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Why do we need the Space Stations?


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But without all those nice space stations. how would they separate all the different classes into different hangars ....


What a bollocks concept. Why not just make one big hangar where everyone's ship is in and be done with it? You can't enter other peoples ships anyway.

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I find it odd that so many doorways are blocked with Big Enormous Thing You Must Run Around. What kind of sense does it make to block passage through a doorway like that? Is there something about this culture that hates moving in straight lines?


Blame it on insane architects, driven mad by dark side influence and Spice.

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I find it odd that so many doorways are blocked with Big Enormous Thing You Must Run Around. What kind of sense does it make to block passage through a doorway like that? Is there something about this culture that hates moving in straight lines?


Blame it on insane architects, driven mad by dark side influence and Spice.

That I know the answer to. It's for game graphic performance. They don't render the inside of a building until you are inside, and those doorways where you have to run around some central thingy server has zone separation.


Remember WoW cities... all have a similar entrance (big thing you have to run around, curved path, or elevator). For the same reason.

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The OP is right. Travel as a whole is quite painful. The reason for the travel being so cumbersome has nothing to do with immersion. Its for simple network and server load reasons. So much of the travel and instancing is borrowed from EQ2 yet nobody ever mentions this.


Traveling was fun for the first hour of the game. Then it becomes obnoxious.

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Oh, I know whyyyy it's there. But it doesn't have to be just a big lump of empty space line-of-sight blocker. Put in a vendor stall or two. Some plants. Art. A ticket window for the Wookie Peepshow. Automated speeder wash.


Just an irritant really.

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To those regarding Hoth, you also have to remember that you are also on that planet as well. BW didn't add a 24 hour timer (or whatever standard rotation day on the planet) because they wanted the art to have a certain feel to them at a certain time. So you're out there only during the day time, so your ship is gonna be out there only in the day time. It's assumed that you're only gonna be there for a few hours to help your respective faction win their war against the other and the pirates.


Plus, if you notice 2 of the pictures I posted in the OP, the planet is Hoth so it was clearly in there. If BW ever did add a night time, you can always add a port just big enough to hold our ship. Those hangers were big enough after all. Yea there's 2 but why not just phase one hanger and it would phase in their respective ship? If you're with a group, you can do the same setup you did with the "Same Class Story Phase" and either join your groupie's ship or create your own phase for your own ship.

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The space station for Hutta, Taris (for Imperial) or Quesh, is inconvenient for loading time, I agree.

The explanation is roleplay. You can not have a Spaceport on the planet itself if the planet doesn't belong to the faction. For example, Empire can not have a spaceport on Hutta, or Taris as it's not Imperial planets.


That's all.

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If this answer as to why we need all these extra hallways is "roleplay" than I want bathrooms in the game. I want an epic toothbrush and at least a few rare types of body wash for the shower. I want my toon to sometimes hit his funny bone and make dumb "ouch" noises for a few minutes. I want telemarketers to call me on my ship.


How far you going to take roleplay? I do see people on the space stations, they're running annoyed through it just like me. It's just another place people ignore each other.

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It's a really horrible design choice.


Fact: in the galaxy the shorter you travel the longer the time taken.


Time to cross galaxy: 1 second.

Time to cross space station: 1.5 minutes

Time to cross doorway: infinity


Timesink: cross 4 doorways to go anywhere.



You just melted physics.


I hope you're happy now.

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There is a couple reasons why they have the airlocks, shuttles, etc..


(These are just my guesses).



Immersion. They want to bring people into the game. Making it "seem" more realistic.



Slow down movement. If players could literally go from planet to planet within a few seconds, thats alot of loading for the servers, could be causing excessive load. The "timesinks", might help keep the server loads regulated. Remember, that although you are on ONE server. That server has many different parts to it (planets, zones, etc..).



Camouflages loading times. Instead of staring at a 30 second loading screen, they have you run through an airlock. So that 10 seconds or whatever to run through the airlock, might be knocking 10 seconds off the loading.


THese arent facts, just my guess, going off of how servers work.

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well how about some plane4ts dont have spaceports? you need to shuttle. If you dock in a space station, you need an airlock.


sorry, but if your just rush hush bunny hoppes maybe you should not have chosen a game from the top ROLEPLAYGAME (RPG) company on the planet.



Come on it's just what .... 10 seconds in your day ......... ??

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I mentioned this in beta and got a bunch of "It's only a few extra seconds you baby!" replies. Unfortunately, your average MMO gamer doesn't even realize that unnecessary wasting of time isn't good game design.


So you're actually a Game Design degree jury or what ?

Complaining for the sake of complaining ...

Edited by kineticdamage
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Airlocks are super important. You can not shove people out of airlocks without airlocks. It just does not make sense.


If you say shove people out an escape pod... well they have the nasty habit of escaping. That was the whole plot error of star wars a new hope allowing the rise of the goodys. If only it has been a airlock r2d2 had been shoved out of we'd still have imperial space.

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I so hoped to land at a New Hope like pad on Tatooine. but what do we get? A copy paste spaceport.

I love this game and I will continue to play for a long time.

But the spaceport design actually ruins a lot of immersion for me. Every time it is the same Hangar, the same Spaceport. I don't even know why there are 4 different Hangars. Yes, one for each class, but really, they look exactly the same. You can't even see a ship through the green field on Carrick Station. So why the hell 4 Hangars? One Instance would have been enough.

And when we talk about the space station we don't mean carrick Station. What we mean are the Docking Stations like on Tython, Ord Mantell, Korriban or Balmorra. They are a ridiculous 1,5 min timesink. Maybe they should show os some difference to the space port, but in fact, they just annoy moist people.

Sadly there will not be anything done to this in the near future. Endgame has a way higher priority.

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I think there is too much running as well. However, I believe it is necessary and I'm glad they have some of the tunnels so I can pop off my ship, check my mail, sell/repair, and then hop back on my ship.


Plus it adds a little fanfare to the game. maybe realism doesn't belong in a SciFi MMO?

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- Why are there taxis ? Why don't you teleport me instantly ?

- Why are there several quest hubs ?? Why don't you centralize all into one ?



- Can you help me chew my cornflakes please ? I find chewing too tedious.

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sorry, but if your just rush hush bunny hoppes maybe you should not have chosen a game from the top ROLEPLAYGAME (RPG) company on the planet.


Yes! We should have to wait an hour or so for pre-flight checks before take-off, because, you know, something might go wrong and BOOM! "Woops! I knew I should have fixed the broken seal on that airlock!" And we should have to deal with customs officials for who knows how long each time we land on a different planet ("Has your wookie had his shots?") and there should be various other delays involved with space travel, like, say, if Corso was trying to make coffee one morning on the ship and instead short-circuited the hyperdrive and then you had to repair it and maybe even use an escape pod to get to a planet to buy a new (or refurbished) part and/or coffee maker. That would offer HOURS and HOURS of cool ROLEPLAYING FUN! "Hand me that spanner. Thanks. No, the other one. That's it."


Also, what's this nonsense about getting 'killed' and then just jumping up and carrying on like nothing happened! How silly! And un-RPG-ish! We should have to spend WEEKS in traction or something. But no, people gotta be all wham bam in a hurry.

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