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Mitigation, the REAL problem. Also, operatives need a 2x dmg multiplier.


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just another bump. i have already said my opinion numerous times on this thread. i would like to see a dev response. if they arent changing the tank gears stats or the mitigation/stat mechanics can i please have all my gear swapped to a dps set



pretty please!!!

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tank spec and tank classes have good mechanics



tank gear, shields, and defense rating are garbage




this is what needs to be addressed. people are so concerned about that one time they attacked a tank(lol u targeted a tank) that people are ignoring the main concept of this. tank gear grants the LAMEST amount of survivability vs dps gear. tank survivability does not scale up like dps does with gear

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To say they work as advertised is an outright lie which many here also seem to disagree with you on, so it isn't just me. You can define it however you want in your head to make yourself feel justified, but obviously a lot of people don't agree.



Please tell me how it's a lie? I can't wait to hear this.


1. There are 4 different attack types in game which are Melee, Ranged, Force and Tech.


2. Shields work against Melee and Ranged attacks as per the shield chance tooltip. There are 44 attacks which fall into these categories for either side (88 total). You can see what types of attacks you have by hitting P and looking at your powers.


3. The 44 number was arived at by looking at all abilities on Torhead for the Empire side.


4. Melee and Ranged classified attacks tend to have the highest base damage of any attacks.


So your shields do work against a wide array of abilities and do help absorb the damage recieved along with your armor to mitigate some of the highest base damage attacks in game. I ask again, how am I lying?

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Please tell me how it's a lie? I can't wait to hear this.


1. There are 4 different attack types in game which are Melee, Ranged, Force and Tech.


2. Shields work against Melee and Ranged attacks as per the shield chance tooltip. There are 44 attacks which fall into these categories for either side (88 total). You can see what types of attacks you have by hitting P and looking at your powers.


3. The 44 number was arived at by looking at all abilities on Torhead for the Empire side.


4. Melee and Ranged classified attacks tend to have the highest base damage of any attacks.


So your shields do work against a wide array of abilities and do help absorb the damage recieved along with your armor to mitigate some of the highest base damage attacks in game. I ask again, how am I lying?



Ur part 4. is were u are incorrect and ur whole theory is cancled!!!Cuz Force and Techpower skills tend to have the highest amount of dmg in this game atm ,maybe there is the answer to this problem ,and they should just swap some tech/force skills with with ranged.

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Right now Kinetic and Energy damage hit the highest. Every class that manged a 8k+ hit has done it with those types of damage. Since the devs will still not comment and the nerfs that happened to biochem the numbers shouldn't be over 7k with bis and all buffs, but the top damage skills are still Kinetic and Energy.


Sorry Snipers and Marauders, you picked fail classes.

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I'd love to see the outcry if a crit-based DPS spec, out of 24 specs of 8 ACs, could normally crit only 1-2 specs of 2 ACs in the whole game and crit the third one half of the time, and BW would insist on loading their PvP gear with Crit and Surge.


Bottomline, tank mechanics might work "as described" (not going to presume what was intended or not - I'm not Bioware), but certainly not half as well as *advertised*. Sure, high avoidance screws up MM Snipers and Carnage Marauders. Assassins who don't just spam their positional attack (I know it's tempting, but it's also silly) can overcome avoidance (not fully, of course, but sufficiently).


Also, a tank in tank gear is just that - a *tank*. His damage is miserably low. Right now, the only thing that realisitcally separates a, say Guardian's or Juggernaut's tank spec survivability from that of DPS specs is just one 3-minute cooldown that lasts 10 seconds (12 with 2-piece PvE set). During that, they can truly tank. But other than that, they just have an extra stun, miserable damage and the general survivability of a DPS spec.


"Look at the bigger picture! You have teammates! Your utility is what makes you useful! Tank+Healer=nigh-immortal!", you might say. While partly true (aside the immortal part - they can just focus down the tank - outside cooldowns, it's just as tough as a DPS spec), tanks seem to be the only support class that can't support themselves. I've seen geared Corruption Sorcerers tank half of the Republic team while healing his allies for extended periods of time, thanks to interrupt mechanic bugs\server lag. A tank, on the other hand, seems to be able to protect everyone but himself. And that's just ridiculous and illogical.

Edited by Helig
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You know what sucks about all this?


I'm a Guardian tank and I have the most punishing tanking stance of all three tanks. I need a lot of talents just to reduce the penalties of Soresu form. I don't get a lot of fun stuff like the other tanks do.


See. I have this little crucial talent here called Courage that gives me a charge 50% of the time every time my I block, dodge, deflect, or absorb and reduces the cost of my attacks by 1. It's pretty darn important when all of your focus generating attack is reduced by one.


I can't do any of the four because it gets bypassed by a lot of the heavy hitting attacks by other classes. So not only do I get screwed by stats not working half the time, I also get screwed by not being generate the focus cost reduction charges I need.



Not cool, BioWare. Not cool at all.


Are we going to have another Ilum 1.1 on this matter too one of these days?

Edited by Obie_Wan
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Back when this thread was created i actually cared.


This game has much bigger problems than shield/absorption being useless in 99.5% of PvP. (which it is)


Well since i rolled vanguard because i love troopers and i LOVE tanking and i also do 90% pvp its pretty ****ed up for me :/.And yes u are right this game has many problems and i trust BioWare that they will change the most of those things cuz they allrdy Do much more and spent much more effort to change things than the dev of other mmos .But what we want here is a respond from the officials ,do they want to keep this defense system up???So we can actually roll to smth more viable or do they have changes in mind and we can hope to play our beloved tank in future!!

Edited by kuan
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Well since i rolled vanguard because i love troopers and i LOVE tanking and i also do 90% pvp its pretty ****ed up for me :/.And yes u are right this game has many problems and i trust BioWare that they will change the most of those things cuz they allrdy Do much more and spent much more effort to change things than the dev of other mmos .But what we want here is a respond from the officials ,do they want to keep this defense system up???So we can actually roll to smth more viable or do they have changes in mind and we can hope to play our beloved tank in future!!


Well, I settled for taking PvP DPS gear, and so far, it's not too bad. However, I still have to play my class counter-intuitively. Instead of going into melee, I operate at medium range, juggling Guard and applying taunts, CCing strong DPS and healers, getting in to drop a fear-bomb\cc\to interrupt objectives, and bailing out with Guardian leap. And with DPS gear I have enough burst to finish off wounded enemies and put some pressure on healers.

Edited by Helig
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Last but not least...

i'm a juggy with spec immortal, full champion War leader's pvp set and ATM i'm really useless!


I could do better dmg waiting in the warzone queue on the interfleet and I could stay alive in the warzone if I play in a part...

Edited by Anabola
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Ur part 4. is were u are incorrect and ur whole theory is cancled!!!Cuz Force and Techpower skills tend to have the highest amount of dmg in this game atm ,maybe there is the answer to this problem ,and they should just swap some tech/force skills with with ranged.


My research on page 50ish of this thread says differently.

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Faith in BioWare has been shaken.


Why would they not post a reply on this.


Tanks that can't tank? That seems like something that needs to be addressed.


If my PT can't shield anything then I don't get to rocket punch every 4.5sec and my 6sec 8 heat vent doesn't work.


Respecing to Pyrotech tonight in protest till we get some answers.


I'm going to post random curse words immediately after this post. 10k credits says it gets more attention than this legit problem they don't seem to want to talk about.

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No research on that page at all... Unless you mean that tiny comparison of only 3 abilities out of the whole 100+ in the game, because that sure as hell isn't research, just plain lazy.


Considering I don't have a multitude of 50s at my disposal to test with it's not lazy, hence why I asked for confirmation from other players genius.


The trend however IS there and I have yet to see ANYONE post numbers to the contrary.

Edited by ltankhsd
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Still interested in a response from the devs.


Would it make sense to anyone else if you could only benefit from 'defense' versus melee/ranged attacks and shields could only proc against tech/force attacks?


Parrying a sword or blaster shot then shielding versus lightning/missiles seems to make sense to me, and at least then all attacks would be subject to one type of defense or the other.


Having all attacks subject to shields OR defense makes much more sense to me than having one set of attacks subject to both and one set of attacks subject to neither. Anyone agree?


As a Sith Juggernaut, I don't need both defense mechanics overlapping on ALL attacks, but it'd be a big step forward if I knew that I had SOMETHING working when a sage or trooper was unloading in my face.

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well after the total blunder of patch 1.1 i am sure this got pushed further down the list but i would still like a response......


why do defense, shield rating, and absorb appear on pvp gear but do nothing.....



please would like to see some yellow.

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