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Am I the only one actually enjoying this game?


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I'm really enjoying this game as well.


The problem with forums are that they're usually populated by people not playing the game, they're sharpening their nails and scratching on a blackboard for attention.


Nothing will ever be good enough for them here, or anywhere for that matter.

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Absolutely loving it!


My family and I ( 5 of us in all ) are having a blast! My daughter hasn't touched a MMO since we quit WoW when Cataclysm came out (what an aptly-named expansion!).


When we saw that we were all being forced to take only one skill tree, and all customization was gone, we left in great sadness. We played mage tanks, and were very good at it. Too bad everyone we slaughtered on the Battlegrounds whined about it so much. :p


Well, my daughter loves the PvP here. Does it need tweaking? Yes.

Does the game have bugs? Yes.

Is it worth time and money? Yes.

Do I love being a cloth-wearing tank? YES!!!


Thank you Bioware, I look forward to when you smooth out the rough edges of this game, and it becomes more polished, it will defenitely be the top MMO then.

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I just did the legacy quest, which was pretty hard, but I loved it. I love how this game takes you from one big event to another. I love the story, my companions and I love the crafting system. I haven't done any PvP yet and I'm about to make my first alt, but only because my husband is from home two days and we normally level up together.


Sure I have seen some bugs, but until now I could work around them all. So, I'm indeed really enjoying this game. I don't mind about being the fastest, the best or whatever. I'm level 32 and I have 4.5 days /played. I still can't imagine people leveled to 50 in less than that time and have really seen let alone enjoyed all the content.

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Oh no, i'm enjoying it quite a lot.


Did run into very hard times when they nerfed Slicing tho as I like taking a break of XP-ing (and XP is evevrywhere in this game) everynow and then to make money and be correctly geared for my next few levels; but I did manage to fins another money maker or Two.


I have so far a Trooper main and a Sith Assassin.

I tought I'd hate the trooper, but so far i'm ajoying it much, much more that I tought I would. As for Sith assassin, man is being evil in a game fun or what ? No more goodie-two-shoes.


I'm holing as much as I can on JK because of 2 things: PPL I know are saying they are underpowered, and second I am waiting for the Togruta Race to really dig into it's story.


Anyways, I know there isn't much to do at 50 yet (This isnt FF11 endgame quality by a longshot) so I'm just enjoying the ride and taking my time.


-- Francois424

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Loving it. Level 50 here and what people saying about endgame it is not true. Raiding is fun (some bugs, but those will get fixed), hm flashpoints are nice and sometimes challenging, pvp with a lvl 50 bracket brings more fun and the dailies aren't that bad when doing them in a group. Also love crafting mechanics and trying to get every discovery.


Sure there are still some bugs and also the delay issue. But the devs said they are working on it. And they still deliver patches every week to fix bugs.

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I for one enjoy this game. I find the stories captivating and the bugs don't bother me. I have no real complaints. I know some of the minor annoyances like being green for an hour will be worked out. My hats off to BioWare. For the money I spent verses the enjoyment I have had playing the game thus far. I would say it was money well spent I will be a subscriber as long as they keep the game running.
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You are not the only one enjoying the game i am as well only hve smuggler at moment level 31 but in no hurry to level and as far as the bugs go just minor inconviences which i believe Bw will take care of in due time. tor as managed to keep me interested while aion rift city of heroes and wow hve becmae boring to me but tht is just my opinion all games have pros and cons and all hve similaties when they from same genere in one form or fashion but bottom line it all comes down to personal preference as i see it. so to each his or her own just hve fun playing either it be tor or the other games i mentioned tht wht really matters any ways when it comes to games fun and intertainment so good gamming all
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'tears streaming down cheeks'


At last!!!!....an oasis. with fresh untainted water for my dry and thirsty ears :D:D:D


In the words of a famous spy and in my best imitation voice:-


"Yes!!! my wife and I are playing together and.....loving it"

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I am in love with this game aswell!


Level 50 Assassin with a level 47 sorc...will be 50 by tomorrow!


This game is the most fun i have ever had leveling up in an mmo, and i have seen the same story twice, i just made some different decisions along the way!

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I'm an SWG refugee and was not sure how I'd like SWTOR after several years playing what is to this day my favorite game ever; which, aside from the basics of questing, leveling, etc., was much different than SWTOR, or any other MMO as far as I am aware.


I knew that SWTOR would never replace the game that I had come to love so much, but that it might present a fair substitution, based wholly on the fact that it was Star Wars. Unlike many, I am not a universal gamer and don't play any and all games that come out just for the sake of playing games. I need some sort of vested interest in the subject matter to justify spending the amount of time in-game that is demanded by an MMO.


I also like to have something else to do in-game besides combat and questing, something which most MMOs seem to lack for the most part... SWTOR being no exception, unless you consider sitting back and enjoying the story as it unfolds.


I am not interested in the 'end-game'. I have rarely done PvP in MMOs and never will do so again... in any game. So perhaps, in that respect, I have little, if anything, to look forward to upon reaching level 50 until new content is added or I move on to finish leveling other classes. That being the case, I am in absolutely no rush to reach level 50 and muse mightily at those who already have several level 50 toons and now complain that there is nothing worthwhile to do... less than a month after the game's release. I just shake my head and feel somewhat sorry for the fools.


No, SWTOR does not replace my favorite game in most respects. In some ways it is quite superior to SWG, while in most others it simply cannot hold a candle...


But it is indeed SWG's equal in the single most important respect... sheer joy in the experience.


The story lines, although so far mostly cliche and predictable, are nonetheless thoroughly enjoyable if only for the mostly high-quality voice-acting. The combat is a helluvalotta fun... regardless of class... and I am especially happy to be able to see my Jedi and Sith toons do things that were totally impossible in SWG. The game worlds, although so far relatively small and quite restricted compared to what I am used to, are sheer works of art; while running around on Dromund Kaas, one of the comments made by Kaliyo, the IMP Operative's first companion, is something like, "Slow Down... let's spread out, have a picnic, and watch the lightning...". I could take that to heart because part of the total experience for me is to explore the game worlds, see as much as I can, and soak it all in...


In short, to the original poster, no... you are not the only one enjoying this game.


I miss my favorite game... very much... but SWTOR is a solid second-place and I will continue to play and enjoy it.



Fade to Black...

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While I've got some nitpicks about the game - and am really disappointed the space combat is more "Rogue Squadron" rail-shooter style than "X-Wing" spaceflight - I can say no, you're not the only person enjoying the game.


I don't know if I'll be enjoying it in six months or not once all the new wears off - that's the bigger question for me - but right now, I'm generally having a blast. And if I'm not, well, that's an unsub for a few months while they come up with new content and systems. Doesn't feel like the way I'm going to go, though - I can see sticking around for the long haul. Most of the base of the game seems fine to me, honestly.


I just wish they gave us sprint at level 1 with all the running we do. I do hate silly timesinks like "Walk casually from one side of the continent to the other." They're not needed and are nothing but irritating.


.... oh. And yes. I am an altaholic. My main server's filled, which isn't hard to do - I would love more character slots! (Yes, I do have stuff on other servers.)

Edited by Arcson
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Having a blast, and so is my guild, between the datacron events world bosses, attacking sith posts wold pvp that we engage in everyday, and 90% of the guild is still 30-late 40's, 140 of us, we do lots of flashpoiints crafting for guild trading, pvp premades lots to do lots of fun.
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Level 37 Bounty Hunter Powertech.


I'm absolutely loving this game. People say that it's not innovative for an MMO. While this may be true, it's certainly a lot more fun than WoW, and I know this because I got bored with WoW at level 10. The Class Stories and Voice Acting add a whole new dimension to what would otherwise be a WoW Clone. I'm loving it.


There has to be others that agree with me. There's too many hate threads right now!


No, you're not. Just most people are too busy enjoying the game whereas the QQers are riding out their free month by talking about how much they hate the game on the forums. Yes yes, we get it, there are bugs. BioWare is doing a good job fixing them.



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Im a 27 healer commando and thoroughly enjoying the game.


It has its bad points but so has every mmo thats ever been released.


Im enjoying the storylines far too much!


I treat this like a bioware rpg. With multiplayer.


Im uncertain as to if ill stick around when i hit 50, it depends on what my friends all do...i dont enjoy grinding for gear. Im a healer by trade, so i cant really solo things, so we'll have to see.


That said i do agree that the sidequests lack the variety the main quests give you, which is a real shame.

Edited by Kitsunami
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Remember, most people that enjoy the game could give less than a crap about the forums. You'll always see more negativity on them. They are a terrible place to try and learn about a game unless you are prepared to do a ton of digging and sorting.


These forums are like an archeological dig in the middle of an overused cow pasture. Sure, you're eventually going to make a nice find, but you're going to rummage through a lot of **** to find it.

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I too am enjoying the game, however it does seem to be a clone of today's standard MMO mechanics, which I have to say are rather dull, especially combat. So whilst I am sure I will play for a while, at least until I see the story pan out, my long term staying power will be down to what BW can do to perhaps make TOR have some more unique holding power.
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Got bored with the game personally, and did unsub. Its like a singleplayer game with an irc client, and not even a great singleplayer game, just decent. If I want singleplayer, I`ll play Skyrim thank you very much. Edited by Gloern
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