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On a 1-10 scale, how happy are you with PvP?


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I give pvp a 9/10. I rolled Sith Empire and do not regret it. I love huttball but the only thing I don't like are the champ bags. Im valor rank 47 and still missing my head, chest piece, boots, belt, and something else.


I agree.. 9/10 here as well... at least for the 10-49 war-zones.


At 50 I give it a 1/10. Well actually it's difficult to rate since it doesn't exist on my server. I can go afk in the middle of Ilum until I'm kicked to logon.. It is dead. And Q's are hours long.


I solved that problem by re-rolling on pub side. Now I'm back to having a blast. I have zero interest in quests/raiding.


Aside from non-existent 50 pvp... my only other gripe is with pvp gear. There is armor at 20 and 40... That's it pre-50. There needs to be more. There should be a set for every valor tier. Skirmisher & gladiator are missing.


rank 50 sorc

rank 22 shadow

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Huttball 95% of the time, 80% of which are losses, even though i actively try to advance the cause instead of chase medals. Also make it easier to pass, instead of the aoe reticle, just select a team mate and click pass. Several abilities are way overpowered as well. The AOE knockback being the biggest culprit.


Medal chasers: hurt the team in many cases.


Melee handicap: you cannot apply your damage as a melee as easily as a ranged, plus they do more damage than you. If you have to work to stay in thier face, being there you should tear them apart. (say learn to play all you want, its a fact they have a distinct advantage)


CC: Too much, make the resolve bar fill faster.


Rewards: the random bag thing is terrible, they should grant champ commendations and let you build up and choose which piece of gear to buy. Fix Tier 3 lightsaber damage.


Premade 4 mans: should only be paired against other premade 4 mans. (should be a solo bracket)


Rankings: people should be ranked according to either their gear (expertise) or valor and set against similar to help remove the 10 losses in a row syndrome.


Losers bracket: If people have lost 5 games in a row, put them in a losers bracket, so all the people with terrible luck or that suck can at least practice against others who suck and maybe get a few wins.


MVP: should be computer selected weighted heavily on who contributed the most to objectives (healing, ball carrying, goals, turret defense, etc. Do not allow players to select mvps because many times they just vote for thier buddies and thier buddies vote them back.


Variety: i hate 2/3 of the warzones, the only one i accually like is alderaan civil war. Give us more, come up with something unique and fun, maybe even a last man standing type deal.


Thats all i can think of right now, some of it will be flamed, some will be praised, who gives a &^%$.


Thats all i can think of right now, but im sure there is more.

Edited by Geewiz
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I'm a pessimist but I really enjoy the PvP actually.


I play a trooper healer and most of the time I get trained and 3 shotted in pugs, but hey, that's just how it goes.


My gripes are: too many CCs and knockbacks, that stupid green laser heal that I have that tells everyone I am a healer and to kill me, and the ability lag.


I'm only lvl 41 though, and I have yet to hit the 50 bracket where I am sure I will be facing fully geared opponents and I will get stomped so my grade will probably be about a 4/10 then for gear gap reasons.

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WZ "PvP" (it isn't) - 2/10


Open World PvP is enjoyable but nets you nothing so 6/10. Best way to learn how to play, though.


Ilum - I don't know yet...


Posts like this make me chuckle.


Explain how WZ PvP "isn't" PvP to me?


I have yet to here a legitimate or cogent argument from you sorts.

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3/10 here.

The bad :

- unresponsive UI - delay abilities

- bag system for hight end pvp gear.

- really bad open pvp design.


This is why I give 3/10, but I have some fun in the 10-49 bracket warzone.

Edited by Tirrexx
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Best balance at launch of any MMO I've played. Mirrors actually worked and they don't seem stale.


WZ's are pretty good, just need more of them. Huttball is a unique fun map, just not everytime...



There's a lot of room for improvement and I hope they're not slow about it. Seems they're pretty slow with these updates and fixes so far. March? really?


My other alternative is WOW and I'm sick of that game after 7 years....

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If players have to wait march to see consistent improvements in the pvp aspects of the game, the game itself will be plain dead by then. Seriously.


edit: forgot to vote.




too bad i played wow for too much time, else i would run back there.

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Warzone only (I haven't done any Ilum yet and not sure I will since 1.1 XD)

I give it a 5/10, I'm a Gunslinger and not geared (only 1 implant, ear and bracer), I'm quite happy about the dmg I can deal but I can't shoot half of the time with the ability delay.

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  • PvP Bag Grind is *********** awful.
  • Illum is a total joke even after the various 'fixes'.
  • Class balance is terrible. Operatives stun locking and taking down down 15k of my 19k hp in 5 seconds is horse ****. I'm not sure if imps have the same issue with scoundrels?
  • Empire/Republic numbers balance is pretty bad too. I know there's not a lot you can do about this but being out numbered in almost every pvp situation is depressing.
  • Ability lag... we all hate this one.
  • General lag spikes every wz that cripple you at the worst times.





  • Huttball is sort of fun...
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Only doing it for 2 pvp daily for BM bags cause i "have to"

Open pvp = ilum...1 huge arena that running around for hours and kill ppl(if you find any), none wins, none loses. (2/10)

WZ = huttball...players get thrown away more than the ball.. What normal and sane melee would love getting knocked back 3 floors down repeatedly... (1/10)


If you add random champion bags, ability delay, class inbalance, bad animations for my class..

The only thing i liked, was the Battlemaster bags. At least they fixed something in this mess.

If i wasnt star wars fun, i wouldnt even look at this game, like i havent done with a lot other mmos.

Edited by unicornfive
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