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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A quick update on Ability Delay


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Lol the troll deleted it's post.


Awesome news, Bioware, I'm really happy with the game and I'm proud that so much work is being done to perfect it. Seriously, the games been out less than less than a month and we've already seen what, twelve patches? They're definitely on the job, folks.


Flame me all you want, but they really are working on things, don't try to say otherwise.


I agree, and they were deleted by a mod. :)


I'm happy they are taking a proactive and reactive approach to how they are dealing with the game overall.

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Ah ah ah

If Emmanuel mention fixes, it means that Bioware admits there was an issue with the ability delay and responsiveness in the first place... Only now officially. Better late than never. Does that mean communication and development team's own responsiveness is increasing?

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I'd also like to say that more communication (open) in forms of updates and statements should be made in the coming times until this has been completely dealt with. A very large part of the forum going community would be put at ease as well as likely trust you (Bioware) enough to stay subscribed until said completion of this tremendous task.


Also, keep in mind that a very, very large part of the playerbase not visiting the forums will simply quit due to that feeling of "clunkieness" that they can't quite put their finger on. Spreading the word of awareness through official posts/documentation will certainly help keep the subscriber count up.


Keeping everyone updated on your progress, fix implementations, plans and simply thoughts would go a long way.


Thanks again, I simply encourage more communication, nothing bad will come of it.

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Good to hear that BW is looking in to this, but I still say that if the "fix" is that they have to go to a WoW-style homogeneous animation system, that will suck. ToR has great combat animations, and it would be sad to see them messed with. Every character having the same four animations for every attack is very bland.
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I'd also like to say that more communication (open) in forms of updates and statements should be made in the coming times until this has been completely dealt with. A very large part of the forum going community would be put at ease as well as likely trust you (Bioware) enough to stay subscribed until said completion of this tremendous task.


Also, keep in mind that a very, very large part of the playerbase not visiting the forums will simply quit due to that feeling of "clunkieness" that they can't quite put their finger on. Spreading the word of awareness through official posts/documentation will certainly help keep the subscriber count up.


Keeping everyone updated on your progress, fix implementations, plans and simply thoughts would go a long way.


Thanks again, I simply encourage more communication, nothing bad will come of it.



One thing I would like to point out that helps the conversation even more is VIDEO.


We are obviously a vocal part of the community, know how things work, how they should work, and we all should know how to take videos.


I encourage everyone that when they find issues, bugs, problems (i.e. Bounty Hunter - Unload), that we try and recreate those problems and take videos of them.


Video is incredibly helpful in communicating back to BioWare and the community over what is happening and figuring out why it is happening.


Just my 2 credits.



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Good to hear that BW is looking in to this, but I still say that if the "fix" is that they have to go to a WoW-style homogeneous animation system, that will suck. ToR has great combat animations, and it would be sad to see them messed with. Every character having the same four animations for every attack is very bland.


Hopefully it will not come down to that. I'm sure there are better ways to compromise between the two.

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Hopefully it will not come down to that. I'm sure there are better ways to compromise between the two.


We'll see. You have two extremes in the animation canceling arena: You have WoW, that uses four very short animations for basically every thing (four per race that is), and supports full animation cancel + blending. Then you have City of Heroes which uses very unique, sometimes very long, animations for every attack, but every ability is animation locked.


BioWare has their work cut out for them to get animation canceling and blending working without looking silly with their unique and lengthy animations.


Who cares if you cancel + blend your attack animations when it's always the same spin attack, or whatever? It's going to blend well because it's the same animation. When you start trying to animation blend disparate animations that have canceled, it can look like total crap.


e: You also have the option of completely de-linking animations from abilities, but for people like me who actually watch their character more than they watch their buttons, this is incredibly jarring.

Edited by JediGnome
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I never had a problem with gameplay, although I will admit it's not as smooth as it can be, it's never been an issue for me. I am super happy yal are working on it though. Thank all you awesome gold-text people for always keeping us up to date on things :)
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Thanks to Bioware for the update, and thanks to Xcore and everybody else who gave such detailed explanations of the ability delay they were experiencing.


I will now change my 1 month sub to a 6 month sub.


Indeed, xcore among others have done a good job of explaining the situation where a lot of closed beta players could not( including myself).

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Thank you, Bioware. Thank you for reading your communities feedback and keeping us updated in a timely manner. The ability to successfully communicate between community and developer is a extraordinary feat for any developer to have. This is why this game WILL succeed. Keep up the good work. Edited by Phokas
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Extremely satisfied with how Bioware has handled the trolls and are willing to listen to the players the last few weeks. I can't wait to see the changes and improvements that will be made in the next 3 months.



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