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I don't think they increased server caps, I think people quit...


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i didnt read all the posts but "in before" some rabid fanbois comes in here and scream "1.7 million!!!" :D


Well since I know I unsubscribed can we say 1,699,999?


I know the fanboys will say get out of the way for the stampede of people rushing to get into the game.

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Anyone with intelligence knows there has been and still are a lot of people quitting SWTOR. My guild kicked 20 people tonight that have quit the game and everyone can see the server page has gone from heavy to standard over the last 2 - 3 weeks.


This is nothing to do with holidays or server caps, the holidays were ages ago, that's long gone now. People are leaving and we all know it, even the fan boys know but are not man enough to admit the game has bombed.


In March the game will be a graveyard, am only here because I got the game and a 2 month time card for Christmas, once thats gone I won't be back till it becomes a proper MMO and not a coop RPG.

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When is your sub up Emeda? I need to make a note on my calendar. :D


ROFL yeah really. I love the logic of the people who hate this game yet still lurk on the forums.




or even better




What happened to this world?

Edited by KhealThar
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ROFL yeah really. I love the logic of the people who hate this game yet still lurk on the forums.




or even better




What happened to this world?


Same as it's always been. It's the internet. See the link in my signature.

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People need to slow down, i have a lvl 45 trooper going steady to 50, but doing lots of world pvp and attacking Empire outposts, in hoth etc, with my guild we do lots of raid bosses, that is how u play an mmo, dont speed lvl


It takes less than 7 days to lvl a character.


thats is 7*24 = 168 hours

2 months = 60 days

168/60 = 2.8 hours a day.


So you are saying the right way to play the game is by playing a game less than 3 hours a day. Maybe that is the practical thing to do, but thats not what happens for MMO players or just people who play video games on their off time.


If there are enough causal players to enjoy the game then good for them and for swtor. However, going with MMO trends, and knowing the importance of end game and having a month to make sure there is enough end game content when people get there is about right. And we past that point.


BW seems to think like you do, however the people who are leaving are not. So then it becomes a business decision reflected by the numbers. If most people leave because end game was not good for them, then end game was not good enough for the game. However looking at the server population I would either 50% left /and or lost interest and is playing less. Which would mean the people who left is less than 50% but overall the server population is less than 50% of what it was when the game first released, on my server, on a daily basis (which again could still mean that around the same number of players are registered but are playing less)


Anyways, they still have time to get things together to generate interest for those playing less (with still time to play but doing something else) and to do that they should put all the great kotor/ star wars stuff into the game very soon. Such as mini games and space combat pvp. Their lack of end game will continue to affect people if they don't keep up with even the casuals. Soon they will have to keep up with them, and then the casuals will say the same thing.


How much time do you think until the casuals will complain? You seem to think having little end game pvp wise is acceptable 2 months after release.


The raids are alright imo (so HM FPs and raids are good end game for me), but the mechanics that dont work become tiresome and having the chance to pvp while waiting for raids to be more reliant/fixed would have been my strategy, but I could not do that. So I am playing alts now until they have pvp/more reliant raids. Which is not something a lot of the players are doing since my guild left the game or otherwise they would be playing alts.

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I'll say this...



I started first day of early access. I was imported with a guild I joined on the site. There were quite a few people in the guild before I left it. Probably 40-60 people.


Now I very rarely if ever see anyone from that guild. I used to see them all the time in Warzones and fleet.


Anyway left that guild, a friend created a guild. Joined his guild.


Guild grew to 70+ people in a matter of days.


That guild is now lucky if more than 2 people are online at any given time, and most members haven't logged in for weeks.


I think a very large portion of the people who started this game from launch or earlier are long gone.

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I'm one of those people, once I hit 50 and the story euphoria wore off I just couldn't bring myself to play anymore. I do like the game but it's not what I was expecting from the 3 years of hype they put us through. Anyone remember "fast paced combat"? I was waiting for a combat system similar to Terra online or DCUO but all we got was a hotkey MMO similar to WoW with a few improvements/changes. Also the fact there are no cities and all we get as one is a giant space circle that is the same for both factions played a huge roll in changing my opinion of this game. I'm sure this game will go on to be a great MMO but not for me. I had my fill of hotkey mmo's from 6 years of warcraft. I have my sights set on GW2 right now, yeah it uses hotkeys but the actual combat system looks fun and intuitive plus the world isn't a dead barren wasteland like they are in this game.
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