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Why so much freaking huttball!!!!


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Is it just me or is everyone getting huttball 8/10 warzone?? I really cant stand huttball, it was fun the first 100 or so times but i would love to get something else.


Come over to Republic. On my server, during my entire time PvPing (currently valor56), we've had - count it - THREE Huttball matches where it was RepvRep, only two of which lasted the full match due to actually having enough players.


We also play Alderaan/Voidstar about 50% more than Huttball. Which is good, because I hate Huttball.

Edited by GuyWithFace
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When the Empire has a 3:1 ratio over the Republic, they get to play 3 games in Alderaan or on the Voidstar while we get 2 games of Huttball and a slim chance at 1 of the other two.


They gave us a way to play warzones as Empire players (because of server population balance) instead of having huge wait times as we queue to play against Republic players.


300 Imperial players queue up for a wz

100 Republic players queue up for a wz


100 Republic players get in a good wz

100 Imperial players get in a good wz (which ironically could be Hutball against the Republic)

200 Imperial players play Huttball


Now when all of those games finish and the queues start back up your chances are still only 25% that you will get into a good wz game. There are some very long dry spells for Imperial players of getting a good wz playing against Republics.

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that's what happens when Empire outnumbers republic 3:1. Don't worry, BioWare is adding more same faction warzones, so this game will be Star Wars: The Old Empire pretty soon.


its not biowares fault all you little teens wanna be the bad guy. I get derpball 1 out of 9 games kinda look forward to it since i never play it much.

Edited by warkat
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If I were a Dev and favored Empire, the last thing I would do is fill it with Darth Murderfaces with red eyes, spiky black-and-red armor, and make every other ability shoot purple lightning--because that's the surest way to attract a million screaming 14yos, and guess who I don't want to be playing Huttball (or anything) with?


Huttball is the Empire's Curse. Try rolling a real faction and enjoy slaughtering Sorcerers all day, because that's 50% of the Empire faction in PvP.

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On the bright side... when repubs finally do get a huttball they usually get roflstomped because they don't play it 20 times a day like empire does. :)
I play Republic and win the vast majority of my Huttball games, six capping for victory about half of the time. I used to think that the Republic would be bad at Huttball since they never get to play it, but on my server at least, it seems like the Imps never learn or are so demotivated from playing Huttball six games in a row that they've given up.


I still don't like it, though. Fast victories in Huttball give almost no commendations or valor, since there's no time to get medals.

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For playing the better faction one must suffer huttball.


For playing the kiddy faction you mean!


We would not have this issue had BW/EA not been so tight and had much higher server caps.

Edited by Nemeses
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I think the answer to this would be to implement strong World PvP. According to recent developers comments, they do plan to expand on World PvP which will remove big need in Warzones, such as Huttball.


Another thing they have been working on is selection of Warzones you would like to join. Do you like Voidstar? Go ahead and select only Voidstar. Let's just wait and see how it works out ;)

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I play Republic and win the vast majority of my Huttball games, six capping for victory about half of the time. I used to think that the Republic would be bad at Huttball since they never get to play it, but on my server at least, it seems like the Imps never learn or are so demotivated from playing Huttball six games in a row that they've given up.


I still don't like it, though. Fast victories in Huttball give almost no commendations or valor, since there's no time to get medals.


On my server when I see some pansy brown robed folks running down the ramp I know we've locked in a win. I don't think I've ever lost a huttball match to republic forces.


I guess that's just on my server though.

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No cross server PvP is part of the problem. But I guess if the empire players still outnumber 3:1 then we'd still see a lot of empire vs empire hutball.


I think my server is more like 100:1 or something, I've never played anything but hutball! 20+ rounds.

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I would much rather play huttball than deal with turrets and tots. At least in void there's not too much room for people to stray from the objectives they're supposed to protect or take.


Huttball, the Official Imperial Game

Edited by wingsofcover
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its not biowares fault all you little teens wanna be the bad guy. I get derpball 1 out of 9 games kinda look forward to it since i never play it much.

IT IS Bioware's fault that Empire mirror classes are superior to Republic.

My Sorc has instant cast lightning while my Sage has travelling projectiles.

My Commando has 0.5 second delay on all channeled abilities while my Merc has instant cast.


I would love to play Commando but the Merc's mechanics are far superior.

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Be thankful you get plenty of experience with it. When you throw Republic, who rarely play it, against Empire, who play it very often, in Huttball, our pugs haven't got the faintest *********** clue how to pass the ball.
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IT IS Bioware's fault that Empire mirror classes are superior to Republic.

My Sorc has instant cast lightning while my Sage has travelling projectiles.

My Commando has 0.5 second delay on all channeled abilities while my Merc has instant cast.


I would love to play Commando but the Merc's mechanics are far superior.


And ofc every single imperial player knew this ant thats why they rolled imps.

Seriously, cut the crap.

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