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To all the wow haters


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If you cannot understand or admit that WoW revolutionized and set new standards for the MMO genre then you are just in denial or not worth having an intelligent conversation with.


Sure, the game was and isn't perfect - no game is. But to call it a bad game and go to the extent of saying it destroyed the genre is just ridiculous. Don't bash a game that, arguably, made something like SW:TOR possible.


Before WoW, MMOs were consider a niche and a risky investment; a TINY market share not worth considering. WoW put MMOs on the map and proved to gaming companies, beyond any doubt, that well made MMOs are a legit business model. Without WoW do you really think EA would have poured over $200 million into this game's creation? Would we even have this game?


Further more, I get the argument for you old school gamers too. "WoW made MMOs casual and invited all the kids into the genre. F that game." You enjoyed losing experience when you died. You liked having to rez and run 10 mins back to your body. You liked having to camp out for 12 hours to find a certain rare mob. You loved having a 2 day straight raid vs an epic open world boss or city raid. But there's a harsh reality to this: If you miss these aspects of the MMO genre you are part of a miniscule minority. With WoW or not, this style would have died out as time went on. These features were removed from the genre as a whole because they WERE NOT FUN. Let's keep in mind, games are supposed to be fun, not a 2nd job. Keep telling yourself that the evil game companies just wanted to appeal to the casuals and the kids.


You don't have to praise WoW, but you also shouldn't hate on it like it's *********** E.T. for Atari.

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Good lord. Look, I just don't care.


I played WoW for 7 years, and I am playing TOR now because I like it better. WoW was fun while it lasted, but I stuck with it for far too long. People get uptight when people bring it up because sometimes it feels like the "WoW babies" are trying to bully BW into turning this game into WoW, rather than letting this game develop its own identity.


Yes, WoW popularized the genre. Yes, that can be construed as a positive or a negative thing. Yes, some comparisons are valid and useful. I'm just tired of hearing about it, that's all.

Edited by belialle
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If you cannot understand or admit that WoW revolutionized and set new standards for the MMO genre then you are just in denial or not worth having an intelligent conversation with.


Sure, the game was and isn't perfect - no game is. But to call it a bad game and go to the extent of saying it destroyed the genre is just ridiculous. Don't bash a game that, arguably, made something like SW:TOR possible.


Before WoW, MMOs were consider a niche and a risky investment; a TINY market share not worth considering. WoW put MMOs on the map and proved to gaming companies, beyond any doubt, that well made MMOs are a legit business model. Without WoW do you really think EA would have poured over $200 million into this game's creation? Would we even have this game?


Further more, I get the argument for you old school gamers too. "WoW made MMOs casual and invited all the kids into the genre. F that game." You enjoyed losing experience when you died. You liked having to rez and run 10 mins back to your body. You liked having to camp out for 12 hours to find a certain rare mob. You loved having a 2 day straight raid vs an epic open world boss or city raid. But there's a harsh reality to this: If you miss these aspects of the MMO genre you are part of a miniscule minority. With WoW or not, this style would have died out as time went on. These features were removed from the genre as a whole because they WERE NOT FUN. Let's keep in mind, games are supposed to be fun, not a 2nd job. Keep telling yourself that the evil game companies just wanted to appeal to the casuals and the kids.


You don't have to praise WoW, but you also shouldn't hate on it like it's *********** E.T. for Atari.


Correction.. WoW was amazing and ground breaking.. then they slowly destroyed their OWN game..


GG Blizz you killed a legend..



BTW this isnt the WoW forums.. go post this crap over there..

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Sorry but you are absolutely incorrect


Dont get me wrong vaniall wow was fantastic, I played it and I loved it, but if you honestly believe that the quality of games that have been released starting with eq2 and wow are better then the the older games you are just sadly misled


Revolutionaized thats a laugh. One thing I can give them credit for and that is their pvp, which was pretty new when I played it. Other that that they did absolutely nothing to advance the genre.


They showed companies how to pander to the now generation and if you are actually implying that they revolutionized the way to make money in an mmo then I will have to agree, but they completely and utterly destroyed the genre

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I loved WoW. It's still not a terrible game. It's just dated. There's nothing revolutionary about the game other than it mainstreamed MMO's like you said. It's taken things from other games and had some good execution, but it's not like they really went out on a ledge with anything. This thread is worthless.
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Not many SWTOR players are trashing WoW, most of us understand the points you have made and can give an appropriate tip of the hat.


What many former players of WoW don't like is the direction the game has taken with Cataclysm and where it will be going with the next expansion. The game has gone from a challenging MMO that required cooperation to... I don't know what. Some free-for-all instant gratification loot pinata bowing to the trends of the Pokemon generation?


Really, it's looking bad. And it's looking like that because Blizzard is trying to open the game to a wider player base. that's their decision to make, and it will probably be profitable for them. I wish them the best.


What many current players of SWTOR really dislike is the WoW Fanboi's coming over to this game, giving it a half-assed chance and then spouting their ranting hatred all over the general forums. It really needs to stop. It's one thing to have an opinion, but alot of these people are crossing the line with lies, attacks and spam.

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yes wow did a lot of great things for this industry. wow also did alot of bad things for this industry.


things like cross server dungeon finders and raid finders. gearscore. threat and dps meters. rampant addons that allow people to send you keyloggers and viruses.


but the main thing wow did that was bad for this industry was making a game so mindnumbingly easy. too many games feel they have to do this to compete. wow isnt a game anymore, there is no challenge to it whatsoever. you have addons that tell you everything to do, they restricted gameplay to just two or three buttons with cata and the way it looks next xpac you will just need to hit one button over and over (slight exaggeration but not by much). im sure in two more years wow will be log in, put virtual coin in virtual slot machine, get purple. two years after that it will be log in get purple. two years after that they will be giving you purples even when you dont play the game and are not logged in, somewhere in that time frame they are just gonna start you at max level because well leveling isnt important in their game, why do it.


things wow did right---- polished gameplay, character animations match with cast times, quest based gameplay and not just grind monsters for exp all day. allowed people to play while solo instead of having to group up for every single thing. go kill ten rats in everquest you had to find a group because those were some scary rats that would kill you.

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If you cannot understand or admit that WoW revolutionized and set new standards for the MMO genre then you are just in denial or not worth having an intelligent conversation with.



That's pretty funny dude. You used WoW and "intelligent" in the same sentence. You should go back to WoW where someone probably likes you.

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Its important to recognize that WoW (in its initial incarnation), brought almost nothing new to the table. Nothing new under the sun.


That said, it is indeed an excellent standard by which all themepark MMOs should be compared.


People who say SWTOR is radically different from WoW simply have not played that many MMOs it would seem.


-Trinity based class roles

-Target enemies to attack them

-Selectable "abilities"

-Gear is worn in slots

-Gear can be damaged

-Level has a static upper limit

-Buy new skills at level ups

-Allocate a finite number of skill points

-Fast travel (taxis/shuttle)

-Instanced dungeon crawls


Now, its important for me to note that its not a bad thing that these are shared. But it is meaningful to recognize that these things are not necessarily staples of the MMO genre. Things can be done differently.

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If you cannot understand or admit that WoW revolutionized and set new standards for the MMO genre then you are just in denial or not worth having an intelligent conversation with.


If you can't understand that WoW is full of people who would shame a lobotomy clinic in their ability to rationalize or intellectualize anything, and that any value in the game has been ruined, and that now they are introducing pandas and servers are full of ninja-looting sociopaths, and that we are SICK of having you compare it to TOR, then you are in denial or not worth having an intelligent conversation with.


This isn't the WoW forums. Those are reddish-brown. These are blue. Kthxbye.



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Bring it on self professed WoW hater right here. WoW has utterly stagnated the genre from the day it was released and killed any competition in the market.


No game can exist in peace as long as WoW lives.


Don't blame WoW for having it's competitors copy everything it did (SWTOR does it to BTW)

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