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The game is fantastic: runs like silk, is a blast to play, and is relatively buggless


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I enjoyed the leveling experience, but my first three hours at 50 have been awful.


I just left a Huttball where we lost the game because my Flash Bomb didn't function and I have no idea if its because: ability delay, I don't have enough Hit, or someone had a poison effect on the target. I see the ability is on cool down, but unfortunately without a combat log, there is nothing I can do to try and fix this.


Before that I tried to do some stuff in the world PvP zone, only to for there not to be any Alliance around. I want to play this game, but without the tools to improve my play/see results, I really can't justify re-subing.

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OP, nice try but give give it up.


You are of course 100% correct as to your experiences, as they are subjective. And I'm pleased to say they mirror my own.

Sadly, these forums are filled with vinegar-******s that only focus on their own subjective (warped) view of the game and they cannot deal with a reality where someone has divergent experiences.


I am glad we are enjoying the game, let's continue to do so and let the forum trolls to their ritual Bioware bashing.

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Im sure you wish that was true lil fanboy guy.


I'm ancient as far as MMO gamers go. Back to Darksun Online on the TEN Network circa 1996.


You were saying? :rak_eek:


and I started gaming with Tennis for two on an analog computer with an oscilloscope as a monitor circa 1958... your post is invalid

Edited by Liquidacid
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Bout time somebody said something like in the OP... yes, we're sure there are bugs, but no, they are affecting everybody in the world. In fact, as near as I can tell, they're affecting a small minority. I don't really understand the rage... they'll fix it! And as you've noticed, they're going after bugs aggressively, not in a lazy "we'll get to it" fashion.


And really... the people whining about graphics... please get over it. It sounds like a bunch of kids whining that the original Mario sucks because they've never seen anything older than an Xbox 360...


Really, even as they are, the graphics are perfectly fine. If they never changed, I wouldn't care, because they are more than sufficient to create the illusion of realism and convey visual information the environment enough to immerse you. Will I be happy to see high res textures? Of course! Better graphics are always nice... but a game can still be great with graphics that are "good enough."

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and I started gaming with Tennis for two on an analog computer with an oscilloscope as a monitor circa 1958... your post is invalid


go spout you pointless hyperbole somewhere else


So bringing up bugs= hyperbole to fanboys now eh. lulz.


You are cute. :p:rolleyes:

Edited by ValaxDarkseer
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the OP is correct. Although a lot of people are experiencing problems, most of it is perception and client-side issues. If EVERYONE crashes to desktop, then it is a server issue; however, if just YOU crash to desktop, it is a client issue.


If you FPS is low, blame your router or ISP or GPU. My FPS is just fine - why is mine better than your's? My rig is over 4 yrs old - i just upgraded teh GPU with a $80 card from Best Buy and it runs fine.


Bugs? I noticed one... when my ship took off from Taris, the door to the ship was still there hovering in the hangar. Gamebreaking? Heck no. Annoying? Not really.


I even wonder if this "ability delay" i'm wondering how much of a problem it is or if it is just part of the game. There is a global cooldown as well as an ability cooldown - sure, BW confirmed there is an issue but I would bet my outrageously high salary that most people who complain about this are merely experiencing global cooldown.


As for perception of population, I see peopel all the time and have never had a problem finding a group.


The ONLY problem I have is that I get tired of killing stuff... I find myself using stealth quite a bit just so I dont have to engage a mob. But then again, I am not a huge fan of PvE so that's tpo be expected.


I equate hte vocal minority here on the forums to the "99% Occupiers" who think they're speaking for hte majority in reality, they're just a mob of feckless and smelly loudmouths



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*Sarcasm Alert*


You're right, Star Wars: The Old Republic is the worst piece of crap to come out since Guild Wars and World of Warcraft.


What we should do, is mass cancel our subscriptions, making sure everyone does so at gunpoint.


Then, we round up all Bioware & EA employees & owners, ship them to Guantanamo Bay, and make them pay DEARLY for releasing a game that wasn't perfect, wasn't all things to everyone, and didn't have enough content to keep us all entertained for months on end 24 hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five freakin' days of the year!


Then, we round up everyone who bashed the game, and make them create the perfect MMO at gunpoint (their families will be held at gunpoint too, for good measure, we want you to be inspired!)



No, wait, that would all be ridiculous and pointless.


Hey, I know, why not let them continue working hard to fix bugs and create new content and round out the rough edges?


Its just a suggestion, I would never dream of telling so many people filled with rage over a liesure activity what to do.


Never. It would be pointless.


*whistles non-chalantly*



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Lmao this is how it is with every MMO release since WoW and it's the same result in the end.




You are infact saying the exact defense points someone had for Rift


"This game is actually fun."


Of course it is at first.


Right now this is what it is for SWTOR Story>gameplay an that's not even a good thing in the end for an MMORPG.



The fact that this games has similar issues and some not similar because they are missing, is in conclusion the real problem.


See it'd be nice if you could easily shut people up by videos with their statements or accusations, but it's not good since people got evidence of these issues or evidence of why it's going to suffer in the long run if the issues don't fix themselves quickly.


Time is the issue smartones, all games that fix themselves maybe now are desserted because of the threads and post within them and ironically enough people telling others to go back to WoW, which is why WoW is still the main competitor lmao, yet I guess fans are too blind to see this.


I can't name one defense that was said because what's funny is every mmo is always claiming the smoothest launched mmo ever lol.


Now fanboys like the OP(I'm sorry but it's true now listen.) Are odd enough reasons why games actually loose people, first don't give in to haters posts, go play the game and if you queue go do something else, wonderin why haters hate the game only causes arguments because you must think ahead of the results, first people who supporting issues and agree will take a offence first because they are the reason the games fixed.


Had it been people in mass agreeing with the OP or had the same mindset this game would drop almost as fast as the previous lmao and it's true.


Also ability delay is a problem for everyone but may not every one is experiencing it lol.


I don't know this is starting to get silly though.


IMO true fans are either voicing their honest opinions and trying to help the game out rather then make it out perfect or bashin it with no lack of information.


That's just my 15 dollars worth of cents.

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This is part of the problem. You, a dissatisfied customer are unhappy with the game. You and those like you cry how game breaking all of these issues are. Seems like what you are saying is the 'white knight' oblivious noobs who enjoy the game despite the bugs and issues need to just STEP ASIDE and SHUT UP so the malcontents' message can be heard. Are you for real?


I'm tired of complainers getting their facts wrong. I'm tired of the elitist attitudes.


'white knights' praising and defending this game in the GENERAL FORUMS are going to be the RUIN of SW:TOR! :mon_frown:


This attitude angers me.


Positive feedback is useless. Bioware doesn't need you to protect them. They're big boys. They can handle criticism.

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What I want fixed:


1. Ability response times- They drive me insane!


2. Warzone lag- It cannot be my machine that's causing the problem because I see people teleporting place to place while the environment stutters. Then again it could be my graphics being set too high.

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I just can't take these whining posts any longer. It's not that I don't appreciate feedback, even if it is counter to my own opinion, but these posts are starting to just baffle me.


My experience thus far:


1) Have had ONE crash to desktop and I play multiple hours everyday

2) The bugs I have encountered thus far have been so innocuous that I haven't even had the motivation to report them

3) The ability delay "issue" is so minor that I have barely noticed it. In fact, I didn't notice it at all until it was pointed out on the forums.

4) The graphics, animations, particle effects, etc. are crisp and beautiful on my machine

5) I have zero lag and my fps runs anywhere from about 60-100....consistently

6) The launch was absolutely painless for me. I followed Bioware's notifications and instructions and I got into early access in the second wave. No issues whatsoever. You see, I took personal responsibility and followed instructions and it all worked out for me.

7) This has not felt like a single-player game whatsoever. I have made many new friends, have done tons of warzones, flashpoints and heroics, and the servers and zones feel alive and full of enthusiasm and energy. Btw, I've accomplished this with no LFG tools and it has been no problem whatsoever.

8) The combat is visceral and exciting. Nothing really new, but very solid.


I could go on but I won't. I agree that Bioware has got A LOT to implement in a very short time to retain players (why any company in this day and age would release a game of this magnitude with no combat log or UI customization is just jaw-dropping), but this has been one of my favorite MMO experiences thus far. The game is a masterpiece and I just cannot wait until January 21st.


I agree, I cancelled on January/4/2012 and I.... oh wait.

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Hello everyone,


We are going to go ahead and close this thread. We do welcome your feedback and encourage you to post it. However, threads meant to criticize the community for their posts or threads are not constructive.


We encourage everyone that may come across a bug or issue playing the game to please file a ticket using the in game customer support portal. You can also feel free to post in our Customer Service section of the forums as well.


We do have a thread we also encourage you to post in if you wish to discuss any bugs or issues you come across which this discussion could continue in.


You can find that thread here - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=66281


We also strongly encourage everyone to check out our dev tracker, which is updated frequently with posts from us regarding everything from upcoming content to bug fixes and updates. It is one of your best resources in keeping up to date with Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. You can find the dev tracker here - http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php


As there is little room for constructive discussion, we are going to close this thread. Thank you.

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