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Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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This along with the person you quote.


World of Warcraft has 10 unique classes at the moment along with a dual spec system. If what you're arguing is true then their whole "class based" structure should have collapsed by now, but it hasn't. The classes still retain a unique identity through abilities and aesthetics.

Edited by HoneyBoy
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People, quit your damned whining for opposing dual specing. Dual specing has NOTHING to do with making the game easier, so get off it. It makes the game more ACCESSIBLE. If you don't want to respec, then don't, you can go reroll if that makes you happy. Give the option though for those that want to level as dps, but do flashpoints as a non-over saturated spec.


Right now, on the realm I play that is labeled Very Full in population, it is extremely difficult to find a healer to do flashpoints. There just aren't that many players that are speced as healer. If dual specing were implamented, it would make the game more accessible for players to group up and do flashpoints.


Bottom line, if you're against dual specing and you rant and rave on the forums how horrible of an idea it is because of the fact that it may make the game too easy, then just don't dual spec if they implement it.

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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


Being able to create 1 char that can fill 3 rolls on the fly is not only "to easy" ... its also just plain unrealistic (yes.. i said it.. unrealistic in a fantasy game!!)


But hey.. it'll probably be implemented cause there are more people wanting easy-play then there are people that want a challenge


Nothing wrong with offering dual spec especially for those that really enjoy both PvE and PvP. Doesn't mean they want your idiotic comment relating to easy play. Just means they would prefer to have a build that works best for bother genres.


How the **** leveling up a toon for both somehow equals being challenging is simply a mindnumbing statement as well.

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Ah, this argument is a no-go.


Eventually Bioware will implement dual-spec, and all DPS-whores will threaten to rage quit since dual-spec is game breaker. L-O-effin-L.


There is however a reasonable solution not to abuse switch every time:


Add a freaking cooldown on changing skill. So I can change to other spec every 1 || 3 || 6 hours. Have you thought of that?


So basically you would have one switch-skill per spec (so two skills). First I am in DPS spec, and got invite for flashpoint. I change to Tank. Then skill starts its cooldown. So I can return to DPS at any time, weather its after 5 mins or 3 hours, DPS switch skill is not on cd. But, in order to go Tank again, I need to wait for cooldown to finish.


Now, how long the cooldown could be is discussable.

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Look, regardless of whether you like the idea of dual-spec or not, the practical, in-game effect is this:




Dual spec is *primarily* an issue that affects healers and tanks.


While there are some healers/tanks that are willing to stick with their one spec all the time, there are a lot of people that are annoyed by it.


As such, a lot of potential healers and tanks will stay DPS while leveling, and won't be available for healing/tanking.

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Dont forget the ability to play with friends.


I have 2 fried groups. RL friends that play in an other guild, and my guildriends that comes from the old guild from Rift that started to play SWToR.


Normally your guild needs you as dps, tank or healer, now if you want to play with your RL friends you often then not have specs that does not suit eachother. Some of the events, heroics, flashopoints at 50 requires you to have propper setup in the group.

Having dual-spec makes you able to play with your friends.


But I guess the extremenists and fanboys just will say, drop your old friends and just play with your RL friends then.

Any player who has friends now that it is not an solution to think about.

Edited by Mamono
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Look, regardless of whether you like the idea of dual-spec or not, the practical, in-game effect is this:




Dual spec is *primarily* an issue that affects healers and tanks.


While there are some healers/tanks that are willing to stick with their one spec all the time, there are a lot of people that are annoyed by it.


As such, a lot of potential healers and tanks will stay DPS while leveling, and won't be available for healing/tanking.


That is because all they want to do is blow through the content as fast as they can and don't even care to actually experience the game. There is no problem in this game with leveling and doing missions as a healer/tank. If they want to just speed through content as a DPS and also be able to get into groups super fast as a healer/tank, then they should pay the price for doing so. Me, I will be glad leveling as a healer.

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Dont forget the ability to play with friends.


I have 2 fried groups. RL friends that play in an other guild, and my guildriends that comes from the old guild from Rift that started to play SWToR.


Normally your guild needs you as dps, tank or healer, now if you want to play with your RL friends you often then not have specs that does not suit eachother. Some of the events, heroics, flashopoints at 50 requires you to have propper setup in the group.

Having dual-spec makes you able to play with your friends.


But I guess the extremenists and fanboys just will say, drop your old friends and just play with your RL friends then.

Any player who has friends now that it is not an solution to think about.


This was my argument too. We're not dropping friend 4, for healer 1. We'll wait for friend 4 to go find the vendor, spend his credits, fix his talent tree, and wait it out. Would just be easier if they allowed dual spec. Nothing changes except the time and energy it takes to make the trip to the re-spec vendor. Whether they implement this or not, people have, are, and will continue to swap up.


And as an L30 character, I'd like to try many talent derivatives as I learn my class. Is it wrong to want to fully understand your classes capabilities as you decide on a final role? Should it be punitive to learn that as you level?

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I have leveled as a tank (currently 40), sure it is a little slower but I intend to play a tank endgame and therefore want to know how to play my class properly...now when I hit 50 I will not suck as a tank. How would you know how to play as a tank if you spent the whole leveling process as dps?


Also, If they implement dual spec it's kind of a kick in the *** to the people who chose tank or heals and suffered through the slower leveling...


All this being said I really don't care either way and will likely have 2 specs if they implement it.

Edited by droopaloop
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I have leveled as a tank (currently 40), sure it is a little slower but I intend to play a tank endgame and therefore want to know how to play my class properly...now when I hit 50 I will not suck as a tank. How would you know how to play as a tank if you spent the whole leveling process as dps?


Also, If they implement dual spec it's kind of a kick in the *** to the people who chose tank or heals and suffered through the slower leveling...


Who sais people will suck at tanking because of dual-spec? That is pure lie and ********.

Dual-spec makes people LEARN how the class works outside the little bubble you belive is "truth and only way to play".

Dual-spec has never made people play bad. The problem is, no matter dual-spec or no dual-spec, is players who turn to tanking or healing spec at max LvL to get fast into an flashpoint.


Because you have to LvL up slowly and painfully now, the rest of the world have to go **** them self and hope to die? Is that what you say? Because you roled tank now, no one ells in the whol *********** world and in no future my be able to LvL faster then you?

Because you had to LvL up painfully and slow, this game will never ever implant dual-spec?


Let me tell you one thing. You are wrong. Dual-spec ARE alredy on its way. It just IMO it should have been here from the start of the release.


Now please rage quit the game and go crying in a corner.

Edited by Mamono
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Who sais people will suck at tanking because of dual-spec? That is pure lie and ********.

Dual-spec makes people LEARN how the class works outside the little bubble you belive is "truth and only way to play".

Dual-spec has never made people play bad. The problem is, no matter dual-spec or no dual-spec, is players who turn to tanking or healing spec at max LvL to get fast into an flashpoint.


Because you have to LvL up slowly and painfully now, the rest of the world have to go **** them self and hope to die? Is that what you say? Because you roled tank now, no one ells in the whol *********** world and in no future my be able to LvL faster then you?

Because you had to LvL up painfully and slow, this game will never ever implant dual-spec?


Let me tell you one thing. You are wrong. Dual-spec ARE alredy on its way. It just IMO it should have been here from the start of the release.


Now please rage quit the game and go crying in a corner.


Hahahahaha I said I could care less if they implement this...I am having a blast and do not plan on quitting any time soon. It kinda sounds like you are nerd-raging. Take it easy, this is a VIDEO GAME nothing that happens or does not happen in this game matters in any way (unless you are a Bioware/EA employee).

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Look, regardless of whether you like the idea of dual-spec or not, the practical, in-game effect is this:




Dual spec is *primarily* an issue that affects healers and tanks.


While there are some healers/tanks that are willing to stick with their one spec all the time, there are a lot of people that are annoyed by it.


As such, a lot of potential healers and tanks will stay DPS while leveling, and won't be available for healing/tanking.


No, no it's about PVP not PVE!!!! :rolleyes:

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If they want to just speed through content as a DPS and also be able to get into groups super fast as a healer/tank, then they should pay the price for doing so.


"They should pay the price", eh? Like I said earlier, one side's arguments appear driven more by masochism than anything else.


Personally, I'm in favor of whatever is most likely to keep people playing and whatever makes it easier to form viable groups for hard-mode flashpoints & ops. I suspect "Dual-specs" is the right answer on both issues. I am certain that forcing everyone " to pay the price" of decisions they made weeks or even months of real time in the past is a recipe for fail, at least with a game that needs a million long-term subscribers to justify its development & license costs.

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Nope, I'm not racing to endgame, your understanding of the situation is very lacking.


Why is it so hard to understand that dual spec is a complete ba$stardization of the RPG system? Thats why it is unliked, and you'll need to start there before anything else. Dual spec would need A LOT of justification to be accepted by people, outside of the wow crowd that are calling for it primarily.


You're pretty far off-base. I think I got just far enough in WoW to get a mount then quit of boredom. I'm generally a sandbox gamer. But the only game I've ever played constantly for years was Freelancer.


I have no love for WoW. What I can appreciate though is logging on and doing things. I don't play games to stand around and spam local with LFG or LFM. I play them to log on and take part in the activities they have to offer.


If I am having to wait for prolonged periods of time to play the game there is a problem. I have limited free time unlike some people. I don't really care if it's a bastardization of some sacred system you remember oh so fondly and will violate all hold holy, and I don't give a damn what game it came from.


It solves the problem, it allows for more fun, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. So put it in the darn game. People are here because this game brings fun new elements to the MMO table. Not because we wan't a recreation of vanilla WoW like some people seem to want.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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That is because all they want to do is blow through the content as fast as they can and don't even care to actually experience the game. There is no problem in this game with leveling and doing missions as a healer/tank. If they want to just speed through content as a DPS and also be able to get into groups super fast as a healer/tank, then they should pay the price for doing so. Me, I will be glad leveling as a healer.


*you* might be happy to level as healer.

*I* might be happy to level as a healer (which, in fact I am).


However, a lot of people aren't.


So, regardless of whether you think it's good or bad, the net effect is that there are fewer healers and tanks because of it.

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*you* might be happy to level as healer.

*I* might be happy to level as a healer (which, in fact I am).


However, a lot of people aren't.


So, regardless of whether you think it's good or bad, the net effect is that there are fewer healers and tanks because of it.


Then why would you want those people to tank/heal for you when they obviously don't have a clue how to do it since they don't do it?


Would you like someone to drive your children's school bus simply because he can drive a car and drove a school bus once 10 years ago?

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Yup. I don't know about you but I play games to work hard instead of having fun. Challenge is fine. Artificial grind isn't. Having to level the same character twice is silly.


I personally love a challenge but it seems like a lot of people on these forums have a corrupted idea of what challenging is.


Good challenging in a game is brought on by difficult content. Smarter AI. More mobs. Tougher mobs. Dangerous environmental effects.


Good challenging is when you put your absolute best into a fight and you just barely come out ahead and then reap your generous rewards. Good challenge is when you die if you don't use all the abilities at your disposal and have a clear, well executed battle plan.


Bad challenge is when you are fighting with things like clunky UI, or major balance issues. Bad challenge is when your challenge lies not in how well you fight but how long you spam LFG. Bad challenge is when a game rewards you so heavily for grinding and twinking your gear that they are more important than your player skills.


A lack of a dual spec system will keep things more challenging for sure. Here is another great idea on how to make the game more challenging. Pop off half the keys on your keyboard and get an ancient, mostly unresponsive mouse. Then crack your screen and mute the games audio. Enjoy.

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Then why would you want those people to tank/heal for you when they obviously don't have a clue how to do it since they don't do it?


Would you like someone to drive your children's school bus simply because he can drive a car and drove a school bus once 10 years ago?


Yeah, I'll remember that next time our alt raid is out-progressing most main raids...

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Then why would you want those people to tank/heal for you when they obviously don't have a clue how to do it since they don't do it?


Would you like someone to drive your children's school bus simply because he can drive a car and drove a school bus once 10 years ago?


Because raid/flashpoint/heroic mission success is equivalent to the safety of your children.


Every time my party wipes I drop down to my knees and scream at the heavens begging to know why it couldn't have been a busload of children instead.


Generally a player that is highly skilled in any role tends to do at least decently in the others as they have a firm understanding of the game's mechanics and how to build characters / customize their UI.


Absolute newbs are generally not newbs because of their lack of understanding of the role, but of the game. Once you have mastered one area it becomes easier to master the rest.


So in short, no I don't have a problem letting someone switch specs to tank/heal for me if they are usually DPS or visa verse. I know I can heal exceptionally well, and I tend to do well when tanking, or DPSing as well. So if the player is crap the player is crap, as long as it isn't their first time filling that role EVER we should be fine. Better off with them then trying to do it with a companion because we can't find a player.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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Then why would you want those people to tank/heal for you when they obviously don't have a clue how to do it since they don't do it?


Would you like someone to drive your children's school bus simply because he can drive a car and drove a school bus once 10 years ago?


I think this is a terribly faulty argument.


Let's say it takes, oh, 120 hours /played to reach level 50.


So you think that I need 120 hours /played on each spec before I'm proficient?


Are you kidding?


The mechanics of this game are exactly the same as every other MMO that's been produced in the last two decades (WOW, Rift, Warhammer, etc...)


multiple ability bars, WASD+mouse movement, keybinds, DOTs, HOTs, AOEs, procs, energy / mana / etc resource to limit output, global cooldowns, attack rotations, fixed-sequence rotations, priority-based rotations, talent trees, etc.


I hate to break it to you, but this game is not a beautiful and unique snowflake.


Sure, it's got different graphics (lightsabers instead of swords) but the game mechanics are well-trodden territory.

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