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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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Please don't tell me you honestly believe this. Helping ensure optimal dps is a HUGE benefit to clearing content faster. Come on now...


Again, downloading programs to help you beat a game is lame.


But it doesn't ensure optimal DPS, it just tells me how much DPS I did.


It doesn't inform me how to improve it.


Being ignorant of how much DPS you're doing doesn't make content harder.


Knowing how much DPS you're doing doesn't make content easier.


So, please tell me how me knowing my DPS makes content easier.


And don't cop out with "How can you not understand!?"




I'll wait.

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So many clueless people here.


Damage meter is something that should be implemented, hell, addon support shouldve been in beta.


If you don't know why or what it brings to the game, don't even comment.


Addons doesn't play for you, addons doesn't make the game easier. Get real, stop being clueless, it's just sad to read your stupid posts.

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It shows you what abilities you should be using. Yes, I get that you've convinced yourself that reading an easy to follow chart consists of learning to play but in reality had to have a program do it for you. You are now making decisions that you were previously unable to make because recount told you what to do.


Get it now? :)


See you never learned to play, you took a shortcut.




Waiting for you to tell me how recount is telling me what to do.


On the contrary, recount only tells me what I DID. It never gives me instructions on how to change things for the better. That's up to me.


You're like a baseball player that always strikes out and screams loudly against anyone who wants to record batting averages. You never learned how to play, and you're afraid others might notice.

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But I want to know what that output was.


So, please, inform me.


I want to experiment with if power would give me more DPS output than crit.


I want to check sidegrades to see what is superior for overall DPS, even if it's a 1 DPS increase.


So I want to know how I can figure that out without recount.


You guys keep saying we can figure it out, so please, enlighten me.


I don't agree we should trivialize the game because of what you want.

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I don't agree we should trivialize the game because of what you want.


Please explain how a program that tells me how much DPS I'm doing, but does nothing to tell me how to improve that DPS, trivializes content.


You guys are acting like recount tells me "You should have hit this button here."


It doesn't do that.

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But I want to know what that output was.


Yes... we know.


What we don't know is why you need it, despite my asking several times.


I'll save you the trouble: You don't. You want it to brag with.


You don't need it to play the game. We know this because people kill bosses at all difficulty levels without it. This is really a knock-down argument you won't acknowledge.

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Bioware is probably going to have to choose what type of game they're going to be, and if it isn't 'immersive story game', they've committed themselves to wasting a lot of time and money on supporting a model that hardcore raiders won't really care about.



Honestly, I'd sticky your whole post if I could... but I'm willing to settle for a pertinent quote for now. *g* I do think you're pointing right at the heart of the question - and at exactly the reason that, at least subconsciously, some of the 'anti' crowd are reacting so defensively towards the initial question. The game's not a replacement for WOW, and a quantity of players are drawn to it by that very quality.

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Yes... we know.


What we don't know is why you need it, despite my asking several times.


I'll save you the trouble: You don't. You want it to brag with.


You don't need it to play the game. We know this because people kill bosses at all difficulty levels without it. This is really a knock-down argument you won't acknowledge.


Need and want have no real difference in a game.


I want DPS meters.


You don't want them.


Our opinions are equal.

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Yes... we know.


What we don't know is why you need it, despite my asking several times.


I'll save you the trouble: You don't. You want it to brag with.


You don't need it to play the game. We know this because people kill bosses at all difficulty levels without it. This is really a knock-down argument you won't acknowledge.


Heroic Madness of Deathwing would like a talk with you. ;)

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Again, downloading programs to help you beat a game is lame.


Using weapons and armor to help you beat the game is lame. Doesn't that sound silly?


You do realize that if the developers create an open interface, then addons are part of the game. True the addons are an advanced segment of game play and not all gamers will understand their benefits. But the good news, just like Flashpoints and Heroic 4 quests--you are not forced as a gamer to participate.

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Waiting for you to tell me how recount is telling me what to do.



I just did...


Look if you want to lie to yourself and pretend like it doesn't help you be my guest, but that means you shouldn't care so much about having it implemented. :D

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Yes... we know.


What we don't know is why you need it, despite my asking several times.


I'll save you the trouble: You don't. You want it to brag with.


You don't need it to play the game. We know this because people kill bosses at all difficulty levels without it. This is really a knock-down argument you won't acknowledge.


If you can kill every boss in the game without recount (not only the DPS side, but the death log, damage taken, resources gained, healing done etc.), that means the game is far too easy.


If I can hit any combination of buttons and attack any target I want and still beat every encounter, then you're right, you don't need recount. But it's also not a game I want to play (but maybe you do).

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Besides why is what you want more important than him?


He striving to be the biggest bad-*** in the universe, and I just want to play a game. He's a hardcore, competitive gamer, so his concerns should come first.


You guys don't get that these games have no interest in appealing to you in the 1% that likes World of Spreadsheets and thumping your chest.

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I just did...


Look if you want to lie to yourself and pretend like it doesn't help you be my guest, but that means you shouldn't care so much about having it implemented. :D


Well, you've yet to explain how a program that parses combat logs makes the game easier.

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Using weapons and armor to help you beat the game is lame. Doesn't that sound silly?


You do realize that if the developers create an open interface, then addons are part of the game. True the addons are an advanced segment of game play and not all gamers will understand their benefits. But the good news, just like Flashpoints and Heroic 4 quests--you are not forced as a gamer to participate.


Very short sighted to suggest it won't effect others.


Also, when we start downloading weapons and armor let me know. :)

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You want it to brag with.


Why do I suspect the people that think damage meters are only for bragging are the ones that perform the worst? I rarely see meters used for bragging--but I do see them used a lot to point out lousy players....

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If you can kill every boss in the game without recount (not only the DPS side, but the death log, damage taken, resources gained, healing done etc.), that means the game is far too easy.


If I can hit any combination of buttons and attack any target I want and still beat every encounter, then you're right, you don't need recount. But it's also not a game I want to play (but maybe you do).


Pretty much this.

Though they would probably claim they can spot everything in a 16 man raid etc.

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Yes... we know.


What we don't know is why you need it, despite my asking several times.


I'll save you the trouble: You don't. You want it to brag with.


You don't need it to play the game. We know this because people kill bosses at all difficulty levels without it. This is really a knock-down argument you won't acknowledge.


Not a knockdown argument, it's a difference of opinion, nothing more.


He said he wanted it. You said you wanted him not to have it.


At the end of the day, there is no discussion here.


You don't need a lot of things in a game. But people want a million different things. At the end of the day, someone is going to want to paint their ship, someone will want LFG, and some will want meters. And of course, you'll have opposing camps for each.


I don't like addons. But I do like accurate totals after the fact.

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Arguing want vs need is a sure sign that you don't actually have a valid counter argument.


He wants something that has 0 impact on you; you want him not to have it because you're delusional.


You didn't get it do you?


DPS meter have impact on every player!


People will be flamed if the do not get this UBER ROXOR skills for MAX DPS.


People will not get into groups if they don't reach this 9000 DPS or aggro.


People lose any changs of individual gearing or skilling as they MUST take what the selve called e-peen kings dictate.


Sure, numbers can help ... but only in the right hands!

In the wrong hands they will destroy far more then they provide!


And every game with such informations has shown, that this tools WILL BE ABUSED for whatever reason!


Most players will not profit or use them at all.


Just a very small group will take the right conclusions out of the provided data.


And another group which isn't to underesterminat WILL use them to flame, blame, rage, destroy ANY friendly environment.


THIS are the arguments AGAINST such tools!

Edited by Jahor
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