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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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Warzones, 4/10. They're passable but I've seen much much better. Targetting is kinda hard and seeing the difference between classes is not that easy, leading to chaotic combat (this is not a good thing). I've seen other games do it much much better. Huttball, while I give props for trying new things, is extremely slanted towards certain classes, doesn't look very good, and is just not very fun (I'm a scoundrel).


Ilum, 1.1/10 (the 0.1 is for the sky, which is the only nice feature of Ilum). And that's honestly not an exaggeration.


- First of all it looks like ****. It's rock. Or crystal that looks like rock. Every square inch of Ilum is boring rock. Really, this seemed like a good idea to you? I've levelled to 50, I've seen that you can make planets that doesn't look like complete ****, did you save it up for the zone your're stuck in at 50?


- Second. The combat there consists of two situations. Either I'm throwing grenades at a blob of players hoping one will die eventually so I'll get my daily, or I rove around on my bike in an Ops group, swarming the few people we occationally encounter, gaining a few kills. Both are boring as ****, I could be a pre-created NPC with 1 ability and do the same thing. There would be no difference.


- Third. Since everything revolves around blob against blob, ranged is king and melee might as just not be there at all.


I really and honestly think it would actually be an improvement if Ilum didn't exist. It is that terrible. I don't want to go there, but the completionist in me drags me there to complete my dailies. I want it gone so I don't have to bother.

Edited by Rhym
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Ilum is pointless & badly designed

Only 3 Warzones

No cross-server Warzones

You can keep getting rolled by the same overpowered groups

Warzones are bugged in many ways

Imbalances in Warzones

Class imbalances

Class bugs

PvP gear means it's gear based, not skill based

Open World PvP is pointless

PvP can be exploited

Ilum doesn't automatically form you into an Ops

You do not stay in your preformed group after a Warzone

Expertise is way overpowered, although shouldn't even have a PvP gear stat

Bolstering doesn't even the playing field, need tiered Warzones

Cannot pick which Warzones you want to queue for

Ilum dailies/weeklies are set ridiculously high

Smuggler's Den is pointless


They took so many design decisions that have worked in other games, yet, they failed so badly at the PvP design and execution. I have no idea what BioWare was thinking. It's quite obvious PvP was tacked on as a later thought. Couldn't even call it a secondary thought because it's just that bad.

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a decent 5. For the great underlying PvP framework, the good out-of-the-box class balance (not many games ship that balanced) and the truly great Warzone design.

Those points are done so well I feel like still saying this game has "OK" and for many parts functional PvP.


Especially because the system for great PvP is in place. The dots just don't connect.


Disastrous Open PvP, hilarious mirror class and faction imbalance, no combat log, unnecessary RNG Bag system, engine issues (in big and small battles), no combat log, FFA brackets until the last patch and very damaging sorc/sage bias make up the other 5 points though. Also no combat log.

Edited by mufutiz
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3 at best.


1. Gear is way to over powered. Being a non geared pvp lvl 50 in the 50 pvp bracket is basically the same as a level 10 vs a level 50. I can instantly tell if my bg group is going to win or not by looking at the health pools before the game starts... IF research was done... i bet the correlation between health pools and game victories is nearly a perfect R^2=1.0


2. We have two 'dailies' which sometimes take 2+ hours to complete. say you win every other bg. and say you get credit for every third win.. which seems to be the case for me lately. that means 3x3x2= 18 bgs to get a daily done at 10 min a bg thats 180 min.. and 3 hours of play... grand. What about Illum? on a server thats seems like a 4 to 1 imbalance.. gl finding 30 republic... some of which when you are in a raid you dont get credit for the kill even when you pesonally do damage to them! So you say their are crates? First off grinding picking up an item is hardly a pvp daily... and also there are masses running around in circles looking for the 2-3 that spawn at a time. You call that pvp? The dailys (aka the primary source for bags) are unacceptable.


3. Voidstar's needed to hit spacebar to enter the bg just shows their lack of attention to detail towards pvp.


4. Alderan- the team that caps 2 at the beginning probably wins 85% of the time because the nodes are too close and easier to get from one to the other.


5. Class imbalance. You are always goign to have this in any mmo. adjustments are always needed. BUT lets talk about the ability for some to obtain more medals over others. Yep that needs to be fixed.


6. Tab feature is the worst i have ever seen. example? in a raid group in Illium.. fighting (aka rolling over republic because we out number them 6to1 in the zone)... I am trying to tab and tag each enemy... there are about 15-20 republic my first tab... picks a guy out of range in the far back!



I try to like it, because i want to play an MMO and pvp, but I am hardly addicted or into it like i have been in other games. There are too many issues for me to be fully engulfed in pvp.

Edited by Cutnail
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You can't blame class balance, if a mad as he'll Sith warrior is running after you and he's marauder your going down hard, if a BH with dual blaster pistols and heat seeking rockets is nuking you, your going to become destroyed, pick a good class and use your strengths, you will eventually find a weakness
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You can't blame class balance, if a mad as he'll Sith warrior is running after you and he's marauder your going down hard, if a BH with dual blaster pistols and heat seeking rockets is nuking you, your going to become destroyed, pick a good class and use your strengths, you will eventually find a weakness


Maybe some truth to that.. but when the BH casts one spell literally 6 times in a row and nothing else... that isn't pvp..

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1. Gear is way to over powered. Being a non geared pvp lvl 50 in the 50 pvp bracket is basically the same as a level 10 vs a level 50. I can instantly tell if my bg group is going to win or not by looking at the health pools before the game starts... IF research was done... i bet the correlation between health pools and game victories is nearly a perfect R^2=1.0



Well this was changed but it adds a new problem into the mix. Players just hitting 50 have next to no pvp gear and are just a hinderance to their team, i really think BW should add maybe some lvl 50 pvp gear to the pvp armor vendor as having to wait to get lucky isnt fun. Whats just terrible is when the queue forces a bunch of fresh 50s to fight 8 battlemasters, how is that even competitive?

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Well this was changed but it adds a new problem into the mix. Players just hitting 50 have next to no pvp gear and are just a hinderance to their team, i really think BW should add maybe some lvl 50 pvp gear to the pvp armor vendor as having to wait to get lucky isnt fun. Whats just terrible is when the queue forces a bunch of fresh 50s to fight 8 battlemasters, how is that even competitive?



Unfortunately gear > skill. WAY GREATER. If you put in the time grinding and getting lucky on bags.. you will be able to kill a more skillfull but undergeared person at 50 without a sweat.

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8/10 for me


My expectations were quite low before I got to do PvP in this game (with it being completly new and all)


there is a few stuff that needs fixing like any other new game obviously but so far so good.


Im looking forward to the future PvP stuff coming in patches :)

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´1 point for having a light saber

1 point for having force abilities


that's about it 2/10


owpvp is non existant, warzones got old, huttball is knockback fest, alderaan well this is just a control point battle, nothing new. The void star, objective defense, maybe a little innovative but it got old.


Ilum, from its size, they seem to have made it to hold the entire server population. Too bad the praphics engine can't handle 10 v 10s in the open world.


What else is there to say, I will play the main stories and when I get bored I will defect to a funnier pvp experience. I can't really enjoy this for a much longer time

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On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being a good night of DAoC 8v8 and 1 being city raids in WAR (back when there were no BGs, defenders were locked out, and it was just a massive raid against mobs) I'd probably say it depends...


With a group, I'd say WZs are about a 6 for me. They are fun but need work. The resolve bar gets buggy so often, there are disparities between mirrors, luck based gear means that some people will win or lose based purely on how lucky their group has been with the RNG, and tons of Imps got BM during the Ilum patch and have been opening BM bags all week. Still fun overall and about on par with WoW BGs and SLIGHTLY below WAR BGs for me.


Ilum I'd say is about a 3. It is not quite as bad as the "end game" in WAR at release. But it reminds me of the old Emain mile gate fights in Dark Age of Camelot... only not as fun. Capping the population at 100 but not making it 50 per side leads to huge imbalances at times. We are not really fighting for any real control or objectives, just things to give us more valor. And it just isn't the same as the frontiers of DAoC. I'd rather play Alterac Valley than zerg surf on Ilum. It is just a necessary evil for dailies and valor.


I guess I should stop holding out hope for an RvR system that compares to Dark Age but it just seems like something that was so popular would be something other developers would want to copy. Especially since what was left of Mythic was merged into Bioware. Maybe the old Mythic devs that are working on Dominus will pull it off. Or maybe Bioware will give us something that plays like frontiers at some point.

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