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Cut EXP gain 35% across the board


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Just because you and your wife are obviously PLAYING too much doesn't mean you should effect everyone else. I have a full time job, go to the gym, and try to spend some time with the GF when i can (GF Aggro)


Been playing since that Friday of Pre release and i'm only level 33. < the amount of time I can spend in the game basically nets me about ONE LEVEL A DAY at this point.. I logged on last night and gained ONE LEVEL... at this rate it will take me awhile still to hit 50...


If you make this even slower you're going to piss off people like me who actually have a life and can't put down more then 4 hours a day into this.


I work 50 hours a week and go to gym to. granted i dont live with my missus, but thats by choice ( so i can do what i want when i want ) .


I honestly dont give 2 hoots you can dedicate 3 hours a week to mmo's , its your choice. I can dedicate 20+hours a week, its my choice.


But dont worry kid, you win without a fight . Games developers these days CATER to your kind, that why mmo's are facroll aoe nerfests ( looking at you wow and tor ) because you cant play for 2 hours at a a time, so everything has to be doable in your time frame, 30 minutes....


Which in the end screws everybody as we all know easy = boring , and boring = looking for a new game.

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all cutting xp gain would do is force us to grind instead of leveling by questing, maybe you think that's a good idea. I don't.


leveling progression as it stands is fine, I do the content, skip one or two missions I don't like and by time I've done all the content, I'm level 50...


this is GOOD MMO design bad MMO design is arbitrarily increaseing the experiance needed to level without adding new sources of that XP.

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I work 50 hours a week and go to gym to. granted i dont live with my missus, but thats by choice ( so i can do what i want when i want ) .


I honestly dont give 2 hoots you can dedicate 3 hours a week to mmo's , its your choice. I can dedicate 20+hours a week, its my choice.


But dont worry kid, you win without a fight . Games developers these days CATER to your kind, that why mmo's are facroll aoe nerfests ( looking at you wow and tor ) because you cant play for 2 hours at a a time, so everything has to be doable in your time frame, 30 minutes....


Which in the end screws everybody as we all know easy = boring , and boring = looking for a new game.


riiight because grinding wolves for 2 hours is sooo hard.


thats not hard, mind numbingly boreing? yes. hard, no.

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Does no one else think it's going too fast?


I agree with you. Prepare to be flamed by people with only their own selfish interests in mind. Most people don't know whats good for them and the game. I would probably only go with 15-20% reduction though.

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I think it's fine every character I have are doing every bonus missions, heroics that are offered. I might be out-leveling some of the content but that is what I get for resting so many characters.


The rest XP is actually quite minimal compared to WOW when you think about it.

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But dont worry kid, you win without a fight . Games developers these days CATER to your kind, that why mmo's are facroll aoe nerfests ( looking at you wow and tor ) because you cant play for 2 hours at a a time, so everything has to be doable in your time frame, 30 minutes....


Which in the end screws everybody as we all know easy = boring , and boring = looking for a new game.


Yup. This is the exact reason WoW and TOR sold so poorly, and why hardcore grindfests with extreme difficulty levels have consistently been smash hits.

Edited by BloatedGuppy
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Hell no!


Think your getting too much xp , then do a heroic all the way up to the end guy and then recall out redo and then Finnish it and poof there you go -50% xp.

Dont nerf our xp cuz you have way too much time on YOUR hands.

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At first I thought the idea was good, but after thinking about it more, I don't think it is. My reasoning is that the combat just isn't interesting enough yet, it's too repetitive. I realize that's an odd argument but bear with me.


So what keeps me going is the cool story, the equipment rewards, the new abilities and the new experience (e.g. new art, new world). Cutting XP means the equipment, abilities and experience all come 35% slower. That leaves me only with cool story.


I don't want to grind 35% slower to be forced to appreciate the story. If they figure out how to make the solo combat fun and not repetitive though, I could see some value it.

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I'd just like the option to turn XP off so I can finish out the planet I'm on without outleveling the next. I know it doesn't really hurt anything but I kinda like having a challenge when I go places.


Of course the problem would then be people farming PVP for commednations could easily be solved by turning off or nerfing rewards when your XP is off.

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I actually agree with OP on this one. I did all the quests on Balmorra before leaving on one of my characters. Now I am lvl 32 and just finished Tatooine, which is supposed to be 24-28, and I rushed through Nar Shadda. The devs could easily cut xp 15-20% and keep people within the predetermined levels of the planets with all the side quests there are.
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The target demographic wouldn't receive such a change very positively, thus it's very unlikely to happen.


Personally, I'd like to see the leveling speed slowed down a bit (still 34) as I've outleveled all the content since Balmorra, and I don't even PvP, do space combat missions, or run flashpoints multiple times, as that would just make the "problem" worse.


I agree. I'm a completist so I've been doing every quest on every planet so far (including all heroics and bonus series quests) as well as running each flashpoint one time at the appropriate level. And, because of that style of gameplay, I've been outleveling the content since mid-way through Balmorra as well.


I've forced myself to stop PvPing and doing space missions (until end-game) because they offer too much additional XP and I'm trying to slow down the game some not because I want it to be slower necessarily, but because me being over-leveled has taken some of the challenge out of the game.


My challenge now comes from solo-ing the 2-man heroic quests.


Most people probably don't play that way, but if there was an option for me to stop gaining XP I'd absolutely make use of it. It's a problem (that I created for myself) that my class quests on Tatooine and Alderaan are gray.

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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.


Hush yourself with such crazy ideas !


but serious for a sec yes the game isn't hard to level but that isn't a bad thing. I have been in games with the Grind and lack of quests to help the process and those games aren't doing well right now

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Does no one else think it's going too fast?

I personally think its too fast myself. I stopped playing my main for a week to play some alts just because I was not ready for him to continue progressing as fast as he was.


That said, now that the game is live and precedent is set, they should not, and most likely will not make any drastic XP gain changes. If adjusted at all it probably shouldn't be anymore than 2-3% in any direction.

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What I find amusing is its always its always the powerlevelers and obsessive (ie, put life on hold until we conquer all available content in 2 weeks after launch) players that are the ones complaining 2-3 months after release about the game being "boring" and "lacking new content."

When 90% of the server is is still moving at a more reasonable pace and has plenty of game left to see.


Dont get me wrong, nothing wrong with either playstyle, but its kind of unrealstic to expect NOT to get bored when you play nonstop.

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That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.

That is the whole point. It's for you to re-roll and experience out other classes as much as possible w/o having stuck to grind your level out until next life.

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My 2 cents.


Leveling is very fast. Faster than any other MMO ive ever player thats for sure (at launch at least).


Is it too fast? No not really and heres why.


All missions aside from class quest are optional. You can drop them any time. Same goes for FP/OPs. The decision lies with the player. Exercise some free will and skip that bonus quest if you think youre too high already. You can always come back and get it when its grey, it may be really easy, but even jedi and sith are tasked with menial duties from time to time. Or alternatively you can save some planet quests for another class you may intend to roll.

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Nope. No nerfing I play fairly feverishly and I'm still not maxed out on my main. I've been playing since early access and I also don't play just to max out my level. I play for the story. Going through the Jedi Story, LvLing a Sith Apprentice and a Trooper.


Instead of playing it like a typical MMO, I guess I'm playing TOR more like KOTOR, or Mass Effect. And I honestly think that's what Bioware intended.

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All missions aside from class quest are optional. You can drop them any time. Same goes for FP/OPs. The decision lies with the player. Exercise some free will and skip that bonus quest if you think youre too high already. You can always come back and get it when its grey, it may be really easy, but even jedi and sith are tasked with menial duties from time to time. Or alternatively you can save some planet quests for another class you may intend to roll.


In terms of raw game mechanics you make a completely valid point, and you have stated it well. However, a lot of people (myself included) want some suspension of disbelief and sense of immersion while playing... and constantly have to ask myself "do I want to do this quest as I am already higher than the recommended level for this zone and the extra xp will make that disparity even worse" absolutely destroys that.


So yes, avoiding bonus quest sections would help reduce xp but would mean my character wouldn't get that extra congratulatory comment on a job well done from the end-quests cutscene, and I don't want to miss out on that - or any other content from when it is written to be enjoyed alongside other similar content on the same planet. Colour it whichever way you like, Bioware overstocked planets with quest xp opportunities and made it impossible to experience everything in order and keep to planetary recommended level ranges.


If only there were an easy solution. Hmmm... ... *gah*... must... resist... dammit *cough*give-us-a-toggle-xp-option*cough* http://www.swtor.com/de/community/showthread.php?t=71335

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