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Why even play a tank?


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People tank because it's what they want to do.


If you expect it to be easy..it's not for you.

If you expect it to be recognized...it's not for you.


If you expect to feel the joy of holding your foe against a plethora of dps types who stand in the fire and basking in the glory of knowing they would have died if you hadn't moved the mob a foot to the left....


We may have a job for you.

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What's the benefit in playing a tank? A dps has it 100x less stressful. Hell, a dps could just mash their auto attack through an entire operation and no one would care due to lack of damage meter.


Tanks have it 100x more stressful between timing defensive cooldowns, managing aggro on target, and peeling aggro off some noob dpsers that decide to not attack tank's target.


PLaying a tank isnt stressful. Stress implies there are either serious negative consequences if you fail, or you care that some basement dwelling nerd is going to rage at you.


Its a game, lighten up, chill out, enjoy it and add ragers to your ignore list.

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What's the benefit in playing a tank? A dps has it 100x less stressful. Hell, a dps could just mash their auto attack through an entire operation and no one would care due to lack of damage meter.


Tanks have it 100x more stressful between timing defensive cooldowns, managing aggro on target, and peeling aggro off some noob dpsers that decide to not attack tank's target.


and here is the attitude that ruined other games. "why do something that is at all difficult when there is an easy option?"


you seem to want some kind of reward for being a tank? this is a GAME. my reward for playing ANY game as any class/roll is ENJOYMENT. i enjoy tanking. i enjoy healing in swtor (although not in other mmos)


i dont want special recognition. it.is.a.game. i enjoy tanking. i enjoy healing. that is why i do them. i get NO enjoyment from doing the most simplistic part of a game.


why dont ppl lock tetris to the lowest speed?


why dont ppl just play mario world 1-1 over and over and over again>? its the easiest....so why not play it over and over and over?


a half ironman is easier than an ironman.....so why on earth would ANYONE ever do a full ironman?


some pople like a challange and enjoy the feeling of success that comes from it.

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What's the benefit in playing a tank? A dps has it 100x less stressful. Hell, a dps could just mash their auto attack through an entire operation and no one would care due to lack of damage meter.


Tanks have it 100x more stressful between timing defensive cooldowns, managing aggro on target, and peeling aggro off some noob dpsers that decide to not attack tank's target.


This game has auto attack? :confused:

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If you make that question OP then you are really not cut to the job, im not questioning your skill as player , but is a simple fact , being a tank wont give you nothing better , will only give you a job harder that few have a taste for.
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Ah, the "I'm a tank and I want to be unique snowflake" post.


I read your sig message and as an SWG vet of 8 years that only played WoW for 2 days (because i hate toon/styleized graphics). I supported this game launch and or contract with Lucas long before it was signed. Starwars is my genre but this game is such a cookie cutter complete fail. I take pride in being a whiner. Bioware followed the WoW model and designed this game to what brings revenue.

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