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Server population is dropping...


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There seem to be a few who will say just about anything to try and reduce the success of the game. I suspect these are people who are alarmed at the dropout rate over at WoW and elsewhere. If you have several millions of people heavily invested in terms of time and money and who have finally reached a position of power and influence over there they are going to do what they can to preserve that investment and their prestige.


Then there also seem a few who have a dream of GW2 and know that for that group/guild-dependent design there must be large numbers of players, and SWTOR is antithetical to their dream. It is not only possible, but even optimal for independent solo play as well as decent for group/guild play (lfg and guild features need some help), and so they will do and say anything they can to try and diminish the popularity of the SWTOR experience.


Then there are those who brought in their style of play from WoW or Lineage II and were upset to learn that, amid their complaints that SWTOR is just a copy of WoW in a SW skin, playing SWTOR like WoW doesn't work very well... so naturally the problem isn't their inability to adapt or try a new style, it is that SWTOR, the supposed clone of WoW, doesn't work like WoW.


Bottom line, in my view, that if so many of us are very much enjoying SWTOR, but they are not enjoying it, then they are not playing the game very well and should L2P despite their overweening assumption that they know everything there is to know about 'efficient play' (an oxymoron if ever there was one).

Edited by Gleneagle
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This link proves a dramatic decrease overall. Thank you, end of story.




No, that link proves that the holidays have ended and that people play a bit less every day when a game isn't new anymore.


You have no idea of what a "dramatic decrease" is.


Thank you, end of story.



I'm actually noticing a quite constant increase of population in basically all zones at peak times on my server, mind you.


Give it up kiddos, this game is on the way up. More positive reviews about it are published every day, and more people get involved.

If you hate it, you may as well start crying.

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The end of the free month is upon us (or for those who bought on launch). We will see if the population drops then and if people are willing to subscribe to play.


Unfortunately, I'm not really enjoying the game at lvl 50 as I'm a PvP type. They messed up PvP pretty badly in my opinion and its forced me out due to lack of enjoyment.


Hopefully it will be a success purely from an RP perspective which I would play if I had more time.


I tend to get addicted to these type of games (WOW, EvE online, Star wars galaxies) but I'm not liking this one mostly due to high burst in pvp and stacking buffs etc. I like a more prolonged fight, so I guess its just not for me.


I'm guessing I'm not alone, Patch 1.1 might make things a little better for PvP and hopefully I can try it out withought having to pay a months subscription.

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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


Every item I sell on the GTN, gets sold in 80% of the cases. If I want to do a flashpoint i get pple together within 15 min. If I do heroics i get even faster pple together. Im very glad i dont see streams of pple going for the same spot. It even is a pain when I want to enter a cave and I see already 2-3 people in it with their companion.


I dont need to see that there are 1000 pple in the empirial fleet to make me feel good. Nor do I have to see 100s of people around 1 bindspot to make me think this game feels alive.

Edited by Kozzmozz
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I do agree the game is dying and it is Biowares fault.


1. No UI changing

2. No LFG dungeon tool like in other MMOs

3. Way to much travel timesinks (7 loading screens to get to ilum to do dailies.

4. No official individual server forums. (TOTAL FAIL)

5. Clearly most of time spent on Empire leading to overpopulation

6. Ilum is a joke, nothing epic

7. Empire best companions

8. Empire best animations

9. Empire advantage on skills that are not equal. (project, etc)


Way to Fail bioware.

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I do agree the game is dying and it is Biowares fault.


1. No UI changing

2. No LFG dungeon tool like in other MMOs

3. Way to much travel timesinks (7 loading screens to get to ilum to do dailies.

4. No official individual server forums. (TOTAL FAIL)

5. Clearly most of time spent on Empire leading to overpopulation

6. Ilum is a joke, nothing epic

7. Empire best companions

8. Empire best animations

9. Empire advantage on skills that are not equal. (project, etc)


Way to Fail bioware.


needed already hard to find those 9 points. you should of well thought a little harder to find a 10th, that would made your post more credible.

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I do agree the game is dying and it is Biowares fault.


1. No UI changing

2. No LFG dungeon tool like in other MMOs

3. Way to much travel timesinks (7 loading screens to get to ilum to do dailies.

4. No official individual server forums. (TOTAL FAIL)

5. Clearly most of time spent on Empire leading to overpopulation

6. Ilum is a joke, nothing epic

7. Empire best companions

8. Empire best animations

9. Empire advantage on skills that are not equal. (project, etc)


Way to Fail bioware.


I use the fleet shuttle a hell of a lot more than my ship because its only 1 load screen. ONE BIOWARE. In my opinion the personal ships (magic Narnia closets really) need to be either totally revamped, or removed from the game.

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I do agree the game is dying and it is Biowares fault.


1. No UI changing

2. No LFG dungeon tool like in other MMOs

3. Way to much travel timesinks (7 loading screens to get to ilum to do dailies.

4. No official individual server forums. (TOTAL FAIL)

5. Clearly most of time spent on Empire leading to overpopulation

6. Ilum is a joke, nothing epic

7. Empire best companions

8. Empire best animations

9. Empire advantage on skills that are not equal. (project, etc)


Way to Fail bioware.


Pretty much agreed. Especially number 2.

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Noticed that the holidays are over and people had to go back to school/work?


Funny thing, last week during offpeak hours there were at least 150 on the Imperial fleet on my server. During peak hours/friday/sat, I was seeing 300+ and instancing in areas...so the game isn't really dropping at all.


People just have other things to do during the day ;)

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1. Just like in other mmo's, winter and spring are a weekend heavy and peak hours during weekdays heaving only deal. Only exception are the major holidays.


2. Server load capacities were increase a while back. This then changes the indicators with regards to capacity.


3. When the game release, everyone was essentially in the same boat: they were all leveling. Now players are in different modes: some are leveling still, some are 50 and doing activities that limit their visibility to other players(ie if you're only runnng around on ilum or pvping or farming mats etc. etc Point being made is that people are more dispersed across a variety of activities making it harder for you, from a glance, to determine that there is a significant drop on players.


4. Empire versus Republic. Some can argue that there's more moving to Empire for activity and leaving behind the republic. As someone in another thread said, "At the end of the 3rd movie, everyone rerolled Empire" :p. Whether this point factors into your perception of loss or not, I dont know.


5. All the above said, there are infact people who have dropped or are greatly diminishing their game play. However I dont think its significant enough at this time to truly denote that things are in peril. There are alot of issues that this game has, some of which make me on some days consider dropping playing the game. I can only say that trends should become more aparent through the spring but may get changed once summer starts with people having more freetime to play(and I assume some sort of content and media blitz by bioware/ea then.)

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needed already hard to find those 9 points. you should of well thought a little harder to find a 10th, that would made your post more credible.


10. Stories aren't are-you-afraid-of-the-dark choose your own adventure, Goosebumps baloney.

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Not sure if you familiar with this site.

I look at my server and its pretty accurate.


And im not happy about that because now im in lower populated server. And it allways was a bad thing in a long run. Would love to know that from day one...

Edited by Hylfnur
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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


30 %burn off standard for any release MMO then they grow if they are good. if they are bad the stabilize then decline again at 4 months. Bioware did not help their cause at all with the whole lying about High res pacs and a very buggy end game.

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WoW doesn't need holidays to hit full server load, they just need primetime.

It's sunday now, servers should explode but they don't.


Well, they ruined SWTOR with bad decisions.

The first one was to use crappy engines instead of already proven ones, like the unreal engine.


The second one is to ignore what users report about combat and fps lag. Beta testers warned them, months ago. And I can't see any kind of effort to fix the most important probles of this game: combat+fps, then AA+HD textures.


The 3rd one is the lack of support. Still no one can help me to remove my security token.

Support told me to watch patchnotes...lol. Since I sold my Ipad, there is no ingame login for me. Who cares...

Edited by squiek
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WoW doesn't need holidays to hit full server load, they just need primetime.

It's sunday now, servers should explode but they don't.


Well, they ruined SWTOR with bad decisions.

The first one was to use crappy engines instead of already proven ones, like the unreal engine.


The second one is to ignore what users report about combat and fps lag. Beta testers warned them, months ago. And I can't see any kind of effort to fix the most important probles of this game: combat+fps, then AA+HD textures.


The 3rd one is the lack of support. Still no one can help me to remove my security token.

Support told me to watch patchnotes...lol. Since I sold my Ipad, there is no ingame login for me. Who cares...



I agree.

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