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What!! NO ADD-ONS to be authorized!!!!


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Not everyone gives a crap about your immersion. If you want to be immersed, fine, don't use addons, or parsers, or whatever else, but not all of us enjoy being smashed down to your level of mediocrity because the buff bar is literally too small to see, for instance, and the entire UI is equally atrocious.


So what hey need is to make the UI movable and scalable...has nothing to do with ADDONS.


These so called addons that are rampant in wow ruin the game, hell they ruined WoW on so many levels that there was no turning back. If you can't play the game without addons, go back to WoW where the game is literally built around addons because the majority of the playerbase has to be told what to do and when to do it otherwise their brain doesn't function correctly, and part of that player base apparently is here and can't play this game without them.


Ding--oh that means I push this button

Ding, Ding--oh yeah two dings means I press this button

Ding--count down till boss does spell A get ready to move--ok ready to move

Ding--MOVE, ok moving

Ding--oh that means I push this button

Ding--boss at 5%

Ding--boss dead


OMG THAT WAS AMAZING! GJ Blizzard, best boss battle ever developed.

Edited by Nidien
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Here we go again.


These threads, unfortunately, always have the most vitriol in them even compared to other topics where the community is split. It's really unfortunate that people get so mad one way or another about it.


Also, 1) Random CS Guy isn't the best person to ask and 2) He may just be referring to the fact that you cannot currently have addons. You aren't going to learn about Bioware's next move through a ticket. Developer tracker is better.

Edited by Excedrin
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completely failed eh?


ui works fine for me, and apart from wanting a third center bar, there is almost nothing i'd have changed.


seriously what is this problem everyone (really only some) seem to have with the UI?


I could list 40 things I'd like to change about the UI. That's the point of UI customization. Not everyone wants their UI the same way.


And, seriously, you have no issue with companions coming back from missions and closing your windows down? That's a fault of the crappy UI.

Edited by Shillen
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To those who says that if I dont like addons I should not use them.

You seem to overlook one very important factor.


IF you allow addons like DPS meters DBM, and whatnot, the content will for those who use these addons become too easy

They will then come here on the forums and scream about how things are too easy and demand they make it harder.

The devs then start to design the content around the use of said addons so you cannot do things without the addons.

Once they do that I will be FORCED to use these addons, AGAINST my will, in order to be able to do this content, at which point your statement about "dont use them if you dont want them" becomes moot because I will not be able to play the game if I dont have them.


I will no longer have that choice to not use these addons, because if I dont I will not be able to progress in the game.

At which point I am only left with 2 choices, use the addons I so abhor, or stop playing a game I actually find very enjoyable to play


Not to mention the updating of all those countless addons each time there is a new patch, which is a job in and of itself.

I have aj ob already, I dont want another, especially no one I have to PAY to do.


And how do you know these addons dont contain some form of malware that collects your personal information so they can steal your account?


There are some things thing I never could understand.


Why the flippin hell we have to make every single game just like wow?


Why cant those of us who DO NOT want these addons have some games that DO NOT have them?


If you want to play a game that has addons, why cant you just go and play a game that has them?


Why do you have to force those of us who want to play a game that DO NOT have them to have them in the games we like to play?

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I really don't mind if they let addons in, as long as they find a way to do it so they cannot be used to discriminate against other players or as a prerequisite for anything. Although I would much prefer for said addons to be a bioware invention (for want of a better word) than a third party app
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Addons are already confirmed and on the way.





"Addon support? We're working on it, will be post-launch feature."


UI support was the answer to the question; totally different than AddOn support.


Unlocking the UI elements and allowing individual elements to be scaled .. ie. bottom bar, chat frame, quest tracking, quickslot bars on the sides having the ability to toggle horizontally... all movable and unlocked, is something I could live with.


Graphical UI customization would be a great perk, but I could live with the above options.


I've read in several locations 'Official responses', since 2008 (when I joined swtor.com), that there would be NO AddOn support (the API will remain locked). I don't agree with that decision, but I can live with it if the above options are added, along with a detailed combat log.

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I really don't mind if they let addons in, as long as they find a way to do it so they cannot be used to discriminate against other players or as a prerequisite for anything. Although I would much prefer for said addons to be a bioware invention (for want of a better word) than a third party app


This, of course, would be impossible. People discriminate; add-ons don't. And they're never a pre-requisite for anything, unless people make them prerequisites. They are optional by definition.


And if people do require them, that's their business. If you don't want to run with people who require certain add-ons, isn't just not running with them a better option than denying them for everyone so you don't get your feelings hurt? It seems there are enough people opposed to add-ons that it shouldn't be a problem finding people who don't require them.

Edited by imtrick
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Well, on the one hand, not having addons is a good thing because you can watch the game, instead of a bunch of numbers and timers. A lot of addons really ruin the immersion.



On the other hand, they've completely failed to provide a decent UI, thus proving that they probably should let some legit programmers (addon community) create some addons for us to use.


If it ruins the immersion people can choose not to use them. Not like level 50 content is immersive anyways.

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I think what the OP misses, and for that matter, most people miss about addons is that once they allow them, they open the code up for being exploited. In laymen's terms this means that botters, hackers and exploiters will all take advantage of the system.


The fact that you list "botters, hackers, and exploiters" as reasons for not allowing addons would seem to strongly indicate that you have no understanding at all of what a sandboxed addon system such as those used by World of Warcraft, Warhammer, etc. actually is.


The last thing the overworked customer service needs right now is having to deal with compromised accounts because players went downloaded a addon they shouldn't have.


No WoW player ever ended up with a keylogger, trojan, virus, or hacked account from an addon. They may have gotten one from a Flash exploit on a webpage, a Javascript exploit, a Java exploit, or running an executable, but they absolutely did not receive one from installing a package of Lua code and having WoW's scripting engine run it.

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I dont remember ever reading anything anywhere from any site authorized or not about how the development team was trying to outsmart an addon especially when they could just ban one and block its use in the game, and they did block addons.


I forgot to mention healing addons, ever have a non-addon using healer in your raid? That other MMO still doesnt have a functional healing UI. IMO ;)


Most addons I used where to customize the hotkey sizes, placement and so on, I used healing/dps meters to evaluate my healing performance.


I was a non-addon using healer in that other game. And honestly I did fine once I got a system down.


Of course I was a holy pally when healing was.


1. beacon off tank


2. heal main tank


3. ???????


4. profit!!!!

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So I put in a ticket praising the game and noted about how the UI feels incomplete, I also asked about authorizing addons in the game.


I got a reply and it said that Bioware is not going to authorize them! This bothers me, addons GREATLY improve a game with proc alerts, boss warnings, customizable UI, simplified AH and so on.


Developers dont always have all the right answers or ideas, add-ons allow them (by popularity ie: Deadly Boss Mobs, threat meters, QuestHelper) to evaluate if anything they created could be done better or incorporated just as those addons where added to that other mmo.


I dont know if addons where ever an issue in that other game, I do know that I take on all the responsibility and risk of using and downloading one if they compromise my account. They are all free to!


What am I missing about the threat Bioware feels about addons?



well they are providing their own customization options for the UI they said ( not sure when though)


The problem with add ons is that they make it easier for hackers ( Blizzard has admitted one of their problems with accounts being hacks steams from their games ability to allow addons) Also they made it easier for people to do things like speed hack and create botts which effects other peoples ability to play the game.

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Not everyone gives a crap about your immersion. If you want to be immersed, fine, don't use addons, or parsers, or whatever else, but not all of us enjoy being smashed down to your level of mediocrity because the buff bar is literally too small to see, for instance, and the entire UI is equally atrocious.


none of which has anything to do with add ons really. BW has already said they are developing customization options for the UI. They do not need to allow addons for this to happen. Take for example LOTRO and DDO's UI it can be fully customized and does not use addons to do so.

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This, of course, would be impossible. People discriminate; add-ons don't. And they're never a pre-requisite for anything, unless people make them prerequisites. They are optional by definition.


And if people do require them, that's their business. If you don't want to run with people who require certain add-ons, isn't just not running with them a better option than denying them for everyone so you don't get your feelings hurt? It seems there are enough people opposed to add-ons that it shouldn't be a problem finding people who don't require them.


And what should those of us who dont want to use addons do then, when they start designing the game around the use of said addons?


Should we continue to not use them and and such be excluded from any new content, and possibly revamped old content?


As long as the game is not designed around the use of addons, the are indeed optional and I can choose not to use them.

But once they start designing the game around the use of addons, just like they did in wow, the use of addons are no longer optional and I suddenly find myself no longer having a choice.

I am forced to use something I dont want to use AGAINST my will.


So I will be left with 3 choices:


1. Continue to play the game without these addons and most likely not be able to do anything because its too difficult to do without them.


2. Start using these addons you claim are optional, which all of a sudden no longer are.


3. Stop playing the game altogether and move on to the next game in lone that dont have these addons implemented yet, that is until they get implemented there too.


These addons are crutches for the wow kiddies who cant think for themselves and have to have someone tell them when to do what every second of the day.

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I would rather see better UI customisation and no add-on support.


The primary reason for this is the grids addon in wow. I admit I've never used it but the concept is horrible.


As an example of what I mean, see this video of

using grids.


Now compare it to healing in guild wars with no addons.


In the first video the main focus is on the grid UI. In the second video the healer is more active and focused on the actual fight. This isn't supposed to represent good or bad pvp, just show the way addons encourage the player to engage in pvp in a way that's less immersive.


The more you focus on the UI, the more it becomes a game of pushing coloured boxes. The UI should enhance your gameplay, not replace it.

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The problem with add ons is that they make it easier for hackers ( Blizzard has admitted one of their problems with accounts being hacks steams from their games ability to allow addons) Also they made it easier for people to do things like speed hack and create botts which effects other peoples ability to play the game.


You mind finding a source for that admission? That's a load of garbage if you understand how addons work.

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Everyone always mentions the "DBM's and Recounts". Honestly I miss my crafting addons most. the "does my alt need this?" question and "do i already have one of these somewhere?" questions seriously drive me crazy.
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Yeah, I remember all of the great things it added. Like GearScore checks. And OMG YOUR DPS IS 10% LESS THAN I THINK IT SHOULD BE, YOU'RE OUT OF THE GROUP!


Yeah, I have fond memories of those times.


You and me both /sigh

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