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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A quick update on Ability Delay


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Thank you!!! But, before I change my sub we'll see what happens.


This will go far in making this a very good and playable (re-playable) game.


Lots of thanks to those who had the presence of mind to video these problems and weather the flames.


And thanks for the sticky!! You <3 us you really doooo.

Edited by DredWes
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During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness. As pointed out by some people on the Forum, a very responsive experience is one of the factors that separate the best MMOs from the others. This is something we are fully aware of and take extremely seriously.


Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month. Every lead mentioned on the forum is being investigated and I cannot stress enough how useful your feedback is – especially when coupled with the level of details found in some of the posts.


So I’d really like to thank the community for this very constructive feedback.


Thanks again and best regards,


Thankyou for addressing the concerns of the community, and perhaps more importantly, communicating with us about the development. We appreciate the SWTOR team taking our thoughts on the matter seriously and keeping us in the loop of development. This helps us feel trust with the developers and I'm sure you'll agree that is another important aspect of MMO life. :)


Also, thankyou for those constructive posts from the community which eloquently detailed the issue and helped provoke change.

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I beg to differ, as every other game I play (GW2, WOW, Oblivion, Dragon Age, etc etc etc) works just fine with everything maxed graphics. And how is a quad-core processor a weak processor. You sir know nothing about computers.


I'll take my leave of the thread now at this point as to not "further derail" the topic.


I'm a A+ Network + and security + It tech. I have been working with computers since the interjet was $10 a min and was all ascii green.


I also know that A+ really doesn't impress anyone other then getting a job.


It doesn't matter how many cores you have, the game has to be designed for four cores, and really withought enough MHZ those cores are useless. 1.8 mhz was good 10 years ago, these modern low power processors are not designed for games.

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Good to know we aren't being entirely ignored. :)


There's a bug I've been hitting that may be related...when I use Force Charge on my Juggernaut, and use Ravage immediately after, it triggers the GCD and CD, locks me into the animation, but doesn't actually cast.

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During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness. As pointed out by some people on the Forum, a very responsive experience is one of the factors that separate the best MMOs from the others. This is something we are fully aware of and take extremely seriously.


Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month. Every lead mentioned on the forum is being investigated and I cannot stress enough how useful your feedback is – especially when coupled with the level of details found in some of the posts.


So I’d really like to thank the community for this very constructive feedback.


Thanks again and best regards,


Thanks for taking the time to fix this during live.

Edited by Sunsoar
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During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness. As pointed out by some people on the Forum, a very responsive experience is one of the factors that separate the best MMOs from the others. This is something we are fully aware of and take extremely seriously.


Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month. Every lead mentioned on the forum is being investigated and I cannot stress enough how useful your feedback is – especially when coupled with the level of details found in some of the posts.


So I’d really like to thank the community for this very constructive feedback.


Thanks again and best regards,


I'm very glad to hear it! We need more of this sort of interaction with the community, I think this post will make a lot of people feel much better.

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You can add my name to the list to those who are thanking Bioware. I am really pleased with the response. I had a feeling they would try and address the issue as it is perhaps the iggest downfall of the game. I am currently playing a Jedi Sentinal and try and time my key presses so make the actions come off. Force Jump can take ages sometimes.


Still struggling solo, but I think I know have a build that works for me that allows me to survive much better with these delays. If anything, this problem has taught me how to improve my class and play much better, although it has been very frustating.


Thanks for listening and much more than that, acting too :D

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I'm a A+ Network + and security + It tech. I have been working with computers since the interjet was $10 a min and was all ascii green.


I also know that A+ really doesn't impress anyone other then getting a job.


It doesn't matter how many cores you have, the game has to be designed for four cores, and really withought enough MHZ those cores are useless. 1.8 mhz was good 10 years ago, these modern low power processors are not designed for games.


1.8 mhz was good 10 years ago? what reality do you live in... 1.8 mhz was bad 20 years ago... lol

Edited by Liquidacid
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During the development of Star Wars: The Old Republic, we’ve been paying a lot of attention to the game’s responsiveness. As pointed out by some people on the Forum, a very responsive experience is one of the factors that separate the best MMOs from the others. This is something we are fully aware of and take extremely seriously.


Several of the issues brought forth by the community have already been dealt with and you should see the fixes integrated in coming patches, including those coming this month. Every lead mentioned on the forum is being investigated and I cannot stress enough how useful your feedback is – especially when coupled with the level of details found in some of the posts.


So I’d really like to thank the community for this very constructive feedback.


Thanks again and best regards,


Nice to hear that, but can you guys do something about the actual performance of the client ? I have an i5-2500k with 8gb ram and Radeon 6970 and the game STILL stutters, especially in warzones where is basically non playable on high settings at 1920/1080. I imagine that my computer shouldnt have an issue, yet it has. For the record I am playing BF3 on ultra with very stable frame rates and no stutter at all.


Also I would like to hear the reason why the shadows of all static objects (basically whole world) are rendered in real time by the client and are not pre-rendered like in WoW on lowest shadow setting ? WoW has a reason indeed to render world shadows - since it has night/day cycle, you guys dont. I sincerely couldnt believe my eyes when I found out this gem, its a basic mistake that shouldnt ever go live.


One thing is sure, without serious (and mind you, quick) performance optimisations, Swtor will not live much. I want to believe that the dev team is aware of this and they are doing their best to fix the performance before its too late. The game has huge potential, its a pitty to not fix it.

Edited by Suspirium
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Nice to hear that, but can you guys do something about the actual performance of the client ? I have an i5-2500k with 8gb ram and Radeon 6970 and the game STILL stutters, especially in warzones where is basically non playable on high settings at 1920/1080. I imagine that my computer shouldnt have an issue, yet it has. For the record I am playing BF3 on ultra with very stable frame rates and no stutter at all.


Also I would like to hear the reason why the shadows of all static objects (basically whole world) are rendered in real time by the client and are not pre-rendered like in WoW on lowest shadow setting ? WoW has a reason indeed to render world shadows - since it has night/day cycle, you guys dont. I sincerely couldnt believe my eyes when I found out this gem, its a basic mistake that shouldnt ever go live.


One thing is sure, without serious (and mind you, quick) performance optimisations, Swtor will not live much. I want to believe that the dev team is aware of this and they are doing their best to fix the performance before its too late. The game has huge potential, its a pitty to not fix it.


Listen just because a Dev is posting in "a" thread of a "particular" topic doesn't mean to throw at them all your concerns... its chaos if everyone does this. Please stick to the OP of this topic...





P.S.: Hey Mr. Reid, I'd like more colour options for the slave bikini.... tyvm! <-- Concern!!1

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1.8 mhz was good 10 years ago? what reality do you live in... 1.8 mhz was bad 20 years ago... lol


Thanks for the heads up :) You got me, that was a bad slip on my part, and suprised I didn't even notice it!


What I meant to say was .... 1.8GHZ, also here is some information on that Incredible :) HD4200....



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