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Jedi Knights PvP gear is unacceptably pathetic. Be united against it!


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I would looooove to see the armor updated. I'd be cool with samurai looking armor or something, but I actually plan on buying my pvp chest LAST because it looks soooooo terrible. I don't know who designed it and thought "yeah, that looks like jedi knight", the set doesn't even look like one coherent thought.



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I've seen the pvp gear and it looks terrible to me. I understand we have orange gear we can mod with it's mods (if that update came out with 1.1 i don't know) or that's the future intent at least. But that's an excuse for we don't want to put in armor that looks good. I was hoping that the pvp set would look cool and i'd WANT to wear it. Nothing wrong with giving us good looking options. Hey, swap it with the Jedi Battlelord's gear and i'd be fine.
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I agree with OP completely, i am yet to see something as awful and horrific-looking as JK endgame pvp armour. I mean, come on? wth, bioware?

And i don't care if we get to choose any armour looks some time in the future, the pvp armour itself is supposed to look awesome and at least RESEMBLE that of a JK outfit. This is just outrageous.


P.S. Give us removable hoods and a separate armour slot for robes/capes. Please T.T

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It's not even the Samurai look, which could be passed as different. The helmet is the least worrysome part of the set. But the chest, the boots, the leggings, and come on, that thing on the back? We ain't Troopers!


At least it doesn't have a non-hideable hood. I like how there is an option to turn off headgear - except hoods aren't considered head gear...So I have to look like im wearing a burka.

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I just dont get it.


Why would a Jedi Knight who has reached the level of master not have some kind of armor that has some kind of robe?


Every master Bioware tends to show us, and Im using master in the context of a jedi being max level, is in robes of 'some' kind.


This armor.. it.... it just makes no sense. In addition to it looks so horrid.

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Seriously, where is all this amazing awesome armor Bioware showed us pictures of for 4 f***ing years in their updates? Most of the best looking armor is during the leveling process. Why is the epic gear like my Jedi took LSD and ended up buying some goofy *** armor from some peddler on Nar Shaddaa?


Cmon Bioware you can do better.



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