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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

GTN Terminals- There aren't enough


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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


In order of preference:


1. Ilum


2. Level 50 Daily Bonus Mission Area of Belsavis


3. Corellia


If I was still leveling I'd probably say the following due to the length of the planets:


1. Hoth


2. Alderaan


3. Taris or Voss

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i dont understand why they were taken out in the first place?


what would be ideal is if you could have a gtn terminal on your ship that would be the best thing ever.


I cant really choose enough places but i liked it better in beta where they were all over the place leveling was a lot nicer for all. I dont like how it is now its a real pain in the bleep oh look theres 30 people loading in for me to look at the gtn lol

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They need to make it easier to get there and then back to where we're questing then.


Run to spaceyard, get into shuttle, fly to spacestation, run to personal spaceship, fly to Fleet, run to GTN


That's a massive chunk of time.


They could do this by placing quick travel terminals in the respective hanger bays.


As for GTN terminals ..Galactic Market in Coruscant, by bank in Taris


oh, and while we're at it, I'd like to see a mailbox put in by the Nexus Room entrance in Kaas.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


Well, seeing how I am able to use my own computer to buy stuff in my own home, I think the first place would be my ship. Second would be on the central area of the factions staging ground on the planats. If that were implemented I don't think we'd need a third.

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Why ask us if we could choose 3 more places to add a GTN kiosk? How about being a little bit more open with your playerbase and explain the decision to make it difficult to use the GTN in the first place? There should be a GTN kiosk or two at every spaceport and market area. And I don't see why we can't access it, along with the mail system, from our ships. All we can do is assume that this was a design decision to force players to congregate in a smaller area, but the forced community is not working. No one interacts on the fleet at the GTN kiosks. All that does is lag the fleet. The GTN system as a whole needs alot more work, we all know that. Search function? Make the "usable by me" filter work. It seems like the economic side of the game got so little attention. Crew skills and crafting in general is a useless money drain and the GTN is a mess.
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1. ALL Cantinas


2. ALL Spaceports.


3. Near craft traders.


Stop funneling us all to the fleet.



I agree with everything this man wrote.


Also, please for the love of everything that is good in this world...PLEASE allows us to que for Flashpoints. I cannot tell you how hard it is to find a group for a FP other than "Black Talon"..I've wasted hours just sitting at the Fleet looking for a group that never came to be...I could have been doing so much more and as a result I wont be doing FP's unless people from my guild go..which is almost never.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


Ilum, just there would help immensely.


Alternatively make it easier to travel back and forth between the fleet and a planet. It takes me almost 20 minutes in travel to go there and back currently.


Shuttle to orbital station->black screen for 10 seconds-> run very slowly across station->go to airlock->black screen for 10 seconds-> load into ship-> 2-3 minute loading screen-> plot course to fleet-> 3-4 minute loading screen to get to fleet-> elevator to main fleet area->10 seconds of black screen again->use GTN->back to hanger-> 10 seconds of black screen-> load into ship->2-3 minutes of loading-> fly back to planet I was on->4-5 minute loading screen-> elevator to orbital station-> 10 seconds of black screen-> run across station very slowly->shuttle to planet->10 seconds of black screen.


All that just to get to the GTN and back... the real problem is that there are WAAYYYY to many loading screens and unnecessary steps.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?


As its such a pain to get from the planet especially the later planets with 3? loading screens in a perfect world there would be one at least on every planet where you get off your ship.


Otherwise even a small terminal to access it on my ship would be good.


I do a lot of crafting while exping so having to go back to the fleet each time I want to relist or sell a new item takes up way too much time.


I get they want people to go to the fleet but I hate it there everything is so laggy with the amount of people in it!

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For all you arguing realism for the mail system: A lot of the "physical content" that is delivered wouldn't actually fit in the current mailboxes...


luckily this is the future and every ship comes equipped with an obediant droid, that will most likely happliy recive the larger "physical content" that does not fit in the ships mailbox.

Also your have your on friggin hangar with ppl beeing there all the time. guess they could be bothered too.


In Addition. Also i can shop from like everywhere ( at least in civizlized areas) with my smartphone. This is the future with an intergalatic Holonet. I bet they will have mobile connectivty covered.

And even if not, why cant I have my droid run the errands?


So now put the logics and "realism" aside and get to convenience.


1. Every Star Port.

2. My Ship (alongside Mailbox)

--> those two would be enough for me, but since you asked for three:

3. Every major in game trade market (the place at wich you find all the vendors)



For those arguing about social hubs: you will have them at the fleets anyway, because this is where you are going to flashpoints.

Edited by Lugtor
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I think we should have mail and GTN access on our ships. It would be really awesome if the ship's droid could handle that but it might not be doable because they are used for missions and aren't always there. There wouldn't be all that much need to have GTN on every planet if we can access it from our ships.


Also, it's kind of dumb that the GTN on Nar Shaddaa is for Republic and Imperial. The network should cover the entire galaxy as the name implies, whether it be Republic or Imperial space. It's not like everything on the Network is either totally light side or totally dark side depending on your faction. Besides, on my bounty hunter I have seen things like "Republic Captain's blah blah blah" earpieces from PvP vendors when I'm an Imperial, doesn't make much sense to me. So:


1. GTN and mail on ships (doing so will be much easier than adding terminals to every planet)

2. Make GTN truly galactic with filters so we don't have to look through the other faction's classes armor and such, doing so will only boost economy.

3. Reap praise from your players.

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If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?



1) Your ship should have access to both GTN and the Hutta networks, its your home.. ebay amazon etc etc etc we never leave the house.




don't need any others after that.

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I definitely agree with the OP! It's a such a pain in the *** to have all this stuff crafted but you have to wait til you head back to the fleet to unload it all. It would be nice to not have to leave planets just to put something up on the GTN. I think it only hurts the game's economy by having so few locations.


If you could choose 3 places where to add a GTN for your faction, which would those be?








Bioware wants you to visit the fleet by removing GTN in other planets. This is also to make up for their lack of global LFG channel or LFG tool.


That would be a silly reason for having so few GTN locations. We already have to go to the fleet for Flashpoints... Not to mention it's got more vendors in one place than anywhere else. There's plenty of reason to go to the fleet without limiting the GTN.

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At every spaceport or market would be nice. If that can't happen, I'd like a smaller terminal in my ship. Frankly, it takes too much time to go back to Fleet once a day to mess with my auctions. Isn't it odd that I can buy and sell on Ebay from my phone, but this higher tech universe in the game only supports really big, clunky terminals? ;)
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