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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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1. It was - you knew only months after potential pre-order date that it's used for your headstart


2. Horrible? Lagging servers, unending queues, the guild launch program was totally absurd they put all guilds on roughly ~ 10 servers


3. Queues? Jar'Kai sword has right now a 25min queue




That are the prizes Rift earned:


IncGamers – Best Games of 2011 – #21

BioBreak - Best Launch & Most Improved

EGM - Biggest Surprise

Gamasutra - Top 5 PC Games of 2011

GamesRadar - Most Massviely Multiplayer Game

Gameswelt.de – Spiel des Jahres

GamingXP - Online Game of the Year

IGN - Best PC Persistent/ MMO Game

JeuxVideo.com - Best MMORPG 2011

MMO Reviews - Top 10 Best MMOs – #3

MMOCrunch - Best MMORPG

MMOCrunch - Best New MMORPG


MMORPG Hispano – Best MMORPG 2011

MMOPRIME.de – Spiel des Jahres 2011

MMORPG.com - Game of the Year


VideoGamer - Most Important MMO of 2011

Ten Ton Hammer - Reader’s Choice



Source: http://community.riftgame.com/de/2012/01/06/rift-sweeps-awards-in-2011/


Hope you don't mind that it's the German article.




I don't know how people can compare the Rift launch to the SW:TOR launch - there were so much differences between the launches... differences in quality and support.


My bad, I did not see ONE award from an unknown gaming site that "proves it was better and got plenty of awards for best launch from".


Lets see TOR's awards shall we?


Best Multiplayer

Best Sound Design

Best Trailer

Best MMO

Best Trailer

Best PC Game

Best Video

Best PC Exclusive

Best MMO of E3 2011

Best Trailer

Best Online Only Game

Best of E3 2011

Best MMO

Most Valuable Game

Gamer’s Choice Award of E3 2011


Some others I didnt feel the need to post.


I took out the name that the awards are from, would be a bigger post.


And, lets not forget that both games came out in 2011.




1. They said they would stagger the launch, they said it when the game went for pre-orders.


2. Every game has queues, rift was worse. Lag was worse in Rift, and servers being offline in Rift happened a lot. I dont mean maintenance

Edited by darthdoll
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SW:TOR has received nearly all of this awards without being released. But it's ok ;-)


I just posted you the "Best Launch" ( it was orange ) award, more I don't want to do.



We will see which position SW:TOR maintains in a few months.

Edited by LovarBoy
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crafting is worthless i realized i wasted time crafting (its one of the things I enjoy doing in a game)


pvp is awful, a level 20 cant fight a level 50 and have it be fair.



Other than that the game is fine


If they would fix the pvp to group you within 5 levels or so it would be good.


Also if they made crafting actually worth something instead of getting much better gear by farming commendations.

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crafting is worthless i realized i wasted time crafting (its one of the things I enjoy doing in a game)


pvp is awful, a level 20 cant fight a level 50 and have it be fair.



Other than that the game is fine


If they would fix the pvp to group you within 5 levels or so it would be good.


Also if they made crafting actually worth something instead of getting much better gear by farming commendations.


Someone didnt read the future of pvp or next week patch did they?

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Could be 9.0 if the end game content wouldn't be so buggy that 75% of the wipes in Flashpoints or Operations are due to bugs. If they fix them and do something about the 1 Tank per Raid and missing Dual Spec crap it will go up to 9/10. Go go Bioware, I believe in you :p

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6/10 and here are the reasons why.




Yes, the voice acting is nice, and it has been implemented well. The class quests are enjoyable, and I actually like listening to the dialogue. On the other hand, I don't care at all about non class quest dialogue, I just want to get the freaking quest, and go do it. Give me an option to auto accept non class quests. And speaking of quests, tell me when they have a heroic quest to give. I prefer leveling solo, I don't want to hit my spacebar 5 times and accept a quest just to find out I am just going to drop it.


I do like the fact that bonus parts of quests auto update to new ones when you finish. I dislike that any place you have to go to (class quest story places, or factories, or caves), whatever the objective is, the second you kill something in there, oh hey, a bonus part to kill 15-30 of the stuff in there. Just tell me up front. Sure I don't have to do it, but it's wasted xp.


Also, sometimes the options given to you for the way your character will react, are not close to what they say.


Space combat was fun, unless you outgear (or outskill) the mission, in which case, you are done halfway through the timer and the just have to sit there, if I finish doing the objectives, just let it end and give me my xp.




Ability delay, holy crap this is bad, it's bad in pve, and terrible in pvp. When I hit an ability (specially tanking ones), that means I want it now, not a few seconds from now just cause you want the animation to finish. With the lack of auto attacks and the GCD, it just feels so odd, but that's just my issue, not really the games.




Looks pretty, at high or low settings it looks nice (at least the environment, I don't care if my toon has low details). Hoth looked amazing and you can tell a lot of time went into making it feel like Hoth. The nice graphics does come at a cost, and in the Alderaan warzone, wow, the lag cause by the lasers in the background is terrible. Pretty sure most players wouldnt care if that was not in the background just to improve the fps issues.


The ui is meh. It gets the job done, but at what cost. No ToT in this day an age, come on. No combat log, no macros, no addon support (even just the macro support would be ok if BW does not want addon support). The tooltip, my god let me move it, let me move the elements where I want them to go if you don't want me to use addons. Also why the hell do I need mail from the GTN to tell me I'm going to get mail from the GTN in an hour with my credits? Makes no sense. The GTN is god awful as well, just let me shift click and let the UI fill in the drop down menus already. Also, who decided that shift clicking an item links it in chat even when I just want to split up a stack.


Crafting was done right, send those minions you don't use to do them, although in the lower areas I was having trouble finding nodes, in the 40's it got better.




And finally, the elephant in the room. This has got to be address soon (and ya, some changes are coming but too late for me). I'll start out with Voidstar, love it, love how it was implemented, love the strategy involved, everything about Voidstar is great. Alderaan would be more fun without the lag, but still amazingly fun. Huttball, terrible. The concept is good, the actual implementation is bad. The fire is good, the acid is good, the going to your opponents side to score is good. The vents are awful and need to be taken out or not be based on RNG. Nothing ruins pvp faster than things that are out of the control of players because then it is not a matter of players vs players, its players vs rng, and rng tens to win more often than not.


Brackets in general should have been in the game to start. Even a 10-20 and 21-50 bracket would have been better than just dumping everyone together. A 50 with pvp gear will (rightfully so) destroy a level 10 that does not have their full set of skills. So then how is this even fun for the people being decimated. I know I'll get replies with "then get to 50 and then pvp", ya, that would be the right thing to do if the game gave you no xp or gold for pvping and did not let you pvp from 10 onwards. It's meant to be used to get xp if you want to.


This leads me to pvp gear having expertise. You should have learned that adding a stat for pvp just makes it more complicated and later down the line harder to fix. Should have just let people gain their gear however they wanted, pvp or pve, and let skill determine who wins at pvping, not a stat.


Therefor, I give it a 6/10. If BW ever fixes these issues, I will be more than happy to try it again, but for now, I don't want to pay 15 dollars to beta test a game.


PS. A lot of bugs that were in beta builds are still around, how is that even acceptable.

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My bad, I did not see ONE award from an unknown gaming site that "proves it was better and got plenty of awards for best launch from".


Lets see TOR's awards shall we?


Best Multiplayer

Best Sound Design

Best Trailer

Best MMO

Best Trailer

Best PC Game

Best Video

Best PC Exclusive

Best MMO of E3 2011

Best Trailer

Best Online Only Game

Best of E3 2011

Best MMO

Most Valuable Game

Gamer’s Choice Award of E3 2011


Some others I didnt feel the need to post.


I took out the name that the awards are from, would be a bigger post.


And, lets not forget that both games came out in 2011.




1. They said they would stagger the launch, they said it when the game went for pre-orders.


2. Every game has queues, rift was worse. Lag was worse in Rift, and servers being offline in Rift happened a lot. I dont mean maintenance




Giwing awards for a game that wasnt even released is fun.

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Typical hater.




No it's just the truth.


What do they award - the nice dialogue options, the nice graphics, the brand Star Wars?


I think neither of this awards will be earned by SW:TOR after the release.


And I am no hater, I am just realistic.



I think everything except the ridiculous GOTY award ( omg there were SOOOO much better games than SW:TOR ) was awarded before release... and that's not serious.

Edited by LovarBoy
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5 out of 10


i would love to hear the reasoning behind all the people that give this game a high score.


the end game ops are buggy as hell. pvp is rather boring with only 3 maps. things that seem standard in games today just do not seem present in this one. customer service is non existent. ilum has no pvp on it and there really is no reason to go there unless you want to do a couple of daily missions. im rather disappointed in character customization in a big way.


Simply because for me endgame is not of much importance, if that comes down to raiding (bleh). I rather hope they make more planets with solo/small group content eventually. Till that time I will just level alts, because I love the stories.


PvP is nice at times, but if the PvP is not ok in a MMO I'll skip it (I skipped PvP in WoW too, but I loved it in Warhammer and Rift). So far I liked the warfronts that I did in SWTOR.


Both endgame and PvP don't belong to the coreplay of a MMO for me.

Edited by Ghaiana
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7.5/10 for right now.

A few things that would make it a 9.5/10 (FOR ME) would be

- A customizable UI (scaling/moveable/adjustable frames)

- Less glitchy raid frames / More healer friendly

- Better FPS / ability timing in warzones (when I press a keybind, I expect it to go off. I hate having to hit it 2 or 3 more times to get it to activate.)

- Some kind of CC/Knockback DR worked on (I know about resolve, I always use it to my advantage, but my God...let's be serious)


Everything else is fine for me (taking into consideration the new patch notes and their future plans). I really enjoy leveling and I enjoy the pvp. There are glitches, but for a new game I'm so far impressed.

Edited by Valeena
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I love the people who say "9/10 if they only fixed the fps, php, add endgame content and all the other bugs. Then IT would be a 10/10"


Well, if they have to fix all of that... Whats so special about swtor that is deserves a 9?

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