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  1. So, I went Vigil and I love it. Except that I just realized that Gather Strength Talent doesnt work with Plasma Brand because Plasma Brand is a force attack. Damn >_< No fixing that, oh well. So my question goes to other talents. Is it worth tossing 3 points into Focus for the Insight Talent? Would Give Blade Storm, Plasma Brand, and Force Sweep, and Force Stasis an extra 6% crit chance. Thoughts?
  2. When a Sith Jugg has a red glowing shielding emblem appear on their character, whats going on? Is it some sort of buff / proc. If so, what does it do?
  3. Agent Oberion Kailson, at your service.
  4. So whe its said you learn this Schematic from Crew Skill missions, what exactly does that mean? Is there missions you can send your companion on that has a chance to retrive this schematic?
  5. Got him on the first try. Although, I was level 35. Guardian Focus Spec.
  6. Does anyone have a link to the patch notes for the patch that went out today?
  7. Does anyone know if the weapon damage range your light saber has affects the damage of your melee attacks that do weapon damage, IE Slash or Guardian Strike. Or is the damage of those attacks only based off of your stats like power, str, etc... Thankyou ahead of time for the help!
  8. Can anyone tell me or test for me the % in damage reduction difference that 149 armor makes at lvl 40 or close to 40? Thankyou. Edit: Im trying to weight wearing a heavy chest armor over a medium chest armor.
  9. /shameless bump. An answer of any kind would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Does anyone know if these item mods can be pulled out and palce in other orange or purple armor?
  11. What the. Why is this all the way back on later pages? This issue needs to not be forgotten. Design wise, it looks like Bioware would want defense to work in pvp. Why else does the pvp gear have defense stats on it for certain classes?
  12. So, you know how your character and one of your crew members talk during space missions? I actually enjoy that. But for some reason its stopped. Not a single mission today has had any crew chat. Anyone else have this happen or know how to fix?
  13. How so? Its not like any lies are being told here, and its made obvious from the videos and numbers that the situation is a true one. As well, if the stats are given on pvp gear it shouldnt be useless. Make the stats not useless, or give different stats.
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