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High resolution textures: can we get a clarification on this?


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Just to clarify again. Right now medium and high are essentially the same settings and the only way to see highres textures is during cinematics. It is a confirmed bug.


During beta there was a time highres textures worked throughout the whole game.


Now with the new 1.1 patch they removed the high setting and made medium the new high.


What we are missing is a statement from bioware as to their intentions here or atleast an update saying: Yep, we are still actively working on it.

Edited by Ommm
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There is no high option, that's the whole point of this thread.


Exactly. So since there is no high and there is a medium, the medium is now called high.


A 10 years old would get this.


You cant go 1- low 2-medium

No 3.

Edited by Meluna
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Exactly. So since there is no high and there is a medium, the medium is now called high.


A 10 years old would get this.


You cant go 1- low 2-medium

No 3.


That is the very reason we are so upset. Renaming medium "high" does not magically make it high. Understand?

Edited by Angelshooter
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WOW this post has more views then the "delay issue" thread now. I guess people do care about graphics...imagine that! <_<


I believe this thread is the new "delay" thread.


reason why? because BioWare has stated the delay issue fix is in the works.


they have yet to publicly announce a fix for the textures... sad really.

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It makes more sense than to try to lie and call "medium" settings "high".


All it does is give the appearance of a cover-up attempt.


Refusing to address a now 20 page thread only strengthens that appearance.


So instead of using common sence you prefer to accuse bioware of trying to trick a million player into thinking that they have high res texture.

Edited by Meluna
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So instead of using common sence you prefer to accuse bioware of trying to trick a million player into thinking that they have high res texture.


dude get off this thread, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Edited by Meluna
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dude get off this thread, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.


My assumption : They removed the high res option and they named the medium option to high since it is now the highest of the two option. A dev post explaining why will likely follow soon ( a bit before or after patch) as this change is only on the PTS after all.



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So instead of using common sence you prefer to accuse bioware of trying to trick a million player into thinking that they have high res texture.


The textures are the same, they have a hidden call in a .dll that compresses textures to half their intended size outside of cutscenes. So to "fix" this problem bioware just needs to give us an option to turn this thing off. The problem is that they wont because its a really simple solution and they would have done it if that was the only issue.


The client probably cant handle a lot of players on screen at the same time with larger armor textures. So theres a good chance that they'll never "fix" this problem, because its not a problem. Its a design decision by the developers trying to keep their clients from blowing up. (because they cant properly code things without huge memory leaks)

Edited by Meluna
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A thread this big that just keeps growing cannot pass go by unnoticed. We must keep this up until we get clarification on the issue.


There are many possible explanations for this issue but the problem is that so far we have been given none.


I remember qqing about this on beta and i thought "oh well it'll be fixed by release" god i was angry when release came and the problem was still there.

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I'm sure everyone has seen this already, just wanted to put it in your face again.


From the Dev Tracker by Stephen Reid:




It's a bug, and we are working on rolling out a fix.



And the fix: http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/9238/swtor3.png


In your face subscribers!


lol good one, that's certainly one way to fix things, just pretend it doesn't exist and cover it up.



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Lets keep this simple lol


The best textures you can get are in the cut scenes and when you preview gear on your companion. It should be showing these textures while in game while "high" is selected. It is a bug.

This is what is SUPPOSED to be "high" settings. It was broken and Bioware has said that. "High" settings have never worked properly on the release client.



On current "live" game, there is no change in gear texture quality between "med" and "high" settings. Once again, Bioware is aware and it is a bug.


Now, the new issue. On the current "PTR" (test server), there is no more "med" setting. They RENAMED "med" settings as "high", and got rid of "med" settings all together. Your only options now are "low" and "high" ("high"="med"). Why, because "high" never worked on official release client so we won't notice any change anyways. So people feel like Bioware, instead of fixing a known bug, have tried to just burying the issue so new players won't even know a better setting existed. Until it's resolved... I hope.


The high rez textures are physically in the game files, they are there. Someone else has already stated how they are compressed in more detail.



So the cut scenes is what the game is actually supposed to look like on "high" when the issue is/if corrected.

Edited by WarheartZero
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If higher resolution textures don't exist it's embarrassing for Bioware. If they do they need to be in game ASAP. I don't think the game looks "fine" now. It's a blurry mess and I play at 2560 x 1440 with AA forced on. Bioware spent too much time making console games. They've forgotten their PC roots.
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They should fix FPS issues, the true system requirements are higher than BF3 and there are FPS drops in fleet, Warzones and some indoors caves. It is a shame they didnt't fix it during beta testing, but I suppose it's because the stupid engine and they need more time to fix and optimialized and then they can add high resolution textures. But I don't know, why they want to add antialiasing first...
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We still deserve an explanation as to why the medium setting is deleted in the PTS and the old medium is the new "high" setting.


Why? You really think Bioware is not going to fix the hi-rez textures? Otherwise why worry that they might make medium the new high. It's not going to happen because they already said they are working on a fix for this.

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I'm inclined to say that if this issue isn't fixed by the patch, or in the very LEAST we aren't given an explanation, this should be brought to an MMO news site, or some place like Kotaku. It might not seem like something to report on on the surface, but when you take into account a few basic factors such as false advertising, obvious and numerous accounts of the issue, lack of communication and what seems to be the worse offense of all, the apparent sweeping under the rug maneuver of removing the medium graphics option and replacing it with the so called "High" option. I think that everyone concerned with this issue has a right to be at least a little outraged.


That being said, I'm sure Bioware has some policy that is preventing them from doing what most of us think should be natural, ie: posting here in this thread. What seems like blatant ignorance to us may just be standard operating procedure for them. For example, they may be under a restriction not to talk about a bug at length unless they have a definitive answer to give us. But surely Bioware PR must understand the impact this is having on their image.


It has been made clear by previous posts in other forums that the devs, or at leas the community reps are aware of this thread. They may even be working on one of those "Community News" things that show up at the top of the main forums.


Someone made a comment about TRION (RIFT) and how one of the best things they do is talk to the community, frequently. This serves to mitigate a HUGE amount of misunderstanding and frustration by the customer because, even if the issue isn't fixed, the customer can at least count on a speedy reply about what is going on. I personally think that this is paramount for an MMO company, and while it appears that Bioware is trying to do this through certain means, it seems as though their current approach is leaving much frustration, and much to be desired.


They already said they are working on a fix, why do you need an explanation?


Maybe it's embarrassing to say what it was? Either way the only thing that matters is they're working on a fix.

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