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What is this perfect MMO everyone is so fond of?


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The perfect MMO is old SWG community, crafting and class-system, with RIFT role-system in LOTRO-setting with Skyrim graphics on Entropia Universe real currency and all player on one server (actually massive online game), oh yeah, and with SWTOR voice acting.
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PRE-NGE SWG ... the class freedom was awesome ... crafting was tight and paid big dividends to players who took the time to truely master their craft. The social aspects of the game I have yet to find a better MMO. The massive PvP over player owned bases was bad *** ... Player bounties (once they worked right) were awesome ... pets kicked *** ... macro system has yet to be beaten ... the only thing that I disliked about the game just before the NGE was the village ... Alpha classes should have remained rare. Edited by Xylos
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Whatever MMO is about to release next.


This is before many of your time, but the text-based Dragonrealms back in the mid-90s was AWESOME.


Yes! And before DR there was Gemstone. That one started back in dial-up days when you had to pay by the hour.

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Hands down Star Wars Galaxies. There is no other game that compare unless you love simple theme park games like WoW. Then those are all the same pretty much. This one included. Eve online is also good in it's own way. For mass appeal and simpleton game play , it is WoW hands down.
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No brainer here SWG Pre Cu, i have yet to find anything with as much depth. It had something for everyone. Really liked being able to build your own city, have a factional city, pvp battles were awesome. Free exploration of worlds and bunkers for the most part. The depth of and variety of classes, still nothing for was as fun as SWG. Played for from start till NGE and then I even played the Emu version.


Im already finding it hard to keep myself going with this one and I loved the orig KOTORs


Just my OPINION which is what the poster asked so please dont start trolling

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The original UO, pre-split was probably the "best" MMO ever. No leveling grind, no quests, just an open world you could play in. Full open world PvP, when you died, your corpse was totally lootable by anyone who came along. You pretty much could do anything you wanted and it was the Wild West all over again.


It was also a world I would never, ever want to go back to.

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Ultima Online by far. One of the originals is still one of the best. Pre 2nd Age of course. This is the only MMO that has got my hands shaking while playing! The fear of losing the items on your body brought a sense of realism that all others after it never had. The ability to buy and customize your own home. The ability to steal from others in town and to be chased by a mob of players for it? If your were good or lucky enough could away with it! That was true PVP. The PVP now days are for girls. No offence ladies. ;) That game was ruined by a bunch of whiners. Games now are a bit carebear for me to be honest. And I was never a PK. Our guild was Anti PK. We hunted PKs. And hunted them well! >:)


Give me an MMO like that. With updated graphics and I would leave SWTOR tomorrow. But for now I'm having fun here. Just not the same. And I've played almost all of them from 1996?



I would have to agree Ultima Online was just plain awesome when it came out. Second best I would have to give to Eve Online and not because I played it but because it allowed a guy to form one of the most successful Bank Corporations in the game worth over thousands of real world dollars. Then said guy logged on one day and ROBBED it blind, used the money to purchase the most powerful ship he could, put a huge bounty on his own head and rode off into the great unknown DARING people to come after him...



That right there is just the pinnacle of awesome in my book, and being a complete jerk

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I think the best one for people is the very first one he/she played a lot of. For me, it was EQ1, as I did not like UO, and EQ1 was a horrible game. Downtime was beyond stupid. I spent 60 minutes trying to get from BB to Freeport by boat close to release. Meditating meant you could only see your spellbook. Leveling was done by grinding. It could get away with all this because it only had UO and AC1 to compete with.


I had a love/hate relationship with it the whole time that I played it, and I was more than happy to move on to DAoC when it arrived.

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DAoC, real pvp, no push backs on spell casting if you were hit you were interupted period, kiting was a must, and probably the most active world pvp i've seen.


Still loving this game though, definately has met my expectations so far. Just fix the UI pls.

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First MMO... the text based Gemstone by Simutronics. I loved playing a rogue, having to buy lockpicks, pick locks for experience and cash, ambushing mobs, removing traps off of other players boxes for cash, stealing from other players boxes when they weren't looking...


I've been looking for a similar graphical game ever since, still haven't found it.


My first attempt was Dark Age of Camelot (and my first introduction to pvp/rvr yep got me hooked)


Never played EQ, sometimes think I should have.


Played just about every other MMO out there, but settled in for the long term on WoW upon release, City of Heroes/Villans and Warhammer.


Warhammer was a disappointment, so much potential. COH has a wonderful community where you can just log in and boom get a group and have fun.


WoW I got a lot of bang for my buck, just got burned out on the raiding/pvp/grind to the next level and requip.


I like the mix so for in SWTOR, it's just the launcher giving me hissy fits between patches.

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Ultima Online by far. One of the originals is still one of the best. Pre 2nd Age of course. This is the only MMO that has got my hands shaking while playing! The fear of losing the items on your body brought a sense of realism that all others after it never had. The ability to buy and customize your own home. The ability to steal from others in town and to be chased by a mob of players for it? If your were good or lucky enough could away with it! That was true PVP. The PVP now days are for girls. No offence ladies. ;) That game was ruined by a bunch of whiners. Games now are a bit carebear for me to be honest. And I was never a PK. Our guild was Anti PK. We hunted PKs. And hunted them well! >:)


Give me an MMO like that. With updated graphics and I would leave SWTOR tomorrow. But for now I'm having fun here. Just not the same. And I've played almost all of them from 1996?


And now I miss UO again. :(


But to stay on topic: no MMO has ever been "perfect" for me. I loved UO, but it was my first MMO.. Played it for 6-7 years. Still, I've played a variety of MMO's through the years, too many to name. I even stuck with WoW until the end of BC. I thoroughly enjoyed vanilla, after that.. it got more boring by the day.


Every MMO has something. Like a poster earlier said, the storyline in TOR. The housing/crafting/PVP of UO. (and for me.. community. Less mainstream was better IMHO. Or maybe I'm just looking back through rose-coloured glasses..) I liked the way combat was handled in AoC. The idea of fortress PvP..


Well, seems the missus brought hot coco.. time to reminisce some more. :p

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There honestly is zero perfect MMO imo. I've had fun with several, but almost all had some serious issues that inevitably forced me to quit.


I enjoyed GW PvP (seriously, some of the MOST fun PvP in the early days, staying up til the wee hours to hold off the Euro/Asian forces).


I enjoyed WARO PvP at release (then it went to **** once the balance went terrible, plus performance was awful), and it had one of my favorite classes of ALL time (Witch Hunter)


I enjoyed WoW in the early days (absolutely LOVED some of my experiences when I first started up roughly 2-3 months after launch, great times), and I also REALLY loved BC (awesome art styles, best next to Cata; plus the raids/dungeons were great/well designed)


I enjoyed LOTRO to some extent, liked the lore aspects, but lots of issues (haven't tried it since it went F2P, have heard good things though)


I have some good memories of EQ, but honestly I was a little too immature when I started it to grasp what I fully needed to do (was more interested in just wandering around, was horrible in dungeons/raids lol)


edit: forgot DAoC, probably my fondest memories are from this game; but the server pop died down and I moved on. Although, I heard recently from some friends who still play it occasionally that people have started to pick it up again (still pretty dead though)

Edited by LeSamourai
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Wow is the greatest MMO achivement ever made. SWTOR is but a pile of filth if you compare them!


WoW was a steam pile of crap that I couldnt uninstall fast enough. Any game that is compared to WoW is doing that new game a disservice.

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SWTOR was a steam pile of crap that I couldnt uninstall fast enough. Any game that is compared to SWTOR is doing that new game a disservice.


Fixed it for you.

Btw. GW2 > WoW > tibia > runescape > second life > minesweeper > swtor

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Ultima Online will always be near and dear to my heart. With the height after the first expansion (Second Age).


SWG was also pretty cool prior to CU.


I was attached to my characters and had friends in real life and become close to new friends I met online and in guilds and such in both of those MMOs.


I like were DAOC and WoW were going as far as what they attempted to do, BUT I never felt truly attached to my characters the same way as UO and SWG.


Having a player run community and economy really added something to those games. You felt like you were a part of something big. AND like you really mattered to everyone else. EVEN your enemies.


In UO... I always played a "good guy" and fought against PKs... but the fact that a thief could pick your pocket anywhere... even trying it right near the bank... that was awesome. OR dying and seeing your body looted as you looked on as a ghost. SURE there was some agony in that, but I enjoyed it. It's what made the game so exciting.


I can't imagine today's typical MMO player playing in a game like that, where nothing on your person OR even in the safety of your own house was safe from thieves and crooks. There would be so much whining. But I enjoyed it.


Corp Por!

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Ultima Online will always be near and dear to my heart. With the height after the first expansion (Second Age).


SWG was also pretty cool prior to CU.


I was attached to my characters and had friends in real life and become close to new friends I met online and in guilds and such in both of those MMOs.


I like were DAOC and WoW were going as far as what they attempted to do, BUT I never felt truly attached to my characters the same way as UO and SWG.


Having a player run community and economy really added something to those games. You felt like you were a part of something big. AND like you really mattered to everyone else. EVEN your enemies.


In UO... I always played a "good guy" and fought against PKs... but the fact that a thief could pick your pocket anywhere... even trying it right near the bank... that was awesome. OR dying and seeing your body looted as you looked on as a ghost. SURE there was some agony in that, but I enjoyed it. It's what made the game so exciting.


I can't imagine today's typical MMO player playing in a game like that, where nothing on your person OR even in the safety of your own house was safe from thieves and crooks. There would be so much whining. But I enjoyed it.


Corp Por!


Corp Por! Just that make me miss UO so much! Archeage should be the closest to UO.

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