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Ok, this is too much


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Isn't it like morning there during patch time? Get a job.


Maybe he's working shifts. Or he's rich. Or retired? I live in central europe, (Paris time), so the maintenance reallly is during the day (until 4pm I guess.)


Since I work office times (around my place that means 7am to 4-5pm) I never had any problems with the maintenance windows.


Daily patching shows me that bioware is taking the customer feedback seriously. Guess we all have to go through this.

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Given the complexity of software like Star Wars:The Old Republic, what may appear as a simple fix can take hundreds, if not thousands of man hours to resolve. We have teams working around the clock to make sure that issues are fixed in a timely manner, while maintaining the quality that you've come to expect (read: doesn't break anything else ;)).


The last patch turned my inquisitors eyes from a nice blue to a horrid bright orange, not a major bug but annoying in the story cut scenes. Please don't break anything else :p and can i please have my blue eyes back?

Sent a ticket in but i realise my unintended eye colour is not a top priority ;)

Edited by Astralstar
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The last patch turned my inquisitors eyes from a nice blue to a horrid bright orange, not a major bug but annoying in the story cut scenes. Please don't break anything else :p and can i please have my blue eyes back?

Sent a ticket in but i realise my unintended eye colour is not a top priority ;)


Are you darkside? Eye color changes as you go darker, and if you dinged a different level of dark your eye color wouldn't show changed until you relog :)

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Except the servers are down for 8 or 10 hours. This is most of the time that I have to play. 3 days in a row. If they were brought down and put right back up I wouldn;t care at all.


Where are you getting 8-10 hours from? Last night they were down for 3 hrs. The night before 2-3 hours. The first night was the long one. And even that one wasn't 8-10 hours long. Stop saying it was 8-10 3 night in a row, that simple is false.

Edited by Tanuk
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Are you darkside? Eye color changes as you go darker, and if you dinged a different level of dark your eye color wouldn't show changed until you relog :)


Oh lol, never knew that :o Guess i will have to start being good then :D

Thanks for the tip.



Edit....my apologies for blaming the patch.

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they are, as I've mentioned before, done at the point in time where we have one of the lowest number of users connected globally.



I appreciate your desire to do this during low usage periods, but it would be nice if you staggered the downtime by server location - midnight on the west coast servers is, IMHO, just a tad early (though it does force one to get to bed earlier...)


Thank you,



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To be clear, the downtimes over the last few days have not been 8-10 hours per day, as you mention. While we announce downtime and give a time range, sometimes things do finish early (and of course, sometimes they run over). Over the last few days, we've totalled just over 7 hours of downtime.




qq moar

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I'm a paying customer too, so I'll say that I appreciate them patching so much. There are alot of things in the game I'd like to see fixed and this is the only way they are gonna do it. Also, they are definitely not taking the game down 8-10 hours a day. I've been playing nonstop, and have only had a 2-3 hour break during patches.
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EDIT: To be clearer, I am complaining about the servers being down for 8 or 10 hours a night, 3 nights in a row. It shouldn;t be necessary for them to be down for this long. If it is, BioWare needs to bring it some programmers with more experience in implementation, because no other MMO I have ever played has ever done this. Once a week to restart and maintain servers? Sure. 3 days in a row for 8 to 10 hours a night? Never, in the 15 or so MMO's I have been a part of the launch of has a game company done this.


So I'm complaining. I get to do that. I'm a paying customer. With out feedback, BW won't change. I want them to do so. Therefore.....



Except that while the windows are 8 hours long the servers are back up in 2...

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Yes, I appreciate the active patching and the fact that BioWare is trying to eep things moving forward with fixing problems with the game. But I am up at night. Patching every frigging night this week is TOO much. I'm really sick and tired of this, BioWare. Patch once a week. Maybe twice a week. No matter what's going on with the game, patching constantly likethis is NOT the answer.


There has to be a better one.


This one STINKS!


EDIT: To be clearer, I am complaining about the servers being down for 8 or 10 hours a night, 3 nights in a row. It shouldn;t be necessary for them to be down for this long. If it is, BioWare needs to bring it some programmers with more experience in implementation, because no other MMO I have ever played has ever done this. Once a week to restart and maintain servers? Sure. 3 days in a row for 8 to 10 hours a night? Never, in the 15 or so MMO's I have been a part of the launch of has a game company done this.


So I'm complaining. I get to do that. I'm a paying customer. With out feedback, BW won't change. I want them to do so. Therefore.....


So basically QQ Fix the bugs but QQ don't do it during the time I play.


Would you rather the economy breaking exploit not be fixed?

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Yes, I appreciate the active patching and the fact that BioWare is trying to eep things moving forward with fixing problems with the game. But I am up at night. Patching every frigging night this week is TOO much. I'm really sick and tired of this, BioWare. Patch once a week. Maybe twice a week. No matter what's going on with the game, patching constantly likethis is NOT the answer. QUOTE]


Let me save you some time for when Bioware isn't fixing things quickly enough for your tastes:


"Yes, I appreciate the active patching and the fact that Bioware is trying to keep things moving forward with fixing problems with the game. But patching only once a week is TOO little. I'm really sick and tired of this Bioware. Patch at least twice a week. Maybe three times a week. No matter what's going on with the game, patching slowly like this is NOT the answer"

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It's kind of sad that they have to patch so often, to be fair...


it's launch they're going to have to patch it up alot would you rather always play a buggy game with no new content or just wait like 4 hours for the game to have less bugs? it helps the whole community

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The dudes in Bioware probably dont realise:


What is night for americans is day for europeans, so stop stealing our gametime pls.


This is always the complaint from Europeans in every game I have ever played but the simple fact of the matter is majority rules.

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This is always the complaint from Europeans in every game I have ever played but the simple fact of the matter is majority rules.


Its not all THAT hard to do rotation... really....


I'm pretty much stuck to not being able to play one day at all if it continues with weekly maint time that lasts 8 hours (as this week was) due to the schedule. Weekly maintenance is usually 1/2 hours not 8 hours, so it's not that much of an issue in most games. I do understand its early and all, but at least as long as they keep long maint times they have to start rotating the starting times otherwise its getting ridiculous...

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Yes, I appreciate the active patching and the fact that BioWare is trying to eep things moving forward with fixing problems with the game. But I am up at night. Patching every frigging night this week is TOO much. I'm really sick and tired of this, BioWare. Patch once a week. Maybe twice a week. No matter what's going on with the game, patching constantly likethis is NOT the answer.


There has to be a better one.


This one STINKS!


EDIT: To be clearer, I am complaining about the servers being down for 8 or 10 hours a night, 3 nights in a row. It shouldn;t be necessary for them to be down for this long. If it is, BioWare needs to bring it some programmers with more experience in implementation, because no other MMO I have ever played has ever done this. Once a week to restart and maintain servers? Sure. 3 days in a row for 8 to 10 hours a night? Never, in the 15 or so MMO's I have been a part of the launch of has a game company done this.


So I'm complaining. I get to do that. I'm a paying customer. With out feedback, BW won't change. I want them to do so. Therefore.....


You have never played wow then. The number 1 mmo of all time has had way way worse maint then swtor has ever had and that is FACT. Every Xpac you can expect not to play patch day at all most of the time in wow.


I remember when they launched they had crashes daily, servers would go down for upwards of 16 hours at a time multiple times a week.


Dont sit here and act like you have experience with mmo's and make comments like that.


Also the servers haven't been down for 8-10 hours for the 3 nights in a row. I think they had one long maint and 2 shorter ones your exaggerating the time frame there. I know because I went to be at maint time and came back not even 5 hours later and they were up already so ya.....


Their main patch took a long maint on maint day but the smaller ones ..... not near as long.


You are misinformed sir. And there is no way to create a better implementation on the dev side for patch they have to kick players off the server to update it lol. Theres no way around that.

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To be clear, the downtimes over the last few days have not been 8-10 hours per day, as you mention. While we announce downtime and give a time range, sometimes things do finish early (and of course, sometimes they run over). Over the last few days, we've totalled just over 7 hours of downtime. Again, we may have said the game may be offline for longer, but we actually achieved very short maintenance times each day.




It's better to be accurate in your time estimates than it is to go either long or short. Many MMO'ers get just as annoyed by shorter-than-stated downtimes as they do by longer downtimes. MMO'ers like predictability. When you start running shorter-than-stated downtimes, you then will have thousands of players waiting for your servers to come back up early when they could be doing something else, and in those times where you need a full 6 hours or whatever those players are going to get annoyed.

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Nice. You are the definition of what is wrong with the internet. No game, no matter how new, should need 30 megs worth of patching 3 days in a row. I don;t want the patch time moved to days - that's just silly.



You have no idea how the patch stuff do you lol. Every game is like this I might add.


There are files in your game folder. These files contain the data for the game. These files vary in size.


If there is a bug that corresponds with xxxx.ini and its a 30 meg file but only one line of code needs to be fixed guess what they do. They open that 30 meg xxxx.ini change the code save the file just as you would something like a word document. Then reupload it.


They cant magically upload a byte of code and have it magically open up the affected file and overwrite the old code and save it lol. Doesn't work like that.



If you were taking an online class and turned in a word doc to your teacher and he emails you back and says okay you need to fix this sentence. you dont email him the fixed sentence and say okay heres the fixed one just put that in there and save it..... no you open up your copy the original fix it resave it then email the WHOLE document back to him.


Use some common sense dude.

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Just do it 1 time in US daytime and this board will be flooded with complaints from the same ppl that tell us not to complain now.


Pretty much.


There are two kinds of people in these threads. People affected and people unaffected.


It's pretty easy to pick 'em out.

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