could not even solo 1 single mob (cept kiting with druid and wizard hehe).



Orc trains up through crystal caverns ftw!!

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I wouldn't have minded if levelign was slowe when the game started since I used to play lineage 2 and kinda like having to really work hard for the levels. But it's too late now and it's honestly not that bad. I feel like i've played this game alot over the weeks and i'm only now half a lv from 50. I've done quests, space missions bonus quests, looked for datacrons and done flashpoints. So much to do and I know I will have alot to do once I get 50 as well.
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as a stealth class i can agree with the OP and this is why:


just hit lvl 41 and finished my story quests on belsavis, havent done the other quests on this planet yet ( was in a rush to get the companion) no to the heart of the matter, im such a lowish lvl(recomeded 44ish for belsavis) becuse iv avoided killing trash by stealthring round as much as poss the game from a PvE standpoint is to easy if you use a healer compnion (or a tank if your healing) so if you carnt stealth your going to rack up xp way to quick

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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.



That is all.

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Worst idea ever. There will be plenty of stuff for you to do, the whole point of an MMO is evolution and new content. Have you done every single quest including the bonus series from every planet?


This ^^



If you're unhappy at the rate you're gaining XP, don't punish those of us who do have jobs.. grind on gray mobs or something if you're into slow.

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No. I've been playing since day 1 of early access and I'm still only level 31 (going on 32). Apparently my definition of "casual gamer" is not the same as other people's.


Now I'm back at work after the Christmas hols, my levelling rate is going to plummet as well - given I'll only be playing on Friday evenings and over weekends. I probably only play for between 6-8 hours over the course of a weekend (I spend all week sat in front of a PC writing software, I don't really want to do it all weekend as well).


No offense here to what im about to type to you but...


You do realise real gamers dont really give 2 hoots about anything you say.


Honestly , you play 1 hour a week. You are the epitome of the player that these mmos are catered to these days, and its like a poison, vile and ghastly. These mmo's that get released are so dumbed down to accomodate people like you, they are fun for 1-2 months , then everything is just so damn easy, it gets boring, and gamers like myself leave.


But you win in the end, you get the game you want...While real gamers are left out in the cold " again " waiting, always waiting for their AAA challenging yet fun mmo to appear....


IMHO, leveling needs to be 2x as long, its WAAY to quick.

Lvl 42, just finished taris ( lvl 36 planet ) my class quest is grey.


Ill say what i always say. New game, why the hell would i want to skip content? Im a pve nut, tank. I flashpoint alot. i space battle alot. I dont pvp.


I have so massivly outleved the content , its not funny.....

Edited by darthjerro
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