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Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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I don't want to look like I'm just trolling and bashing the game, so I will write only about what parts of the game I like:


- full voice-overs

- sounds and music

- twi'lek dancers


I wish everybody else that they'll enjoy the game and play it for years, having loads of fun.

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3/10 PVE is okish, PVP is worthless. Bioware have done a decent job chasing down bugs, but there's still a ton for a MMO release in 2011. We've seen how well recent MMOs have done with releases this bad, toss another one in the bin unless BW can pull out a miracle before Jan 21.
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The score doesn't do justice to the quality of the questing but that is a small part of an MMO. There are too many bugs in general, some mechanics are still horribly untuned, some design concepts are a decade old like some dps classes having reliable cc and others not.


There are a lot of things I like about the game and if it was released in 2003 it would have got a very high score but many aspects are badly inferior to other games out at present. It is a dangerous game to risk the goodwill to release the game at this level.


If things do not improve dramatically in the next month or two I may suspend the sub until the game is in a better state. I really enjoy the story though and will probably level each of the classes, but that should only take another month or two.






Edit: I already suspended my subscription due to the patch politcs, dont think they'll make it with that order of priorities.

Edited by skyvahaerie
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7/10. Would be 8/10 or higher without the bugs, the poor UI and poorly designed world PvP (Warzones are fine, but Ilum and Tatooine are a joke).


Still having a lot of fun with the "good" part, didn't get any game breaking bug, and don't plan to stop playing anytime soon. I trust Bioware to diligently fix the existing problems and improve the UI and PvP.


PS: I think anyone giving 5/10 or less is indeed unfair and trolling. I wonder what note those persons would give to the really major failures we got those last years, negative notes?


PS2: this comes from a level 50 (hit 50 Dec. 31 at 20:00 CET) Jedi Shadows, tank specced.

Edited by Korrigan
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Typical PVP/instance grinding game and rewards are ridiculously OP.

Only what I like in this game so far is challenging solo story line.

Rest is like meh... Like any other typical MMO.

And damn bugs everywhere.

Fixing baby names and emoting seems to be more important than fixing serious bugs.

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1.) bug ridden; more so than any other AAA title i've seen in years


2.) missing every major feature that a modern mmo should have (macros/real auction house/responsive combat/UI customization/dynamic world with AT LEAST scripted npcs/LFD and LFG finders/etc etc etc)


3.) uses travel time and quests-you-can't-even-remove-from-your-log as time sinks along with other thinly veiled grinding (1000 commendation limit? why? valor ranks required but only 3 warzones?? etc).


4.) bad dev team: empty promises, lack of communication, uses patches to nerf gathering skills and other facile non-issues instead of addressing the major glaring ones.


I should have waited for a free client instead of wasting $60 for a retail copy and $11 more for a physical security key.


My prediction is this game will be F2P within a year at the current rate, I'm having DCUO deja vu, only at least combat was good in that game...


lvl 50 sith sorc

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10/10,....however I wish elements of SWG were in the game....like wider open worlds. The ability to fly around in Coruscant on your own,....flying mounts on planets..not just the starships we have in space. Wish we had force jump.. staright up......not just the force leap that we have which goes in an arch
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