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Rank the best damage class in PvP


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The mechanics of debate:


1. Present Argument

2. Listen to Counter Argument

3. If Argument crushes counter argument on all logical and rational points... counter-argument will resort to name calling and smear tactics. Hopefully through smoke, mirrors, and other deflection techniques original argument will become buried and forgotten.


Congratulations Scelerant... you are successfully working on Step #3.


Yet you still aren't addressing non-linear regen and other utility. If the burst is toned down, what would be the advantage of bringing a Concealment Op?

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thirsty, showing fluff aoe dmg from a sorc is laughable. the reality is this, if the most popular jedi/sith classes rolled at launch had the dmg output capabilities of ops/scoundrels... 75% of subscriptions to this game would have been lost in the first month.




Pretty much sums it up- I'm seeing more Ops/scoundrels rolling into the world over the last week....like, a ton of them.


....Wonder why, hmmmm

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I think snipers have amazing burst (I play one) but I've been hit pretty hard by sorcs/ops.


My damage isn't consistent and is most effective when my cooldowns are ready of course, problem is sorcs like to AOE a lot and break my CCs so the guy I'm trying to burst down continues trying to maul me.


But I have a field day when I'm being ignored (which is often).

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Exceptional players seem to do the most damage is what I'm reading, with any dps class.


But people seemed most p-offed by scoundrel/ops for whatever reason.


I think thats your answer.


This is the simple truth of the matter.

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1. Op/Scound' - without a doubt the highest damage output in the shortest space of time, anyone with half a brain can stop them though so thats not a problem


2. Sorc with a very close second, but would put these first as being the games overall most powerful class in pvp due to insane survivability, CC's and very high sustained damage


3. Powertech's played properly


4. Merc's left alone


5. rest are similar - sniper would be up there if cover was needed less, anyone who plays MMO's for PVP can pretty much stop a sniper/GS from doing any burst or high hits (maybe one snipe/charged burst from the snap shot talent and a quick followthrough)

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There is a difference between doing the most damage and being the most 'op' guys. That difference is being able to 3 or 4 shot burst a person down, vs having high damage output due to aoe effects (chain lightning in the case of a sorc).
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No I don't play a sorc/sage.


When i see someone post that these classes are the most OP, I immediately know the player making the claim is complete garbage.


in your attempt to disparage me, your rankings have betrayed you and identified you for newb #1,923,488 that sees spam purple lightning and thinks its over powered. it is true, when 3/4ths of the wz opponents are sorcs/sages your primary killer will be that class... but this is a function of more ppl rollilng this class than any other due to the lore of the jedi/sith lightsaber archetype.


When you are able to look at actual class abilities, dmg from those abilities, and utility of the class, then and only then can you make a valid argument for a class being overpowered.



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Mursie are you trying to say sorc/sage won't be nerfed? Cuz they will, and it's because it's overpowered.


I'm trying to say this.. on a spectrum of 1 to 10 with 1 being super overpowered you have:


1. ops/scoundrels















































































30. everyone else



how you delineate everyone else is really moot when compared to #1. can there be classes in #30 that are better than others, sure... but the disparity level is at least within earshot.

Edited by Mursie
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1. Operative/ Scoundrel


2. Powertech




powertech does a bunch load more damage than commando so not worth adding that.


third place would be inquisitor (yet another class outpreforming its mirror on republic side..coincidence ? ..my tinfoil hat says no)

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Most of the arguments are subjective and have no data testing points to show true comparisons. If you guys really want to know what classes are best damage dealers you need to have the same level characters, same gear ratings, equally skilled players on single target only. But most important of all, the duration and type of games make a big difference , because games like voidstar, everyone is clumped together, so you can literally be dealing dmg the entire game, whereas Alderaan and hutball, there is significant travel time involved before you can begin shooting down enemies, these are all factors in dmg at the end of matches, also, good healers keeping you alive also play into the equation because if you are not respawning you can just keep a constant stream of "oh sh** i'm dieing" going. AOE dmg doesn't fly when comparing PvP dmg, only PvE. I see a lot of people talk about scoundrel and operative, I personally roll a Gunslinger and I am usually top in damage, I'm level 45 and have hit 320k dmg on mulitple occasions with good healers on my side. The only people I've seen in the higher 400k and 500k are the better geared 50's. All these arguments are so very subjective and not worth ranting getting butt-hurt :eek: over. Please take these things into consideration before whining/claiming you are anything special.
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You're just mad, you'll be nerfed and there aint a damn thing you can do about it, and you know it.


Want to start the count down until the class your playing gets nerfed? lmao. Geez its the release of this game there still going to be lots of balancing going on for months and years that wont ever end.

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powertech does a bunch load more damage than commando so not worth adding that.


third place would be inquisitor (yet another class outpreforming its mirror on republic side..coincidence ? ..my tinfoil hat says no)


Powertech is Vanguard's mirror...Merc is Commando's mirror.

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Dinging level 10 as a Merc Bounty hunter I finished my FIRST game played with over 239k Damage done.


without tracer missle even..


Now level 26 my BH continues to get first place every single game, Most kills done, Most killing blows, LEAST deaths.. sometimes 0 deaths. My record was 290k total damage done in a game and I average around 270k. Usually the second place person below me is always around 50+k gap below me sometimes never breaking 200k.




All this QQ'ing i see about Op's and scoundrels as well... I absolutely run TRAIN on Ops/Scoundrels with my Bounty hunter.. no contest.

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As it has been mentioned before, the two strongest classes in PvP are Operative/Scoundrels and Powertech/Vanguards by a large margin.


The people who disagree are either playing these classes, clueless or haven't seen good ones in action yet. Once these two ACs get geared they can achieve maximum faceroll.

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Being a Guardian speced for survivability I dont really have a good persepective. Having said like that I dont really feel like any 1 DPS class is all that much better than any other. The burst from Operatives isnt going to kill me by itself so I am not really that threatened by them.


From my perspective the people I recognize as good damagers arent really and specific class, which makes me think its more about the specific player than any class.


Without anything like a combat log its hard to have this conversation you have to go by the scoreboards and the highest damage I have seen is from a sage just under 700k. I have no idea if it was single target, AoE or what its kills were.


I am not going to try and rank the DPS, but most classes seem able to put out good damage once they are geared well and under the right circumstances. You have to understand everyone roles.


This thread just seems like the OP wants to cry about a specific class and is trying to disguise it as something else.

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As it has been mentioned before, the two strongest classes in PvP are Operative/Scoundrels and Powertech/Vanguards by a large margin.


The people who disagree are either playing these classes, clueless or haven't seen good ones in action yet. Once these two ACs get geared they can achieve maximum faceroll.




Guess I'm just better... Hate to use that logic? b/c it's a total Douchebag logic to use..


But I have a Merc BH, not even over level 30... and I destroy everyone. Snipers/gunslingers, and ops/scoundrels are Easy kills... first thing I do when I see an OPs/scoundrel moving around me in stealth is Dot them. or Timed Grenade them.


I also immediately use my stun to make them use their PvP trinket to break away, Then I do a Knockback or Knockback Punch to get distance, then Kite till death.


Easy kills.

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And you're on the "NERF ALL CLASS BUT MINE BRO" train.


People are just using bad examples to justify nerfs.


"Here is a screenshot from a Warzone of a dude doing a ****ton of damage! NERF NERF NERF!"


Whoopdy ****. I'l start taking screenies of people doing 500K or more damage in WZs then cry on the forums for a nerf. You PvP bads are such a *********** joke.


Holy ****... I got reading this ****tards posts and can't even believe how pathetic he must be. You're SO *********** BAD that you fail to acknowledge the obvious flaws in your own class? Sorry, not everyone else picked the faceroll class like you. It doesn't make you any better, it means you're that much worse that you can't be competitive with anything else.


TL;DR You're a complete joke, and an ****** to boot. Obvious baddie is obvious.

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Nah its just a blind and dumb statment, simply not the way the cookie crumbles.



My experience is:


1. Mercs and their counterpart has the highest dmg potential in warzones (i seen 600k a couple of times - but well geared mercs on my server usually deliver 300k+)


2. Sorc and their counterpart usually comes in here.


After these it gets a little fozzy.


I agree on that.

As a Jedi Sage, I often find myself top dps (top dmg) in warzones...

Mostly 'cos people let me free casting.


Bounty Hunters are a pain too if they're left alone, they hurt very damn much.

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