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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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- horrible outdated graphic, not catching up to modern graphic, seriously it look like SWG 2.0 ..i want swg 10.0 by now.


- endgame is fine, lack of variety in quests/PVP choices


- zero replay value. Quests are the SAME even MOST are the same both side just different villian


- Too much walking, could use faster speeders and useless large maps that no one will return.


- credit is too hard to farm when you craft.


- space battle keep repeating at different tier.


- Illum is boring.


- flashpoint is boring.

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Smuggler healing is just to **** at low level. I cant complete a Silver mob qeust as healer with tank companion.... But if i am dps i can.. just sucks hard.

And the ability delay. if thats fixed its 11/10:)

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- credit is too hard to farm when you craft.
You are doing something wrong here. I never "farmed" for credits a single time, all my crafting skills are maxed out, I have all the speeder skills (and also a 110% speeder), yet I still have over 1 million credits, increasing every day. Only thing I'm doing for now (until enough guildies get to 50 so we can group) is PvP and some Ilum/Belsavis dailies. And I'm still researching more max level purple crafting designs too (so I send my comps on missions). Edited by Korrigan
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Wanted to love this game but it's meh in it's current form.


Either Beta testers didn't do their jobs or people implementing/adjusting their feedback didn't.


What should have been brilliant comes off as a polished +urd.

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5/10 for me


Rating is based on hype, comparison to other games in the genre, polish, fun and originality


Would totally disagree with that. Like I gave it a 9/10 and not based on hype. Used sound, graphics, polish, and gameplay. Remember these graphics are stylized and not meant to look perfect as the real world is.


Breakdown is:

Sound 10

Graphics 8

Polish 8

Gameplay 9


That is 8.75 and just rounded it up to 9.

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Would totally disagree with that. Like I gave it a 9/10 and not based on hype. Used sound, graphics, polish, and gameplay. Remember these graphics are stylized and not meant to look perfect as the real world is.


Breakdown is:

Sound 10

Graphics 8

Polish 8

Gameplay 9


That is 8.75 and just rounded it up to 9.


You forgot to take into account bugs and design flaws (for example, some nodes being unlootable and orange gear being inferior to PvE gear which is inferior to PvE gear). At this point in time, the game is most definately not 9/10 material.

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Wanted to love this game but it's meh in it's current form.


Either Beta testers didn't do their jobs or people implementing/adjusting their feedback didn't.


What should have been brilliant comes off as a polished +urd.


5/10 also.


Oh and we did our job, they just don't listen to anything. The issue with 50 PvPers and Expertise gear was brought up but they did nothing. Told them they needed to add brackets.

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5/10 also.


Oh and we did our job, they just don't listen to anything. The issue with 50 PvPers and Expertise gear was brought up but they did nothing. Told them they needed to add brackets.


you know they are adding brackets right? They listened you just aren't paying attention.



Looking over this thread it seems the verdict is exactly the same as the one done at the end of Beta with about 80% of the people giving it a 8 or above.

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9/10 for content, voice-acting, and level design.



3/10 for UI, responsiveness, and performance issues.



This game is great when it comes to content in the game. But from a technical point of view I'm very disappointed, terrible interface, ability delays, and frame rate drops make it frustrating.


Part of it is I have a rig that is overkill for this, and I'm not the only one. Its discouraging when you have a rig that handles Crysis and Battlefield 3 at high settings. Then you get irratic framerates in SWTOR.

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a pitiful excuse for a lfg tool

Date graphics with low res armor textures

poor targeting system (no target of target window)

no macro system

no dye system

no appearance system

lots of long load screens



Story is the only thing this game has

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5/10 in it's current form... it's the little things that make the big difference. some things i would like to see added/improved:


* more fluid combat system (remove ability delay)

* LFG functionality

* a way for more casual players to obtain epic quality gear

* ability to use addons and macros

* a more functional and flexible UI

* shorter loading times

* faster way to navigate between planets

* instance summoning stones type functionality

* removal of the long time it takes to create biochem substances at higher levels

* a massive retune of some bosses

* much better AH (that actually allows you to filter stuff by gear type etc..)

* faster vehicle speeds

* more stable game client that is less prone to crashes

* make end game more fun, worth it and less boring


There are probably more that I can't remember right now. The game feels rushed and unfinished, the amount of bugs that I have found by just playing should have been spotted and dealt with during the months of beta testing and weren't. On a positive note some aspects of the game are very polished like the full voice-over cut-scenes and graphics etc... I also enjoyed levelling my toon. If the above was improved/added etc... I would give the game easily 7-8/10, I can see a lot of promise.

Edited by Flain
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I will give it a solid 8, until they fix the bugs and lag and such things. Number would rise then.


I didnt expect much anything beforehand, but the game has been a blast despite all the problems.

Edited by Karkais
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I'd give it about a 6 in it's current state. The game although new is lacks quite a bit of polish. By that I mean the game is lacking a number of important systems/features that are standard to many players in the MMO world.


A game with this type of production value should've had things like better optimization, less reliance on sharding/instancing of zones, UI Customization, etc all at launch.


Don't get me wrong the story-telling in the game is indeed entertaining as should be expected from a BioWare game, but overall the game just feels rushed in a number of ways. Rushed games seem to be the norm nowadays though, the issue definitely isn't specific to the MMO market either.

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