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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


It's called real life.

Work and college has started again, and yes people will leave/get sick of it within the first month as well.

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Have you realized that the OP thread is correct and it's not because of work related constraints or them lifting caps on server. In regards to the later there is prolly a 5% chance that has happened, at least on 90% of the servers because they are not full or very heavy. And to increase those caps would be pointless because they need to fill the rest first, before that happens. Sure there are people at work, there were people at work last week. The holidays have been over for at least two weeks. So if next week there is even less then this was this week at the same times, will we know acknowledge population decreases, or will we still insist that Bioware is awesome and people are not leaving because of their issues?
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Have you realized that the OP thread is correct and it's not because of work related constraints or them lifting caps on server. In regards to the later there is prolly a 5% chance that has happened, at least on 90% of the servers because they are not full or very heavy. And to increase those caps would be pointless because they need to fill the rest first, before that happens. Sure there are people at work, there were people at work last week. The holidays have been over for at least two weeks. So if next week there is even less then this was this week at the same times, will we know acknowledge population decreases, or will we still insist that Bioware is awesome and people are not leaving because of their issues?


Why does it matter how many people are playing?


You only do what everyone else does?

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I'm quitting the game because of this very fact. Server populations are terrible. It seemed Bioware were OVER-prepared for the release of the game and thought they'd have their servers filled, not the case.


Anyways, I like the game and I'll keep tabs on the game and see where it goes. If they eventually merge servers, increasing populations I might come back, but for now I'll keep my $15/month.


They didn't increase the servers that much during launch to address the the que times. They decreased the amount of people within each shard, to increase stability and decrease que times.

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Why does it matter how many people are playing?


You only do what everyone else does?


Because this game by definition is an MMO, the population is what seperates it from lets say a single player game. At least in some peoples mind, that is why population is important. However thanks for responding because you make my point more clear, because you just acknowledged that what i said had some truth and tried to change the subject to why does it matter the population instead of what you were saying that there wasn't an issue with population.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.



This link proves a dramatic decrease overall. Thank you, end of story.



Edited by iraqcombatvet
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Complaining about population and threatening to quit LOL.


Way to add to the problem, I wouldn't want to be your friend with that logic.


Its not adding to the problem, what is happening is a cascade effect. Where issues with the game have people leaving it, then people that didn't have issues with the game per say start having issues with the game because the population is declining, and then they leave. So on so forth a cascade where one problem leads to another problem or in this case where someone didn't mind the game with its issue because there were plenty of people to play with, but then realized there is really no or less people to play with and the issues are still there and what wasn't an issue becomes one.

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My server Legion of Lettows is BUSY.

And there are more people where I have toons:

Coruscant, Nar Shaddar, Taris and the Fleet, almost +50% compared to last week and the week before.


So no, the pop is not dropping, it's rising. Talking for my particular server ofc

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My server Legion of Lettows is BUSY.

And there are more people where I have toons:

Coruscant, Nar Shaddar, Taris and the Fleet, almost +50% compared to last week and the week before.


So no, the pop is not dropping, it's rising. Talking for my particular server ofc


Actually, according to statistics its dropping.

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Yet again I want to post my clarification on graphics;


quick info on this; (as I'm the developer of that tool), the generated charts DOES NOT represent user subscriptions.


Instead the tool reads http://www.swtor.com/server-status and generate charts for server-loads based on given population field on the page.


So basically a total value of 800 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 3.7 = ~ Heavy population in average.


Where as a value of 600 (in y axis) for a total of 215 server means = 800 / 215 = 2.7 = Standard population.

0 -> offline

1 - 2 -> light

2 - 3-> standard

3 - 4 -> heavy

4 - 5 -> very heavy

5+ -> full


So yet again, the game did not lost active subscribers last two weeks but instead average population of servers dropped down - which is a good thing (meaning less queues if any).


In MMO launches, heavy populations are always expected and over time they normalize - which is already the case for SWTOR -- and those charts actually represent that.


Can anybody with a post in first page of the thread can paste this explanation? So people can get an understanding of the charts before commenting on the OP's erroneous interpretation of them.


Here is an FAQ on the tool as well! http://www.swtorarena.com/topic/210-...tics-tool-faq/




From http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1564827#post1564827

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Actually, according to statistics its dropping.



Though two weeks ago we had roughly 30-50 players / planet (level 11-40)

and 120 in Fleet.

Now it's 50-70 players / planet and 170-200 in the Fleet.


So dont know. Maybe "overall" is bad, but Legion of Lettow is fine.

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i think they set a higher cap on servers because my server hasnt been full in a while YET there is a lot of people spread across the planets than there was during launch..even the fleet pop is higher than it was during launch...


be nice if they told us about this beforehand to stop any panic....instead they pulled a ninja change...

Actually, they did - on December 20th. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=60893

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


New game. Everyone played excessively for the first few weeks


Was the holiday season, many people were off (see number one).


They increased server population.


These are not the droids we are looking for. Move along.....

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I had 180+ people on dromund kaas today when i was playing :/


maby people are just rerolling and its getting lonly at the top?



anyway, i havent had my server "full" since the initial rush those first few weeks. But then again, people have other stuff to do. You can only hide away from the rest of the world for so long before you have to start working again and spend time with your family and loved ones.

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