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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I've made two level 50s in this game, and I'm working on a third right now. Or at least, I was.


Played the Tera beta, and just couldn't help but hate SWTOR for the fact that Tera looks better, runs better, and has far more interesting combat. I want to continue loving TOR, I really do, but at this point I just can't.

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I've made two level 50s in this game, and I'm working on a third right now. Or at least, I was.


Played the Tera beta, and just couldn't help but hate SWTOR for the fact that Tera looks better, runs better, and has far more interesting combat. I want to continue loving TOR, I really do, but at this point I just can't.


I wish I hadn't missed the Tera beta. I've been watching some videos, though, and it looks wonderful. I'm trying to decide between an Elin warrior or a slayer. Any thoughts?

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I really enjoy the game, up to level 25-30 or so. For some reason, BW has decided that the higher level you are, the harder the boss fights for class quests. I have one toon to level 43 that I can't play any more because the boss is so *********** hard that it's stupid. It's a class quest, not a raid boss! I have no intention on sitting in general chat begging for someone to help, and I won't subject my guild mates to spend 20 minutes of tedious travel to get to me to help so I'm stuck. As I play other toons, I see the same thing happening; as I get close to level 30, it starts getting stupid hard to do the class quests.


I'm to the point where I don't have fun and rarely log in any more. I'll probably unsubscribe soon.


Just keep leveling via the planet quests, space combat, ect. and go back to that particular boss fight when you've gained a few levels and gotten a bit better gear. You don't have to run the class quests right on the spot, you can pick them back up anytime. All those boss fights much easier solo when you're a few levels over them.

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The massive amount of bugs, easy mode raiding, no use for pvp gear once you are all decked out ruined the experience for me, the game doesn't offer anything new except, voice acting and a very predictable storyline, i really wanted to like the game, but it seems every time i did it something would screw it up. So i will be un-subbing in a month or so just to see of 1.2 makes any significant changes and kinda help spark the fire again. Until now, i been pretty disappointed on the game.
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This is my first MMO and I am giving up with only one character at lvl35. The story is good, I'm sick of the grind.

Let me assure you (or maybe worry you), that of all the MMO's i've played over the years (has to be 10+), ToR has by far the least grind of all of them. If thats good or bad i'll leave to up to you guys to decide though.


I can think of many faults that this game has, but grinding is certainly not one of them :)

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I wish I hadn't missed the Tera beta. I've been watching some videos, though, and it looks wonderful. I'm trying to decide between an Elin warrior or a slayer. Any thoughts?


Slayer's definitely an easier class to play than the warrior, which is considered the most difficult class to play well in the game. But the warrior is more versatile, and can tank/DPS (It just can't tank as well as a Lancer, or DPS as well as a Slayer).

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Just keep leveling via the planet quests, space combat, ect. and go back to that particular boss fight when you've gained a few levels and gotten a bit better gear. You don't have to run the class quests right on the spot, you can pick them back up anytime. All those boss fights much easier solo when you're a few levels over them.


I tried space combat. I tried one in Beta and it was one of the most frustrating things I've tried. No instructions on how to play or even control the ship, and no idea what the actual goal is. I died over and over and over, and just when I thought I had it figured out, and the game even said that I succeeded, but then the mission ended as a failed mission and no clue why! Now I don't do space missions.


Belsavis has been an annoyance from the first step. It says that it's level 41-44. I arrived at level 42 to find that the first mob outside the gate is level 43! I ran off and found something to do to level 43 and then came back, but every fight was hit and miss if I'd survive. Why is it rated for level 41 if you can barely survive at 43? Very bad design if you ask me... Even if there are other quests to do, I don't enjoy constantly dieing on trash mobs.


I also don't like PvP and I don't like Dailies so it really limits my options.

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I am not sure.I had unsubbed once because of ability lag.I thought the patch that came out awhile ago was going to fix it.Nope it didn't.So I weight the good against the bad.There are alot of good things about the game.Still since 2 builds before the game went early access there have been many nerfs.Since this trend is continuing I am just unsure if I should hang around for next patch.The basic mechanics aren't working and that is my biggest beef.If my skills don't work it isn't much fun.They also need to work on lag issues in Ilum and the disconnects.They have time for nerfs but not for fixing basic mechanics of the game.That doesn't work for me.
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Me and all my 7 or 8 friends I can think of have quit...probably more of the ones I met in-game are gone.


Hit 50, realized immediately that the "PvP" was nothing more than a senseless grind, for mediocre gear that looks TERRIBLE. The Jedi Knight PvP gear is one of the most hideous armor sets I think I've ever seen, honestly.


There's really just nothing to do. And I wanted to LOVE this game but I haven't really touched it in over a month.

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Me and all my 7 or 8 friends I can think of have quit...probably more of the ones I met in-game are gone.


Hit 50, realized immediately that the "PvP" was nothing more than a senseless grind, for mediocre gear that looks TERRIBLE. The Jedi Knight PvP gear is one of the most hideous armor sets I think I've ever seen, honestly.


There's really just nothing to do. And I wanted to LOVE this game but I haven't really touched it in over a month.


That sucks, hopefully the new Baldur's Gate will have an online mode that gets it right. http://kotaku.com/5889442/this-baldurs-gate-teaser-sure-takes-its-time-to-tell-us-not-much

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This game is crazy fun, and theres nothing else there that can achieve the same level of enjoyment.


I'm so into SWTOR that im worried im not gonna want to play Guild Wars 2 even though im a huge fan of the original.


Me and all my 7 or 8 friends I can think of have quit...probably more of the ones I met in-game are gone.


Hit 50, realized immediately that the "PvP" was nothing more than a senseless grind, for mediocre gear that looks TERRIBLE. The Jedi Knight PvP gear is one of the most hideous armor sets I think I've ever seen, honestly.


There's really just nothing to do. And I wanted to LOVE this game but I haven't really touched it in over a month.


I just dont understand your post.

First, the PvP gear became more acessible on the latest patch. PvP is a grind? Its cause you look at it that way. Stop beeing impatient. Do your daily quests and you will have your gear soon. You dont need to PvP 24/7 cause you're impatient.


You can run flashpoints for the crafting mats the end boss drops. They are gonna be valuable really soon because the best gear will be crafted with an augment slot.


Datacrons, i doubt you got them all.


Have you tried other specs? Have you tried leveling an alt? Have you tried the operations until hard mode so you can get the best PvE gear? dailies to get rakata ear/implants?


I dont understand i really dont. I have played ever since the early acess and im nowhere near having nothing to do. Actually i wish i had time to get all datacrons, but im always busy with something else.

Edited by Nemmar
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Me and all my 7 or 8 friends I can think of have quit...probably more of the ones I met in-game are gone.


Hit 50, realized immediately that the "PvP" was nothing more than a senseless grind, for mediocre gear that looks TERRIBLE. The Jedi Knight PvP gear is one of the most hideous armor sets I think I've ever seen, honestly.


There's really just nothing to do. And I wanted to LOVE this game but I haven't really touched it in over a month.




Bioware doesnt reward me enough so I'm leaving.


Not to mention this guy hasnt touched the game in over a month but reads the forums every day.

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I think I answered the last thread but I'll answer here.


Yes! Prepaid for 6 months, will do the same again. Also started 2nd account for wife.


Having fun. Aside from a few issues I have had or know of, the good greatly outweighs the bad.

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as of firday I won't be playing because of Mass Effect 3,


Love this game I've cancelled rift and wow and sticking with this one its great and will keep getting better,


I got a diablo 3 beta and that game is awful so don't pin your hopes on that

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Most certainly. this is by far the best MMO I have played in my life. and i've tried all of them. there are a few quirks here and there, but that doesnt change the fact that this game has no competition. so i'll renew my sub , untill something equal or better comes out. (and no , gw2 wont be that game. its overhyped).
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Nope.... only reason I have a sub now is because BW decided to re-enable my sub after it was cancelled. Not going to sit in hour and hours of phone queues to talk to somone in India to try and get my 15 bucks back.


I have screenshots of my sub being cancelled this time so if they enable it again and charge me then life will not be fun for them.

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I don't think ill renew in April. No one wants do fp/ raids..people want solo everything and I'm tired of dame 3 wz and repetitive dailies. At least other games have dailies that change daily/weekly.


World pvp is pointless still. Nothing to be gained from it. As it stands the only benefit it to grief players.


I was hoping legacy system would be something worthwhile ..but alas another let down. Another vanity mechanic to promote single player. If i wanted to force choke i would of created a sith not a smuggler. I didn't want force powers ..why would you think allowing me to once every 20 min..in solo quests. Its like ffxi old 2 hr cd abilities ..only useless and vanity. Everything new being added is pure vanity.


No..i see what the future has for swtor..and i don't like it at all

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Not at the moment, but will in the future.


I´ll wait for version 2.0 which hopefully includes, for example, a universe for off-rails space combat, exploration, trading and atmospheric flight.


Don´t get me wrong, the game has huge potential, but I really don´t want to be the guinea pig.

I´ll get back in when it´s actually a SPACE MMO:


- more explorable Planets instead of "maps" and exhaustion zones. More easter eggs like Datacrons, riddles, Minigames instead of clicking on containers or kill X mobs.. you get the point.

Each quest should be a riddle, something for your brains. Right now it´s just "go there, click on that device, kill that, go back get your reward." Uhmmm.. hello? A lobotomized chimpanzee can do that, but it´s neither challenging nor very entertaining.




- Space exploration, space trading and multiplayer space combat. Hell yeah...


- Day/Night change, sandbox feeling


- more environmental interaction


- housing! I want neighbours on Tattoine and a TV, watching Huttball LIVE



and so on.


Well... You get the point, a fun living, breathing, sandboxy type of SW universe simulator.


Pretty similiar to SW Galaxies actually. I know I might have to wait a year, perhaps even longer.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Yes definately, i'm in a guild of half RL friends and half new people from the server. 4 or 5extra RL friends have bought the game and joined us recently.


One has left since launch. Long time SWG player that didn't like the transition from Sanbox to Themepark but he did say its not the game just the style is not for him. Thats out of about 20 RL friends.

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