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    Czech Republic
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    Star Wars
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  1. I can give time to this game, but not for my money.
  2. What is subsequent patch? 1.2.1? or 1.3? So we have to wait several months?
  3. Is there medium and heavy armor social gear in patch 1.2? I don't see it in the patch note, but I could miss it.
  4. Why there is in 1.2 extractable only Tier 2 mods? Its only for hc players with full rakata gear, I am casual like most and have mix columi,battlemaster, tionese and rakata and I would like to remove mods from these all gear to and put them to any nice social gear, because I look like **** and new gear look from 1.2 trailer looks strange too (smuggler).
  5. What mods can be removed and from what gear exactly in patch 1.2?
  6. Do somebody know where columi belt drops? I find that it drops from some operations boss, but I heart that it could drop from some flashpoint HM mode, but I can't find where.
  7. I like twileks, and play as twilek, but Bioware has screwed it up. Not my fault, that I want a change and stop looking at the graphical mess
  8. Is it race change too? I am playing twilek gunslinger on lvl 50, but helmets on twilek look like graphical errors because two tentacles on his head and it looks sucks :-( dont know, why BW added uncompleted race into the game
  9. They should fix FPS issues, the true system requirements are higher than BF3 and there are FPS drops in fleet, Warzones and some indoors caves. It is a shame they didnt't fix it during beta testing, but I suppose it's because the stupid engine and they need more time to fix and optimialized and then they can add high resolution textures. But I don't know, why they want to add antialiasing first...
  10. I have asus g53SW laptp, BF3 on medium settings full HD resolution smooth playing, swtor all on low full hd resolution quiet smooth with drop fps sometimes during fight and warzones. All drivers are up to date and there are no running program during playing, I have tried everything, the game is bad optimialized
  11. the game has ****** optimalization, I have asus g53SW and game have higher rquirements than BF3, I have all updates up to dates and no running programs during playing and still I have to play on low settings and sometimes during the fight and warzones its laggy and FPS goes down
  12. FPS increased in whole game would be better
  13. Now the requirements for smooth playing are higher than BF3 because the game has bad optimalization
  14. All games runs fine on gtx 580, so why you people mention this all time? It's important to game should play smoothly on low ends to receive more paying customers but now optimalization still sucks. Hope BW will fix it.
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