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Amazed at the hate. I love this game!


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I know negative people/complainers are always the loudest in the room, so to speak, but as a counter point to all that, I would just like to say I really love this game. I've been playing MMOs since the original Everquest (1999) and I have to say a couple things about The Old Republic.


1) It's casual. This is a good thing for most people. This is probably one of the only MMOs you can literally sit down for 15 minutes and feel like you've gotten something done. Very few MMOs let you do this, and it's a big plus for busy people like myself.


2)Fully voiced. This feature is definitely "love it or leave it" but I personally love it. It makes the level of immersion much deeper than that of a game with text only. I think MOST people would agree on that point.


3)Modifiable gear is a HUGE win in my opinion. There just needs to be MORE of it. A lot more. But being able to find gear you like at level 12 and keep it forever just by upgrading it is too cool for words. Love it.


4)It's Star Wars. For any fan, that's a big plus right there.


Those are the main things I love about the game. Time is short for me or I'd go on. But my point is, I can't be the only one who really enjoys this game. I hope new people reading this forum give the game a chance before dismissing it and going back to whatever MMO they are currently paying for. My two cents.

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Most people are enjoying this game with the few bugs and all. Only a few people don't like it. And out of those only a small percentage have a valid reason. I have to say most complaints I have read are either misinformation or outright trolling by people who don't even play.


Don't read this forums to get a State of the Game.

Edited by Daeborn
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Mod gear only works 1-49


No end game


dead game


rip swtor


If you recall, wow only had MC at launch. Technically SWTOR has more end-game at launch than wow did.


Look for something other to do than raids, cause there's a lot more to mmos than raiding. For example, try leveling some crafting alts.

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As someone said in general chat yesterday......


The forums of an MMO are the rear end of Satan........



Except he used the more colorful word for Rear End.


And he's right.


Don't use the boards as a state of the game.

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Frankly, I am not amazed at the hate and negativity directed toward anything, be it game or sport or book or play or whatever you name.


The anonymity of Internet Commandos gives them a peculiar sense of power. Having said that, I am also enjoying the game so far and I have NEVER been a big fan of Star Wars or its mythos in any way. But a fun and engaging game will always draw me in. I'm a casual player anyway so I see myself playing throughout my six-month subscription anyway.


Beyond that I will wait and see.

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Agreed. People usually forget the launch of many major MMOs. They start out with not a lot of end-game content, even WoW started off with little endgame content. It didn't even have battlegrounds at first.


And why would the devs release a lot of end-game content in the beginning? It's taking people at least a month to reach cap unless they power level through it, but end-game content will come. TOR launched Dec. 20 of last year and it's only Jan. 9. Hasn't even been around a month. It is going to get better, it already is. :)

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If you recall, wow only had MC at launch. Technically SWTOR has more end-game at launch than wow did.


Look for something other to do than raids, cause there's a lot more to mmos than raiding. For example, try leveling some crafting alts.


True (Onyxia was in game as well - First kill in Jan) but it took months to gear up to even get through MC. First Rag kill was in April, 5 months after launch. That's this issue here. We aren't even one month in and most of the endgame is being beat.

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It's the same for any MMO, or game actually. Don't know why people pretend to be shocked about this.


It's funny, because if you go back to the start of most any MMO on it's forums (about a week after launch) there are equally as many if not more complaints (on most MMOs, not all).


People like to say "This is unacceptable for 2011/2012!", but what they really mean is "I don't like it!" because it is COMPLETELY acceptable for 2011/2012, the fact that ALL MMOs still operate this way proves that. MMOs start out incomplete, and grow, whether it be 2004 or 2012, this has never changed and I dare ANYONE to point out an MMO where that isn't the case. Even if they could, congrats, you pointed out one MMO, now try to point out five.

Edited by BobTheTeepo
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1) It's casual. This is a good thing for most people. This is probably one of the only MMOs you can literally sit down for 15 minutes and feel like you've gotten something done. Very few MMOs let you do this, and it's a big plus for busy people like myself.

I can barely log in and zone the 5 times it takes to go from one planet to another in 15 minutes.

3)Modifiable gear is a HUGE win in my opinion. There just needs to be MORE of it. A lot more. But being able to find gear you like at level 12 and keep it forever just by upgrading it is too cool for words. Love it.

This one is a matter of perspective. I come from City of Heroes where I look exactly like I want to look starting at level 1.


Whether modable gear is good or not depends on what you are comparing it to.


4)It's Star Wars. For any fan, that's a big plus right there.

One of my friends said that Tatooine was his favorite planet. My next comment was that I hated it.


My reasons were mainly based on it being the first post 25 planet that was obviously designed to make you hurt if you hadn't sprung for the speeder license yet - large unoccupied areas, lots of running back and forth instead of sensibly updated mission goals, and unrelated to those, the number of times I spent running between 2-3 spawns of specific needed things waiting for respawn.


His reason "Tatooine has been my favorite since 1977".


Pardon me if I find it sort of silly to judge a game based on something 35 years old done by people not related to the game instead of on the content of the game itself.

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SWTOR is not competing with wow in 2004, it's competing with wow in 2012. Is this like the fanboy rally song or something. Whenever someone posts anything relating to how boring and lifeless the game is, this immediate response is the first.


The game is not TERRIBLE. Ok I said it. it's probably a good game for a few specific people. In terms of an MMO though, it failed hard. You can justify your 15 bucks a month with whatever crazy notion you come up with, but in the end the game will hemmorhage subscribers due to some critical flaws which have been discussed here many many times.


The game should have had a better working endgame at 50.


The PvP is completely idiotic and stale, in six years they couldn't make another warzone?


The world feels lifeless, completely and utterly devoid of anything other successful mmo's have done. No weather cycles, no day/night, instanced worlds with far too much empty space. The game world does not feel seamless, too much sharding, loading, zoning, instancing etc...


It plays like a single player game with a chat box, yep this is a large complaint and one I'm not sure how they will fix. Simple things like chat bubbles were ignored so we get to watch a small rectangle at the top of the screen we can't even move zoom by at mach 5 while we type TANK LFG XXX.


I can even excuse the lack of addons, I can understand addons are not for everyone, fine. However to not have a customizable UI is beyond lazy. Even Rift got most of the things right out of the gate and they had a much much smaller budget.


The engine sucks, even Bioware made mention they understand certain things like ability lag are present, hey guess what, you picked a crap engine.


The fanboys who blindly pay thier fee's to the Bioware gods are going to support this train wreck, which is fine I guess, thier money not mine.


They probably liked Dragon Age 2 also.

Edited by Kaedann
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I love this game and will continue to play and looj foward to future expansions... I come from a long mmo history... Its all I play.... I play swtor at least 4 hrs a day and im only lvl 32, of course im working on the crafting aspect as well.... Loving every bit of it
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If you recall, wow only had MC at launch. Technically SWTOR has more end-game at launch than wow did.


Look for something other to do than raids, cause there's a lot more to mmos than raiding. For example, try leveling some crafting alts.


Do you HONESTLY think he cares??

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I can barely log in and zone the 5 times it takes to go from one planet to another in 15 minutes.


This one is a matter of perspective. I come from City of Heroes where I look exactly like I want to look starting at level 1.


Whether modable gear is good or not depends on what you are comparing it to.



One of my friends said that Tatooine was his favorite planet. My next comment was that I hated it.


My reasons were mainly based on it being the first post 25 planet that was obviously designed to make you hurt if you hadn't sprung for the speeder license yet - large unoccupied areas, lots of running back and forth instead of sensibly updated mission goals, and unrelated to those, the number of times I spent running between 2-3 spawns of specific needed things waiting for respawn.


His reason "Tatooine has been my favorite since 1977".


Pardon me if I find it sort of silly to judge a game based on something 35 years old done by people not related to the game instead of on the content of the game itself.


Having gear mods is a bonus no matter what, it may be better in other games or present to some extent, but from an objective standpoint, having this system is a bonus.


Honestly, it isn't "sensible" that all your goals be in the perfect position for you to get to them. In real life, you're going to run back and forth a bit, this makes it feel more like an adventure in the game and it prolongs it's lifespan, as long as it isn't overkill which it most certainly is not, they bundled it up nice and neatly for us, keeping pretty much all goals in one area/zone/whatever you wanna call it.


Furthermore, I can't think of more than one or two times where I've had to wait for respawns. Sometimes you have to search a little bit and sometimes they're not exactly where the goal says, but if you're willing to take a minute or two you won't usually have to wait for respawns.


You shouldn't find it silly at all, you should understand it COMPLETELY and know that it's perfectly sensible. Instead, you should simply disagree because you do not have the bias towards it coming into the game. I personally LOVE Tatooine in the game and in the movies, Tatooine was one of my favorite planets in game and in the universe. I prefer Hoth and Corellia in game, but Tatooine was still highly enjoyable.

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Frankly, I am not amazed at the hate and negativity directed toward anything, be it game or sport or book or play or whatever you name.


The anonymity of Internet Commandos gives them a peculiar sense of power. Having said that, I am also enjoying the game so far and I have NEVER been a big fan of Star Wars or its mythos in any way. But a fun and engaging game will always draw me in. I'm a casual player anyway so I see myself playing throughout my six-month subscription anyway.


Beyond that I will wait and see.


^^ That 100%


I am enjoying the game. I especially ejoy the crafting which I normally can't stand.


The storylines and dialogue are very compelling.


This is defenitely a game to stick with just to see what they roll out next. The base game has been built. It can only get better.

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I agree, every MMO has its infancy and this will be no different. I positively love this game and its ability to not require multiple people in order to get to end game. If you're a casual gamer, you can be that, if you're a hardcore gamer, you can be that too. Lets face it, this game fills a good niche for a lot of people. Over all, it has the best story line I've seen in any MMO I've played which are EQ, EQ2, EVE, WoW, Tabula Rasa, Age of Conan, Dark Age of Camelot, Entropia, Guild Wars, Star Trek and a number of others. I've been a Beta tester in most of those and this has been the best content, easiest learning curve and least buggy launch I've seen yet.


Bottom line: Bioware employees should be proud of the product they've created. They've out done themselves.


This portion is an edit:


I'd like to point out that people below this post and possibly above it are stating that there is no in game support. I Currently have 17 bug reports in. I put a bug report in every time I run into a portion of the game that will not interact correctly. Half of these reports have already been answered and I expect that I will arrive home from work today to find another 1, possibly 2 reports waiting and updated by the GM's and Customer Support.


Before you start canceling your subscriptions, how about trying to work With the system instead of against it. If you're posting here and not putting in bug reports every time you find something wrong, then you're part of the problem and not the solution.

Edited by Tillyn
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1) It's casual. This is a good thing for most people. This is probably one of the only MMOs you can literally sit down for 15 minutes and feel like you've gotten something done. Very few MMOs let you do this, and it's a big plus for busy people like myself.

I'm all for casual accomplishments but not casual mechanics. Everything in this game is so basic and plagerised that it feels more lazy than casual.


2)Fully voiced. This feature is definitely "love it or leave it" but I personally love it. It makes the level of immersion much deeper than that of a game with text only. I think MOST people would agree on that point.

You were right on this point until you said 'most'. I don't think a large enough number of people is that impressed by this feature to have invested so much in it. Personally if I was the one pushing the buttons at bioware I would have made the class quests VO, and a couple of the more interesting chain side quests VO. All the "go here, kill 10 rats" quests could be delivered from mission terminals or a quest giver with canned responses (ie. "Hello sir, this correspondance just arrived for you from imperial headquarters"). It's going to be VERY expensive and time consuming to keep this VO trend going in future expansions and I simply dont think its worth it.


3)Modifiable gear is a HUGE win in my opinion. There just needs to be MORE of it. A lot more. But being able to find gear you like at level 12 and keep it forever just by upgrading it is too cool for words. Love it.

Modifiable gear is one of the only true innovations this game brings to the genre. Very good idea. Reportedly it only exists until lvl 49 but theres belief that it will be in endgame eventually. My only change here would be the option to rename the gear. You could get a favorite blaster and name it "Blasty" or something... that would be great.


4)It's Star Wars. For any fan, that's a big plus right there.

It is. The fact its starwars is what made them come out of the gate so strong, and is the only reason they might not fail very quickly. Unless some major changes happen within the next few months this game WILL fall into the endless abyss of other failed wow clones though.

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Having gear mods is a bonus no matter what, it may be better in other games or present to some extent, but from an objective standpoint, having this system is a bonus.

"Better" is a word that makes a comparison. It is not possible for something to be "better" from an objective standpoint. That's not how the word works.

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