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Cut EXP gain 35% across the board


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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.

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The target demographic wouldn't receive such a change very positively, thus it's very unlikely to happen.


Personally, I'd like to see the leveling speed slowed down a bit (still 34) as I've outleveled all the content since Balmorra, and I don't even PvP, do space combat missions, or run flashpoints multiple times, as that would just make the "problem" worse.

Edited by JHarkrider
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Cutting XP gains would make the currently optional Heroics, bonuses and bonus series mandatory, or force people to grind mobs, pvp, or space missions to stay at level to their quests. It would alienate a wide swath of the playerbase. Not a good idea, no offense.
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solve broken game? add more cutscenes...


Yeah can we get some more voice acting pl0z? hire Howard Stern, Obama, and Rush Limbaugh.. that should talk us into next year. Plenty of time for Bioware to get this game 50% launch ready.

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cutting XP gains would just make it take longer for people to get to level 50, and make it even worse for the current level 50s.


I haven't had much time to play, but my guild is waiting on me to get to level 50, so I have been grinding latly, I don;t need it to take any longer.


How about instead of reducing XP gains, gives us an option to turn them off, or would that be too much like WoW?

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Personally, I think some of the out leveling problem could be fixed by nerfing the amount of rest xp you gain. My God, I only have to logout for a day and I accumulate an entire level plus some worth of rest xp..... While it only affects combat xp, it still adds up.
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I don't feel its going too fast. I do feel that they could afford to tweak down the xp gain a bit.


I have overlevelled my zones way too much. Doing the occasional PvP day and Flashpoint meant I was 8 levels too high for Alderaan. Basically had to skip over 2 planets to get back up to speed with my level bracket.

Edited by pixxpixx
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Sorry OP, but it's a horrible idea. If you don't do all the sidequests and the bonus series on the planets, you don't out-level them.



I'm curious what level has to do with anything though. Unless you are skipping through dialogue, the story can't "go by too fast". It's impossible.

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Does no one else think it's going too fast?


I do but they would have to add more quests if they added more exp or a cut exp gain. Bioware shot themselves in the foot. Because all quests have voice acted dialogue scenes they couldn't possibly have say 120 quests in only one planet compared to a typical zone in WoW (yes WoW you haters) there only a handful at any give outpost on a planet and that's it.

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Does no one else think it's going too fast?


No. I've been playing since day 1 of early access and I'm still only level 31 (going on 32). Apparently my definition of "casual gamer" is not the same as other people's.


Now I'm back at work after the Christmas hols, my levelling rate is going to plummet as well - given I'll only be playing on Friday evenings and over weekends. I probably only play for between 6-8 hours over the course of a weekend (I spend all week sat in front of a PC writing software, I don't really want to do it all weekend as well).

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Personally, I think some of the out leveling problem could be fixed by nerfing the amount of rest xp you gain. My God, I only have to logout for a day and I accumulate an entire level plus some worth of rest xp..... While it only affects combat xp, it still adds up.


Rest XP is probably the only thing that's going to help me maintain a decent levelling rate...

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You get a lot more exp when you group as you get some exp for the other people in the group who complete non-class quests and bonus quests as well. If you don't have a lot of rest exp and don't pvp or do space missions then you can struggle to get to 50 on normal quests solo so a cut in exp would not be a great thing. Edited by traft
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cutting XP gains would just make it take longer for people to get to level 50, and make it even worse for the current level 50s.


And why is getting to 50 so important? Is that when the "real" game begins? Funny, I thought I was playing the "real" game this whole time. You know, all the quests, stories, cut-scenes, and group content on the way to 50.


XP gains should be a little slower. It's not a grind to pace the game a little slower. I don't know about 30%, but I find my self quickly over-leveling areas before I'm even close to being finished. Never-mind the easy mode space combat with ridiculous low level xp gains. If people got credits like they got XP for mission, nobody would be upset about slicing. :p

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Does no one else think it's going too fast?


I think the games you're used to were going too slow.


This is a story-based MMO, and it's intended to progress at a steady pace, to tell a story. Most MMOs which are slow and grindy are able to be so because it's not a consistent narrative.



I've been playing MMOs since Nexus TK in 98, and have played dozens of games since, both free and subscription, and I'm happy with the pace of this one.


Slowing the game down is just trying to stretch the existing content out, and make it more grindy. If they had content to fill out more levels, or to fill out slower levels, that'd be fine. Just making things pointlessly more time consuming though is not needed. "Time sink" should be a four-letter word in MMOs.

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Yeah can we get some more voice acting pl0z? hire Howard Stern, Obama, and Rush Limbaugh.. that should talk us into next year. Plenty of time for Bioware to get this game 50% launch ready.


gods - it's him again "my system won't run this game - so the game is broken - I'll sit on the forums and tell everyone that it's broken" - it ain't broken - it works (given a reasonable system). sheesh


anyhoo - I agree with OP to some extent..... however


I am hoping - and, as yet I have little proof, that the class story lines for Jedi Knight, Trooper and Smuggler are going to be sufficiently different that (once I get to 50th) I'll be quite happy to roll a different class and try again.


I do know that an awful lot of content will be the same - so I'll have to see if there's enough to keep my attention.

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I may be in the minority with how I play this game (I solo 100% of the time) but the day they change it so that I'm forced to do group missions due to them cutting back the XP gain rate, is the day I unsub.


My highest character is level 35 & so far the leveling feels pretty natural. Most of the missions I pick up on my journey have been right around my level (not too hard, not too easy). Hopefully that will continue all the way to 50.

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I am still of the opinion (as are numerous others) that the best way to allow people to control their progression if they think they are levelling too fast is to add an optional "turn off xp gain" toggle - i.e. a way to slow your own level progression without affecting those that are happy with the progression as it is.


There is an active discussion thread already underway about this if people want to add further opinions (and hopefully support!):



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