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Fix healers now !!!


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Anyone who's upset with the state of healing needs to take themselves back to their healer in WoW, where half a battleground can beat on you and you can just heal through it, interrupts and all.


I hope to god TOR never gets that way. There's nothing wrong with a healer being tough as nails when he gets his good gear, and masters his class, but to be completely unstoppable? We're right back to WOW's BG. Does your team have healers? No. Does theirs? Wait, they have two shamans?


Might as well quit.


TL;DR: This isn't WoW. No EZ-mode ghost-wolf(or travel from) spamming one or two heals to keep yourself alive forever.

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so healer wants to heal the same amount as damage as is done in a WZ then no one would die ??? fun PVP that



You must be a genius in math , prodigical rly.


So if not that case whats the point of been a healer if 2 dps >> a dps and a healer easy with you logic why play one.



furthemore and i can understand you a noobie , as i said in another post it takes a thing called skill which aparently most dont have it and dont want it to have since...


Omg i cant believe that some actually crying about healers you know what be my guest and keep trolling


Soon there wont be any healers left


Fyi in wow which heals are far superior than this crap and you can barely find anyone in pvp.


gl find one here after few months

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Why all the hate here?


My last game I got 250k healing, most damage in the game was 200k damage, I got 40k damage, was able to get the 1v1 medal because healers are the best 1v1ers in this game when actually played right, and I was able to keep people alive that were being focused by 3+ people. I ended the game with 7 medals, and got the most PvP votes.


Yet I'm UP? Whatever, throw me some buffs sure.

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Ok, for all the wow references please remember, not everyone is as experienced as you guys. I'm pretty casual, but I enjoy healing except when I see 4K crits light up players.


:mon_mad: I can't heal through firepower of that magnitude!!

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To a very small extent I agree with some of what the OP says. Basically the only thing I agree on is the medals to be honest and that is to a limited extent as well.


Healing in pvp is nothing like other games where you can just sit there and be a spam bot using 1-2 heals an entire match. With the way the classes are designed, healers have got a ton of tools at their disposal to use in any given circumstance. Now I'm not to familiar with all the healing classes, primarily the sorc so perhaps things are different on the other two healer class fronts.


Speaking purely from a sorc/full corrup spec, you could call the class somewhat easy to play and perform adequately. The people that only know how to use a couple abilities are VERY easy to point out in matches are die very quickly unless they are carried by their team, which is the case more often then not.


I've seen countless scrub healers decked out in full champ gear that pile up 500-600k in heals, yet that's the ONLY thing they do. Stack them up with their whole team, yeah they won't die and can rack up huge #'s. Get them solo, it's like watching a keyboard turner having a seizure when you put any pressure on them at all. Healing #'s imo account for maybe 30% of a actual healers job in these warzones if played to their full potential.



A good healer that utilizes all his abilities from their stuns, to interupts, to interchanging dps/heals on the fly, slows, cc, everything.. can turn the tide of any fight. When I look at the score-boards at the end of the fight, regardless of which team wins or loses, the good healers imo are the ones that have the 25+ kills, have wracked up 75k+ dmg, and done their job keeping their team up at the same time. Take the time to practice new things while in the warzones and see what works and what doesn't. You'll find a happy medium as you go. Simple things during a big fight like tab targeting the enemy in between heals, finding a person with 10% health, takes 2 secs to drop your instant nuke and chain lightning and boom, one more person outta the way.


Same thing works for interupts on other healers, stuns, everything helps. The faster their team members die, the less pressure there is on you. And let's face it, just straight up spam healing is b o r i n g...............mix it all up and it's a blast.



Looking at other classes, yeah sure, some classes do seem a bit op and I'm sure some abilities will be fine tuned down the line. Some classes have way to much burst, others not nearly enough. Our survivability at the end of the day is for the most part entirely upon you. We have the tools to get away most of the time if used properly. Even the players that actually know how to play their class you can still get away from if you're smart.


I don't die a lot in matches, but when I do, it's usually due to a bad keybind press, I'm suiciding myeslf to buy time saving a capture point from being capped for the rest of my team to get there, or simply which is 90% of the time, you just simply get over-whelmed. It doesn't matter what class you are from a healer too a tank or dps, if you get 3-4 players that know what an interupt is and how to play their class, they will burn you down faster then you can blink an eye. Even 1vs1, if you're full heal specced against an equally skilled/geared player, simply, kite and run. You will not out-heal their dps. That's just a simple fact. The sooner healers learn this, the easier their lives will be.


Kiting as a sorc healer is probably the #1 thing you will do in most warzones and it is a skill that you either better pick up on fast, or the qq will just continue. You have a lot of get outta jail free cards from your sprint, to your 4 sec stun, to using affliction for a minor slow if it's talented too your default slow to keep dps at bay. At the end of the day, being the better healer falls upon yourself. Learn the class, learn to use all your abilities, learn the strengths of your team-mates and it will allow for a much much more enjoyable experience. You'll look back at these posts and just laugh at how ignorant so many posts made really are.


The only thing they do need to possibly look at is adding a couple other healer medal rewards. Maybe something for shielding when we use our bubbles, possibly add in another tier for healing so it's 75k/150k/225k/300k kinda thing for those that just want to do nothing but heal. I'm sure there's other options but all I can think of atm.


All I can think of

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For the ignorants , Daoc is been regarded as the best pvp game.


I would add guild wars and wow at a point when it was an e sport ( tbc expansion )


Their main theme was that healers , can actually heal ...


I played both wariror and healer in wow and played every class there was in daoc since i had been playing for 10 years.


I was also attend gladiator ranks with both wariror and paladin plus highwarlord.


Thats good for cv i guess.


Immortal healer in wow ... why cause he couldnt die form brain dead dps , button mashers and took skill to kill one ?


Thats the definion of good pvp , both daoc in its prime and wow needed to cc healers in order to kill a gorup member.


Healer cant do much else than heal , THEIR JOB DESCRIPTION is to save other players ( including their selves) andn ot been a gimped.


You have any skill try cc the healer kill your target next , you cant do that well sorry thats the point of been a healer


If you want a healer who dies easy , is unable to outheal any dps ( should out heal easy 1 or 2 else whats the freaking point ) then u do it and i really doubt any1 will.


The fact is and was that pure heal spec cant kil anyone but should survive vs anything.


Healer is a thankless , off the lights job ( that gets no medals as well in swtor ) so if you wnat him gimped as well be my guest but i dont see anyone playing any healers soon.


For the recoord , i cba , but pls go watch some 50 gunslider - sniper , operatives - scoudrel even good marauders - sentinels , then compaire that damage vs any healer lvl 50.


Great post.

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I play a BH went Heal spec today just to check it out (un-geared) . I didnt have much trouble healing . First time i had done it so balancing the need to also deal dmg and heal was a bit much at first. Im slowly getting the hang of it. But the medal system for healers kinda blows. Only real complaint i have and only reason im on the forums. I pugged alot of matches topped healing charts.. did ok dmg and never really got more than 3 or 4 medals a game. If i were my normal dps spec i would have easily got twice the comms and valor pugging the same amount of matches. Even if i was just rolling my face around on the keyboard lol. Allthough there isnt much to BH dps (arsenal spec). Idk maybe if you save a teamates life below a certian amount of HP . Healed the ball carrier in huttball. Just something to toss another medal or two at the healers for more reward. Just ideas
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BW, please don't listen to these whine threads. Healing is actually pretty damn good right now, it's not OTT and requires and promotes team play.


Partially right. Healing is pretty damn good right now, but I don't think it really promotes team play beyond the obvious that healing or support roles in general would. The benefits access to medals for healing is complete garbage compared to just going straight DPS. So basically you make yourself into a potential martyr by taking the healer role.


You risk minimum benefit for it regardless of winning or losing a match, simply because you decided to focus on healing instead of trying to steal a killshot from your group, or try to put out pathetic numbers in an attempt to get the 75k dmg medal, or try to cycle through targets to be sure you did some damage to them so you can get credit.

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I know how to play a healer. Played a shaman in WAR, played as shaman, paladin, and druid healers in WoW for years and I have never before been so dissatisfied with healing. If anyone gets a hair in their behind to come after you in a WZ, you are dead. Your skill and theirs is irrelevant. Damage dealers do way too much damage and heals are pathetic in comparison.


Compound the lack of healing power (partially due to the debuff) with their terrible mobility, the insane amount of interrupts and CC, and you can see that a healer class in this game is very unnecessary to bring to a WZ, when they could be replaced with another damage dealer or tank.


Learn to play and roll with others, healers are not meant to be LOLeasymode like in WoW.


They are not the LOL-I-Can-Heal-Through-Anything.



This isn't WOW.


Healers are group support.



GROUP support, they do not 1v1.


You do not have a macro that tells you what to do or heals players for you.


You DO have to worry about who your around and who is helping you.



If you are standing around alone and moving around solo trying to heal people, you will be alone, and you will be targeted, and you will be cced, and you WILL die.

Edited by Daecollo
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Pathetic I think this guy just wants WOW healing. Which requires zero skill and can out heal any damage. I hated healing like that when a healer could simply kill you by putting one dot on you then out heal your damage while standing still and no matter how many times you interrupt them or stun them they still out heal you and ofc never run out of mana.


Healers are actually balanced in this game and saying there underpowered is a joke. WZ's are won by healers... good healers.

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Pathetic I think this guy just wants WOW healing. Which requires zero skill and can out heal any damage. I hated healing like that when a healer could simply kill you by putting one dot on you then out heal your damage while standing still and no matter how many times you interrupt them or stun them they still out heal you and ofc never run out of mana.


Healers are actually balanced in this game and saying there underpowered is a joke. WZ's are won by healers... good healers.



There's something wrong when you got the time to type /yawn /dance and /tickle before /bored and /bye and then Travel Form away at full health.


I've been a resto Druid in WoW, Dark Rites DoK in WAR, Full Sentinel Cleric in RIFT, PoM/BS in AoC and now Sage in SWTOR. I like healing. :) Heck, I even played a healer in Dragon Age: Origins.

I know OP when I see it, and SWTOR is very balanced.


No EZ mode ftw.

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Any healer should be able to handle "AOE Padded Dmg"


if you dont know the meaning of this, you shouldnt be playing a healer class in pvp.


My Commando's AoE crits for 3.5k each hit on 4 targets. No healer can heal "AoE padded damage".


If I've already gravity rounded someone, they are dead. Especially any healer that isn't a force using one. Sages/Sorcerers are the sole reason Trauma was put in this game.

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The real problem with healing is not in the amount of healing that can be produced, but in its fragility.


I haven't played every healer, but you stick any single class (doesn't even have to be a dps class) on them and you will be shutting down 80% of their healing, as they have to solely focus on surviving by using those heals on themselves (on top of CCing, which will use up globals and still leave them in danger, as healers really can't heal themselves and another player simultaneously in this game).


This might not seem to be a problem to other classes, but it definitely is. A healer needs to be able to heal themself against a single dps class (let alone non-dps classes) and still provide stable healing, else a healer becomes superfluous.


An example to clarify the above: 2 healers fight 2 dps (hate the acronym btw, they are "damage dealers"). There should be no system under which 2 dps should best a dps and a healer and most players will agree to that.


However, in swtor, you put a dps on a healer and they will, in the best of circumstances, be able to keep themselves alive, while the other 2 dps fight against each other. There's no time or possibility for anything else, as any global devoted to healing your mate or nuking may get yourself killed. The dps on the healer can however provide AE or splash damage on the opposing dps, so that the dps teamed up with the healer will die, leaving 2 dps against a [dead] healer on the battlefield.


Now try this with a dps + tank vs. 2 dps. The 2 dps will stand absolutely no chance, despite the lower damage output.


So yes, the functionality of a (sage/sorc) healer is underpowered currently, because the lack of group heals and the fragility of healing combined with that, makes them weaker than any other class regardless of the situation (2 vs. 2 with 1 being a healer is about the best situation for a healing class to shine)

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My Commando's AoE crits for 3.5k each hit on 4 targets. No healer can heal "AoE padded damage".


If I've already gravity rounded someone, they are dead. Especially any healer that isn't a force using one. Sages/Sorcerers are the sole reason Trauma was put in this game.


if you were up against people who can actually play, you wouldnt be getting away with hitting 4 people with 3.5k each.


90% of mando's aoe dmg is padded and can be healed effectively or countered.

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So yes, the functionality of a (sage/sorc) healer is underpowered currently, because the lack of group heals and the fragility of healing combined with that, makes them weaker than any other class regardless of the situation (2 vs. 2 with 1 being a healer is about the best situation for a healing class to shine)


Got a pretty damn good AoE heal, actually. It's on a short CD, though so can not be spammed as a main heal like the group heals we're used to from other games.


You will very easily spot the difference between a good healer and a bad healer. A bad healer will stand still and try to nuke heal it's way to safety while screaming at DPS to peel. A good healer will use it's arsenal of skills given to them; slow, stun, speed etc. If he notice he's the main target of AoE he'll move away from the group.

It's all about awareness and manipulating the enemy.


For instance, if I know I am about to get interrupted, I will cast Benevolence, which is my cheapest, fastest heal. As soon as I'm interrupted I will proceed to cast the spell I wanted to in the first place. Saved my life countless of times.


Some times it is better to leg it and try to get away, some times it is better to stay really close to your tank, AoE healing both of you while guarded. You'll learn to spot this by situation.


Another tactic that works if you get a DPS on your *** is to dash past a badly wounded ally. If the DPS following you is greedy and stupid (most PuGers are) he'll switch target and go for the killing blow. You anticipated this, so bubble + HoT on wounded player as you Force Speed by + buffed nuke heal to get him up to 50ish% as soon as Force Speed ends.

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All I heard was:




Go back to WoW and play lolpriest/druid/Hpaladin...or what ever has now become the OP PVP healer.

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Healers are amazing in this game, I've gotten both 565,330 and 585,690 healing in games before. Averaging near 400,000 now, even in Huttball which I believe to be impressive considering how stupidly people run around int hat game. I have roughly 50% PvP gear, half of it being centurion the other half champion, and yes I do roll with my guilds' premades a lot but that shouldn't change anything except maybe the fact that I have guard? On a side note, the game with 565,330 healing was done on a Void Star with a pug, I ended up losing and got no MvP votes despite only 2 people dying on my team the whole game. If you're having issues healing, then either get better gear or change the way you're doing it.


Until I get 3+ people hitting me I won't have any issues healing a group, unless we're talking people geared to the max on my server. Niggler thehiggler and Ceilingcarpet, insanely geared dps juggernaut and the best operative on my server, not gearwise but skillwise, then I will have issues healing my group.

Edited by Abraxxes
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