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Everything posted by CrazyConnor

  1. Ive never tried republic , I play a marauder and mercenary on a pvp realm , what's the difference between Jedi and counselor ? I don't want a smuggler and trooper isnt appealing to me
  2. Well I have two level 10s a mercenary BH and a Mara warrior, both have the same exact crew skills of armstech, scavenger( metal one ) and I think research or Investigate( something along those lines ) My questions are, How do I make stuff with these skills and level it up ? How do I send my companion to gather stuff ? Anything else I should know could y'all please tell me! Thank you
  3. I might try a trooper, something about holding a hand can on sounds pretty fun
  4. You can't blame class balance, if a mad as he'll Sith warrior is running after you and he's marauder your going down hard, if a BH with dual blaster pistols and heat seeking rockets is nuking you, your going to become destroyed, pick a good class and use your strengths, you will eventually find a weakness
  5. I obviously have never tried republic and have been playing empire from to get go, but just looking at the classes, republic sounds underpowered and weak If you ask me, Can anyone reinforce the republic ? I've never played them what's it like ?
  6. Got my bounty hunter to level 10 and chose mercenary. Getting my Sith warrior to 10 today. Just had a couple questions, When will I be able to buy a starship or speeder ? How do I get my companion to go do crew skill stuff? I chose armstech and the other two scavenging and investigate or something along Those lines... Also how do I LFG ? Is there a certain instance or raid system I can put my name in ? Thanks for any help !!
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