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Everything posted by Servocrowatian

  1. I'm sorry if I made you sad. I was merely stating that I was blown away by Ilum's stunning world PvP.
  2. PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis. I have seen it. I was stunned, and then blown away. Fantastic.
  3. You don't seem to grasp the concept surrounding this proverbial dead-horse of a term. When every single class has an identical ability available to them to negate what you're claiming is an 'I win button', it really isn't much of an 'I win button' at all. Yes, some abilities have cooldowns. Yes, sometimes you will die when you otherwise wouldn't have because that ability was on cooldown. This is called balance. If you consider Scoundrel/Operative openers that much of a threat compared to every other CC, I recommend being a bit more conservative with it.
  4. So, what you're essentially saying is, your class needs to be nerfed, smugglers are fine, and the majority of other classes need to be buffed? Okay. Thanks for your feedback.
  5. This is actually a really good suggestion. Karazhan was amazing. Oh. Wait, we aren't talking about ctrl+c > ctrl+v Karzhan into ToR? Oh. Darn. Yeah I doubt Bioware can pull off anything original that's as good as Karazhan was. That might be setting the bar a little too high.
  6. That so? So, if I understand you, you're implying that Operatives/Scoundrels are killing you with their first attack? Man, that sounds rough. What's with that, anyway? Not giving you any time to react to being CC'd and all... that's just not fair if you're dying in one hit! Otherwise, if you can't use your CC break before the Operative/Scoundrel uses at least 2-3 GCDs (depending on ability delay), it sounds like a problem with your ability to play your character. Yeah, sounds like a you problem.
  7. ITT: Posterior-pained, entitled, glow-stick wielding individuals who feel enraged when they're thoroughly worked over by a sneaky gentleman with a fancy hat.
  8. Just like unemployment in America is falling because 'Americans are confident that the GOP will be victorious in 2012' right, Santorum? Let's make opinionated assumption about trends we don't really understand and claim them as fact! WoW 'killed' itself, yo. It had a good run, but nothing lasts forever.
  9. Some Biodrone just wrote a novella of Bioware Defense Force Propaganda and the thread was closed in two pages because it wasn't constructive. Is there hope for Bioware yet? I think so.
  10. Or, you know, imbalances between mirror classes as a result of sloppy animations or flat out lazy coding and QA (Flash Bang 60s CD vs Flash Grenade 90s CD for example)!
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