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FACT: Rift launch > TOR launch


For that to be a fact the ">" needs to be backed up by numbers. Are you refering to active players? Subscribers? Pre-oders? Critic score? SWTOR leads in all of those numbers.


Something isn't a fact just because you say so or wish it to be.

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Do I? Have I invested 1,000 dollars into TOR? nope.


I know it will succeed, surpassed 2 million copies sold already, new content this month, weekly fixes.


Proof where most say its worse than rift?


My server has never crashed yet in TOR. Rift did, Rift was so laggy that the npc's wouldnt give you quests. I was there.


Lol goodbye and use google, it's your friend.


Oh and I am really bored now of listening to you, yes you do lose if swtor fails, as yet another fanboy shot down.


Look at the amount so far that have had to admit they were wrong lol

Oh and you might want to check the ratios of I am leaving to this game is great on the forums compared to rift after 2 weeks of launch.


Even if it's a small % who post on mmo forums as you say, those who like games don't post because they are playing, check out rifts forums from the release and compare.



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Sorry like you have just proven, your view about rift, when more say it was a better launch.


Oh that's right, your word is final lol


The best thing, I have nothing to lose if swtor fails or does well, you on the other hand have a lot more to lose.


Have a nice day.



Okay so lets say I decide I like it enough to sub for a while. I play. I enjoy the time playing. I mean why else would I play any game if I didn't enjoy.


The at sometime it fails for whatever reason. Because of that it either becomes unplayable or stops existing.


What exactly have I 'lost' if the game goes under. Some pixels that were never really material anyways? Well I would have lost the time I put into. But then again if I was enjoying that time and it gave me pleasure then it's not really a loss. It's not like MMOs by nature have some sort of end to get too. I suppose you could say I lost the money I paid but that's similar to time. I was paying for 'fun and recreation' and got that while existed then it's not really losing anything.



I play Rift. Still paying for it even though pop wise it seems to be declining. I pay because I still enjoy and do the raiding a few times a week. If it does go completely down the tubes I still haven't really 'lost' anything except the ability to keep doing it. That might be sad and all, especially if it's game you like but really come on now, is losing a 'game' that huge of a loss that can't or won't just be 'found' again in some other game?

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+1 for fixing combat/ability glitches

+1 for adding a customizable UI, combat log & configurable raid frames

+1 for balancing the flashpoints (make all adds & trash mobs heroic level)

+1 for adding multi-dimensional end game plot progression

+1 for guild tools & perks (gbank, social bonuses, party buffs, etc.)

= 10/10


That's not a bad list of changes. If they figured out a way to make PvP less mindnumbingly bad as well and then make it less pointless, might get the game up to a 8/10 or 9/10 for me.


I don't have any faith in BioWare or Mythic or whoever it is that's working down in Austin to do that though.

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With lots of work, mainly improving performance and ability delay issues it could be 7 or 8. As it is for now I unsubed, maybe will check it again in half year, maybe not.

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FACT: Rift launch > TOR launch



It's a fact.


Rift launch has won PRIZES for being such an amazing launch. You can check it on their homepage.


The SW:TOR launch was 1. unfair, 2. horrible, 3. illogical seperated and there are queues left after 3 weeks of release - that IS worse than the Rift launch.



Everyone who says that SW:TOR has had a better launch than Rift... sorry, that is not true.

Edited by LovarBoy
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It's a fact.


Rift launch has won PRIZES for being such an amazing launch. You can check it on their homepage.


The SW:TOR launch was 1. unfair, 2. horrible, 3. illogical seperated and there are queues left after 3 weeks of release - that IS worse than the Rift launch.



Everyone who says that SW:TOR has had a better launch than Rift... sorry, that is not true.


1. Not unfair, you should have pre-ordered from day one when they announced that they would do that.


2. Define your horrible, why is it horrible to you.


3. What queues? I havent had a queue since the 25th




I looked at their awards, nothing states being the best launch.

Edited by darthdoll
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That's not a bad list of changes. If they figured out a way to make PvP less mindnumbingly bad as well and then make it less pointless, might get the game up to a 8/10 or 9/10 for me.


I don't have any faith in BioWare or Mythic or whoever it is that's working down in Austin to do that though.

Thx. The multi-dimensional end game plot progression idea would (theoretically) combine PvE with PvP. Segments of a raid instance could take place in war zones with the PvP battles not only providing the backdrop, but also affecting the Raid party's gameplay. Key raid mobs could be queued opposite-faction PvPers, and any damage space combat does on a space-based raid instance would have real time effects on the party's environment - and health if it takes a direct hit.


Just thinking out loud . . . :)

Edited by GalacticKegger
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5.5/10 as an MMO


8/10 as a game, for a single player.


I just switched form a 6-month sub to a 1-month sub, if things improve Ill go right back to a 6-month.


I think the major problem is everything on the 4th-pillar, story, the story is GREAT and epic....but its totally solo single player focused.

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8.5/10 I love this game, and i think that they will fix some of the issues very soon and I will think its a 10.


To be honest i havent had any game breaking issues, and the only time i really notice the responsiveness issue is with the ability take cover on my smuggler.

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1. Not unfair, you should have pre-ordered from day one when they announced that they would do that.


2. Define your horrible, why is it horrible to you.


3. What queues? I havent had a queue since the 25th




I looked at their awards, nothing states being the best launch.



1. It was - you knew only months after potential pre-order date that it's used for your headstart


2. Horrible? Lagging servers, unending queues, the guild launch program was totally absurd they put all guilds on roughly ~ 10 servers


3. Queues? Jar'Kai sword has right now a 25min queue




That are the prizes Rift earned:


IncGamers – Best Games of 2011 – #21

BioBreak - Best Launch & Most Improved

EGM - Biggest Surprise

Gamasutra - Top 5 PC Games of 2011

GamesRadar - Most Massviely Multiplayer Game

Gameswelt.de – Spiel des Jahres

GamingXP - Online Game of the Year

IGN - Best PC Persistent/ MMO Game

JeuxVideo.com - Best MMORPG 2011

MMO Reviews - Top 10 Best MMOs – #3

MMOCrunch - Best MMORPG

MMOCrunch - Best New MMORPG


MMORPG Hispano – Best MMORPG 2011

MMOPRIME.de – Spiel des Jahres 2011

MMORPG.com - Game of the Year


VideoGamer - Most Important MMO of 2011

Ten Ton Hammer - Reader’s Choice



Source: http://community.riftgame.com/de/2012/01/06/rift-sweeps-awards-in-2011/


Hope you don't mind that it's the German article.




I don't know how people can compare the Rift launch to the SW:TOR launch - there were so much differences between the launches... differences in quality and support.

Edited by LovarBoy
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