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I don't think they increased server caps, I think people quit...


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It's hardly surprising if there were many more simultaneous players during the first weeks. A great many of us had pre-ordered and had been waiting for ages to log on, and when we finally got the chance many of us played more or less around the clock for the first couple of days. Add to that all those that got it (or bought it for themselves) as Christmas gift, and that it it was a major holiday.


Of course everyone wanted to get the most out of it and play as much as they could while free from work or school. Now many of us are back to playing just a couple of hours a week, not even every day. That doesn't mean we have gotten bored with the game or quit, it's just how normal people play any game.

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I have noticed that my guild online list has gone from 30 peeps on constantly down to about 4-6 on regularly now...


You, sir, seem to have a lousy guild then. Nothing like that seen on my guild, though we dont generally rush to 50 on one character, but rather enjoy the whole game with numerous alts.:)

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You, sir, seem to have a lousy guild then. Nothing like that seen on my guild, though we dont generally rush to 50 on one character, but rather enjoy the whole game with numerous alts.:)


Yes, because people don't want to play it's a lousy guild...such a wise and wellthought out comment....

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Well, if you'd like a comparison...what are the numbers like on the Imperial Fleet during peak times on other servers? On The Swiftsure tonight it hovered between 250-280. I sure hope they do something about it, because I'm tired of spending my time in a queue. Just hit 50 a few days ago, so not sure if I want to reroll or not....and going republic doesn't help any either because both sides share the same queue.
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Honestly, without solid numbers, you can't say much of anything.


First of all, yes, of course people are quitting. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out - some people have tried the game, and decided it is not for them.


Two, you can't dismiss the "its no longer holidays" thing. This is a HUGE issue. People aren't logging on as much, because they don't have as much time - this also means they won't be logging on EVERY day or however they were back during vacation hours. Ergo, you'll be seeing them on less and less.


Third... whats your point with the thread anyways? You're worried about it? Don't. This is standard with every launch of a MMO. Yes, this COULD be more severe than normal - but we won't really know until we get actual, solid numbers. We probably won't see anything like that until a few months from now.


There could be any number of reasons for people leaving the game right now, and there is no way to indicate if they are truly done. These threads aren't really useful, because it is all just speculation without any kind of factual basis besides "It went from Heavy -> Standard!!!!" Do you even know what the difference between the two is, besides just "well, it means less"?

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I have noticed that my guild online list has gone from 30 peeps on constantly down to about 4-6 on regularly now...


The other ones probably have ridiculous FPS issues.


And i'am not trying to troll here,this might really be the case.

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On the server I play on, the population during the night and early mornings has dropped. But yeah, Christmas holidays are over. But overall, the world is much busier, especially the lower levels. The bulk the population seems to be in the 10-30 levels, and those levels are more populated than when I went through those levels on my first character (who is level 33 now). Aldoraan is a little slow, but Tattooine was busy as hell.


I don't play the game as much as I did during the first week of release either. I would imagine that most people are in the same boat as me.


Also, when choosing servers, I chose to roll on a server with a 30-60 minute queue on release week. Anybody who's been around MMOs knows it's bad to roll on a low pop server. People don't keep up the hard core playing for long.

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Well considering i was on most of today, (sat) and the most people in the main hub was about 90-110, and finding a group for flashpoints around the avg lvl of most players 25-35 took about 30-40 mins, heals and dps.. i do think people are leaving the game. Orange gear ***... no reason to run flashpoints if people can just mod all the way to 50.


Also who wants to sit there staring at action bars for 1.5 secs god forbid u try to do a skill combo. Cant even enjoy combat because the clunkyness of everything and you have to babysit your action bar. Ability delay is killing the game, people want full control over chars actions.


Not even excited to hit 50 and try out pvp with the delays, way to cut out a big portion of skill reflex.

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I have noticed that my guild online list has gone from 30 peeps on constantly down to about 4-6 on regularly now...
Weejdays this is true as people have gone back to work.


Weekends and evenings, all EU servers appear to be at Standard or above, still a fair number of FULL servers as well.

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This isn't just a "oh vacation days are over, time for work" thing... for the last 48 hours I have been checking at peak hours across all timezones, during the day, and now (4:25AM CST) and only 1 or 2 servers hit get above Standard.



Strange , because when i checked last night at 4.55pm GMT ( not even properly peak time eu as people still getting home / eating dinner ) most US servers where at Standard with some on heavy, not a single US server on light , and Euro servers where even higher populated , with half being on heavy .


Even now on the EU servers , every single one is at standard , with 10 already at heavy , and its only 11.30am GMT ( 12.30 CET ) , so again , not peak , and servers are showing as heavy .

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I love this game, I hope it succeeds - I really do. However, among my guild, my server, and my few friends that play this game, I am noticing a trend: They are getting bored and not logging in nearly as frequently, or not at all, since last week. I have 2 50s, a 42 and a 31 - still not bored, still enjoying the story lines, awaiting patches, etc..


Now that you know this isn't a SWTOR bash thread, or a hate thread, or whatever, I would like to bring a scary observation to you.




If you looked at the server lists a week or two ago, you would see if FILLED with Full (Queues) or Full in general. Now what do you see? Light and Standard on everything... except one.


And this one server, The Swiftsure, is why I don't think they increased server capacity, and people are simply not logging in.


This server had 10-20 minute queues back when all of the servers had similar queues. However, this server still has (as of right now a 50 minute queue) queues, while all of the other servers are now down to Light (Port Nowhere was constantly Full, as well as at least 20 others), and Standard across the board. This even occurs at peak hours.


If they increased server capacity, there would be NO REASON for The Swiftsure's queue times to increase this drastically. Before you say they had a population increase, or something of that nature, think of this:


If they did perform a population cap, then The Swiftsure would balance out like every other similar queued server - it would be down to Standard. However, it increased by 30-40 minute queues. This does not make ANY sense whatsoever.


Hopefully this is not the case, as I stated at the start I love this game and am having fun playing it. I just really hope this isn't the case, but all logic and observation would point to people are just not logging in anymore.



You do realize that:


a) They did increase the caps




b) The holidays ended, and alot of people went back to work/school?

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I appreciate your use of big words, however your comprehension is on par with that twelve year old girl that posted on the first page.


The Swiftsure was only used as a comparison to server population due to the other servers matching it's queues, or having HIGHER queues than it, just a week ago. Now they are Standard, and some are even Light, when they would be 20 minute queues regularly. Swiftsure being queued still means that there was no cap increase, but a player login decrease across the board. Even at prime time playing hours.


The actual number itself is not needed here, simply looking at the population column will tell you the estimated numbers at any given time.


"I don't agree with your method of critical thinking, so I'm going to insult you."


I didn't insult you, I said i disagreed. Why is everyone on this forum so damn angry?


Slow down here. I get that Switfsure's queue was shorter. I get it. I'm saying that now it's sticking out, it may be the very fact that its sticking out that's creating a vicious cycle. This is one of a few possible explanations.

I asked for corroborating evidence on your server. What are the numbers? I think you may be freaking out over something that is not evidenced.


The flipside of this is: If Swiftsure was shorter before they supposedly started increasing server caps, why is it now longer? did they miss it?

Edited by artilleryshell
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I expected it to play out like this because honestly its like any other multiplayer game, including WoW. We actively recruit. 40+ members atm but on only 7-10 or so online at any given time. Peak times we hit 12-15 members. For every 4 players we take in, 1 is daily active in the guild at this time. That number is surprisingly growing though.


To be honest, I prefer it that way. I've gotten to know some of these daily members a bit and it makes coordinating and leveling easier when I know what toons they have and how they choose to play. It's all about filtering actively low players out and retaining the regulars at this point. As anyone, we expect to not have every member on, all the time.


The server I play on is never low or full. About 150 in everyone major area. Not worried abit.

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I just bought the game this week, and rolled on Tassaa Bareesh EU (imperials).

I'm now level 26 and being sick, I've been playing a _lot_. The thing is, I haven't been able to run flashpoints (Black Talon being an exception) or heroic missions because it's almost impossible to get a group for them. Also it seems like every area I'm at has only a handful of people - for example, in Tatooine there's 23 people with me... And it really feels low.


Haven't you guys had problems getting flashpoint groups, or am I just late to the party?

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There hasn't been even one time I couldn't get a party for a group quest, heoric or flashpoint and I didn't even miss one of them. BTW I'm on the Republic Side.


I'm sure there are lots of WoW fanboys in this forum, trying to scatter false information about the game.


I'm waiting for Q4 earning call of Activision Blizzard to laugh at the fact that WoW lost nearly 2 million subs in the last quarter.

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This isn't just a "oh vacation days are over, time for work" thing... for the last 48 hours I have been checking at peak hours across all timezones, during the day, and now (4:25AM CST)


You really take this sort of thing seriously.

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  • 1 month later...


I love this game, I hope it succeeds - I really do. However, among my guild, my server, and my few friends that play this game, I am noticing a trend: They are getting bored and not logging in nearly as frequently, or not at all, since last week. I have 2 50s, a 42 and a 31 - still not bored, still enjoying the story lines, awaiting patches, etc..


Now that you know this isn't a SWTOR bash thread, or a hate thread, or whatever, I would like to bring a scary observation to you.




If you looked at the server lists a week or two ago, you would see if FILLED with Full (Queues) or Full in general. Now what do you see? Light and Standard on everything... except one.


And this one server, The Swiftsure, is why I don't think they increased server capacity, and people are simply not logging in.


This server had 10-20 minute queues back when all of the servers had similar queues. However, this server still has (as of right now a 50 minute queue) queues, while all of the other servers are now down to Light (Port Nowhere was constantly Full, as well as at least 20 others), and Standard across the board. This even occurs at peak hours.


If they increased server capacity, there would be NO REASON for The Swiftsure's queue times to increase this drastically. Before you say they had a population increase, or something of that nature, think of this:


If they did perform a population cap, then The Swiftsure would balance out like every other similar queued server - it would be down to Standard. However, it increased by 30-40 minute queues. This does not make ANY sense whatsoever.


Hopefully this is not the case, as I stated at the start I love this game and am having fun playing it. I just really hope this isn't the case, but all logic and observation would point to people are just not logging in anymore.


You need a day job. My main is lvl 39 and i play six days a week. Also started playing five days before release.

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