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Just put in new gfx card today. PvP still choppy.


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Just installed a geforce 560 and loaded up the game to see any differences. After a few games of pvp i've just come to the realization that the programming of this game is defunct. My internet never goes below 30ms ping yet the pvp is the same and ability lag still present.


To be fair though the questing and other areas are smoother than before but if i plan on pvp i guess i just have to wait for them to address the fps issues.

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Sometimes it isn't always the video card. If you put in a new beefy vid card and nothing changes, your chipset might not have the bandwidth to feed the data to the card quick enough to see any improvement.

Yeah, op you could have a issue else where.

I have no choppyness in PvP.

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Sometimes it isn't always the video card. If you put in a new beefy vid card and nothing changes, your chipset might not have the bandwidth to feed the data to the card quick enough to see any improvement.


LOL the PCIExpress bus bandwidth in co-relation to the chipset has NOTHIGN to do with this in is beside the case.

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The big question is, what is your system specs?





HDD Config






Your GPU may be getting bottlenecked at the CPU. That's usually the case with threads like yours. I'm not saying you're issues aren't legitimate, but more information will help you pinpoint your problem.

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The big question is, what is your system specs?





HDD Config






Your GPU may be getting bottlenecked at the CPU. That's usually the case with threads like yours. I'm not saying you're issues aren't legitimate, but more information will help you pinpoint your problem.


Or maybe the problem lies within the game's code, like most of us have already figured out.

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I have this same problem with my 570 gtx too. I believe it is because certain areas in the game(like the civil war warzone) only use about 25% of my gpu's power. Other areas like the voidstar warzone use 50% and higher and run at a much higher and smoother framerate in game.


There are supposed to be new nvidia drivers out soon, they should help a lot. Hopefully.

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I have an i5

2x 560ti in sli

8gb ram


Only time I've seen it dip below 45 is on alderaan, and that is most likely due to my obscenely high grass/tree settings than anything else. PvP frames usually sit around 60-75, and that is with 12x AA and a ton of other advanced options enabled for the hero engine..


But yeah I'm clueless..


Enjoy your choppy game.

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A video card can only be as strong as the other parts in your PC. Meaning if your processor is weak and your ram is lacking, then it's totally choking that new graphics card from performing. You want at least 4gb of Ram in your PC if you're playing this game - My machine is commonly utilizing 4.2gb of ram while I'm playing and have chrome/vent open in the background.
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What is your power supply ?


love it when some one puts in a nice video card and not up the power supply for it

or over clock and not have a good power supply

and whats your CPU ?


i have a GTX 570 i5 2500k@4.2 850w power supply get 40 - 60 FPS in WZ @ 1080p every thing max with x4AA

Edited by xXcronicXx
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I have a gtx 570 with i5 2500k @ 4.7 and get 20fps in the middle of warzones.


yeah, it must be my hardware...




120GB OCZ Vertex 3

8GB Mushkin Blackline


60fps or more everywhere except when fleet has 250+ people...then I drop to about 45.

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I'm noticing that a lot of these "choppy pvp" have a common denominator. I've seen several posts now of people with the 560, and 570 having issues. In addition to those I've seen a few of AMD video cards list in high 5000HD's and lower 6000HD's. It makes me wonder if on some of the midrange cards for both Nvidia and AMD if there isn't a driver issue.


Hopefully if this is the case we can get some support from the card vendors.


Running twin 6990's overclocked and watercooled I get 100+ FPS most everywhere, but in pvp I drop down to about 70. That is a staggering drop for a combined 4 GPU's. I could definitely see it being game breaking if your card lacks a lot muscle.

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Well, until we get a response as to cpu/chipset no point in arguing.. Though if the OP does chime back, I have a feeling we will be reading about a chip that came out around the time of the E5300's (dual core intel 64 bit...not amd64, IA64), like those used in the Dell XPS series of ohhh... 6 ish years ago... A CPU/RAM/Chipset barely capable of moving enough data to push an 8800 let alone a 560... Regardless of how large the PS is.
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I think you're bottle necked someplace else to be honest. I run a i950, GTX460, and 6gb Dominator GT RAM, and I'm 100% maxed out on everything. The only time I ever see the slightest bit of lag in when I first zone into the Imperial Fleet.


One thing I've noticed about a lot of people having problems with choppiness or just poor performance, is their RAM. I see it time and time again, with people running some bottom of the barrel 4gb of RAM, so of course you're going to get choppiness.


MMO's are massive RAM hogs, and cheaping out on RAM is a big mistake a lot of people do. Just because you can get dirt cheap RAM, doesn't mean it's the right decision.

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