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A quick update on Ability Delay


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Extremely satisfied with how Bioware has handled the trolls and are willing to listen to the players the last few weeks. I can't wait to see the changes and improvements that will be made in the next 3 months.


But you're the troll! If it wasn't for people pointing out the bugs (and painstakingly working to catalog them and provide the data in meticulous detail), you would keep playing a bugged game. In fact, you should write a "Thank you" post to those who care more about the game than you do.


They invest their time, intellect and pool their resources, working with the developer to come up with a solution. What are you doing other than trolling the forums and calling other people names?

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Awesome to finally get an official confirmation.


What I still don't understand is how so many people tried to deny that this problem existed when the problem was painstakingly obvious.


Blind fanboyism at it's finest. Rampant on this forum.

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Here's what I'm complaining about with the heals, just uploaded a video. The "Cannot do this while moving." bug is also demonstrated:


the effects of the heals coincide with the animations. that leads me to believe it's intended. they could probably extend the casting bar so it wouldn't feel like a delay.

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In addition, when you're tanking and you deflect an attack it cycles your GCD because your character is animating. This is obviously terrible.


I can confirm this is the reason why Jedi Guardian sometimes feels unplayable, but rarely ever does in just pure DPS mode.

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In addition, when you're tanking and you deflect an attack it cycles your GCD because your character is animating. This is obviously terrible.


^ So true even DPSing as Marauder I have noticed this type of behavior. Deflection animations taking priority over skill trigger is just bad. So if your fighting multiple targets and some are ranged, some are melee, you end up standing there deflecting ranged attacks over and over taking up a few seconds with nothing you can do but take damage from melee.


To many times have I been in this situation where Smash wont trigger on a group of melee because 1 ranged enemy is shooting me and my GCD keeps triggering as I deflect his attacks...



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Thank god this has been publicly addressed. I for one ignored the trolls and people who claimed this was not happening due to not understanding from a performance gaming perspective what was going on. Thank you community and Bioware for sticking to your guns and addressing this very very serious issue with the game.



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Thank god this has been publicly addressed. I for one ignored the trolls and people who claimed this was not happening due to not understanding from a performance gaming perspective what was going on. Thank you community and Bioware for sticking to your guns and addressing this very very serious issue with the game.




it certainly doesn't happen on any smuggler classes. sucks for you.

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the effects of the heals coincide with the animations. that leads me to believe it's intended. they could probably extend the casting bar so it wouldn't feel like a delay.


Indeed. The cast bar and animation are not in sync, and the game is obeying the animation instead of the cast bar.

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Indeed. The cast bar and animation are not in sync, and the game is obeying the animation instead of the cast bar.


you can actually move or use another ability during that brief animation after the cast bar has filled and the effect won't be interrupted.


i think it's actually better that the final part of the animation isn't part of the casting timer. if it were you would have to wait even longer to use another ability.

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Lol the troll deleted it's post.


Awesome news, Bioware, I'm really happy with the game and I'm proud that so much work is being done to perfect it. Seriously, the games been out less than less than a month and we've already seen what, twelve patches? They're definitely on the job, folks.


Flame me all you want, but they really are working on things, don't try to say otherwise.


Definitely have to agree here. As long as this level of communication with the player-base continues, and we constantly see BioWare's work, then I believe this game will succeed. However, do keep in mind that a sudden drop in either action or communication can destroy the whole game very quickly.

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I'm not sure. If every other game runs fine and even swtor does most of the time, I think it's due to not optimized areas in swtor. Alderaan for example runs a lot better than Nar Shaddaa for me, even if there are more open spaces and more objects in my field of view. I think it doesn't work well for some graphics card/ driver combinations.



Doesn't look like it's only my problem. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-09-bioware-responds-to-SWTOR-performance-issues


It is true that the game should be optimized better and that some planets are better than others on performance. But those issues have not been affecting me at all and game runs at steady 60 fps so far. /knocks wood. Shadows are the killer for most peeps with low end or average computers.

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Healing is so frustrating. The delay multiplies on itself when in groups. The entire game seems to slow down. There are times I press a heal and it comes out 2 or 3 seconds later.


There are times I cast a spell and the cast bar dissapears completely only to have the finished spell fire off seconds later. Its common for me to run after completing a cast expecting the damage and animation to play as my character is in motion. The delay is unacceptable and needs to be fixed immediately.


If you pressure the game through the lag there is a threshold where the game will simply stop taking additional commands. Your toon will sit there and occasionally fidget as the animations cross then cancel. Global cooldowns are lost even though you triggered an attack from your viewpoint its as if the game doesnt recognize it. Hope this helps

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During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness.


Saying that and doing that are two very different things. I guess all I have to say is that I'll believe it when I see it. Well maybe not, 10 days left on the sub. This wasn't fixed during the 4 months of beta that I was in so I doubt that it will be fixed any time soon. All that we ever heard was how "proud you guys were of your animations". I could care less if the toons are pink and green lego blocks, I'll take that game over this if the combat controls actually work and are responsive.

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The ability delay for skills like the Trooper "Full Auto" skill were reported repeatedly in the beta forums.


I know I submitted very detailed tickets on this months ago.


For Bounty Hunter, you get a full 3 second channel using "Unload" provided you don't suffer any pushback.


The Trooper animation seems to bleed into the 3 second channel of the "Full Auto" skill. It's as as if you lose a full second or more of channeled damage.



Amazing how it has taken this long to be addressed.

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you can actually move or use another ability during that brief animation after the cast bar has filled and the effect won't be interrupted.


i think it's actually better that the final part of the animation isn't part of the casting timer. if it were you would have to wait even longer to use another ability.


Or they could just sync animations up with the cast bars by speeding up the animation slightly. That seems like a better solution, as it's quite nice to have the UI reflect what's actually happening in the game. The current system can also cause some significant issues when you're spamming heals, especially when suffering from push back (heals not firing, or heals firing and the UI not indicating that they're being cast, etc). Are you actually trying to suggest that this delay is a GOOD thing?

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I was playing fine since beta. Sure I suffer low frame rate like everyone else and that was somthing I could wait to improve on. But this ui thing....Let me give you an example.


My main attack skill is Grav Round. This is a 1.5 second cast that has a 30% chance to end the cooldown on Full Auto attack skill. So my basic strat is to spam Grav Round and hit Full Auto whenever the cooldown ends, either naturally or from the Grav Round chance.


So for the first few weeks of the game, I mash the Grav round button, a casting bar appears, and I watch the bar fill over the 1.5 seconds of casting time. At the end of that 1.5 seconds, as cool beam exits my cannon and I rinse and repeat. Basically casting 2 grav rounds in 3 seconds.


About 7 days ago after one of the patches, I began suffering the UI delay. Now when I mash the grav round button, there is a slight delay, the casting bar appears, the 1.5 seconds passes as the bar fills up, but no beam comes out. one second later, the beam goes off. So it now takes me 2.5 seconds to cast a 1.5 second skill.


You would just think this is a graphics thing right? No... I can cast the first bolt. As I am waiting for the beam to come out, my cooldown on the button expires, so I mash it again. Half way thru the 1.5 second cast, the casting bar cancels and I have to hit it again to cast a second beam.


So basically, before that patch I could cast 2 grav rounds in 3 seconds. Now I can cast 2 rounds in maybe 5 seconds. I have now basically doing half my dps. I use to could burn down a gold elite with about half my health left. I am now lucky to survive the fight, as it is taking me about twice as long to do X amount of damage.


It seems to be getting worse for me too. I logged my trooper on last night. I went to cast grav bolt. I mashed the button, the cast bar appears and ends. While waiting for the bolt to come out, another cast bar appears and goes about half way before failing. I repeated this about a dozen times. I was only hitting the button once. My trooper is so slow to dps now, I can not even take out a group of 2x weak + 1 silver mob. Its pathetic.


I am basically not even playing now, waiting for a patch and/or new drivers to come out. I wanted sooo much to play this game. I can deal with the bugs associated with a new MMO, but this is truely game breaking for me. I am a huge fanboi but will simply not allow my subscription to go thru on the 19th if this is not at least partially fixed by then.

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